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Student Sample A

Global warming is threatening all life on Earth. Some of the problems are appearing at our poles. With glaciers melting our sea levels are rapidly rising. Some of the major cities (Venice, Busan, Bangkok, San Francisco) located on the Coast are threatened by the rapidly increasing water levels. Some large scale problems could be the disappearance of entire countries. Warmer waters has sparked another problem in the ocean. The disappearance of Phyto plankton can demolish the food pyramid and oxygen. The food chain can be messed up without plankton leading to destroying the eco system. The oxygen levels on Earth is decreasing, affecting all living animals. Therefore the increasing problem of global warming will negatively affect all life.

Student Sample B
Melted ice from global warming is threatening ocean life. First, ice in Antarctica is losing its mass. The amount of water is increasing. It takes away land masses, and sea creatures are dying. It also impacts small islands, the high sea level can wash up the land. Secondly, the jellyfish are invading the Japan sea. The sea food chain is affected

significantly. Therefore, having the sea food chain affected, the population of fish is decreasing. It also affects the ecosystem, causing people in Japan to fail in fish business.

Student Sample C
Global warming significantly impacts both our land and sea environment. As global warming continues, the sea is taking a negative effect. Jellyfish are increasing faster by the oceans heated by global warming. This becomes a problem, as the Jellyfish consumes large amounts of fish, which shortens the food supply. People have almost no use of Jellyfish, which the increase of population will eliminate the values and basically fill it with junk. Global warming also strikes the Earths Atmosphere. By 2011, more than 25,000 daily heat records are broken, and deadly heatwave caused droughts. The global warming triggers the atmosphere with deadly heat to Earth. This deadly heat can also cause droughts, which gives us food and water shortage. As global warming drags people to live with jellyfish an heat that destroy the environment, everyone must realize these problems and notice that we must stop global warming at once.

Student Sample D
Global warming is currently causing negative changes in ocean life. The first evidence of the negative effects of global warming is the oceans acidity increases. As carbon dioxide is going through pollution, the ocean water aciditys increases. Due to the rise of the ocean waters acidity, animals that are necessary to the ecosystem will die. Furthermore, the death of these animals will affect other animals, making food chains collapse. The second negative effect of global warming is that coral reefs are disappearing. Coral reefs are disappearing due to the acidity rise of the ocean water. The corals are not only beautiful to watch but are important in housing marine life. In addition, the fact that the acidity of the sea is high enough to break down corals indicates the gravity of this issue. These factors are only the first worldwide change, and if nothing else is done, many more extreme changes will occur.

Student Sample E
Melted ice from global warming is threatening ocean life. Because of this, valuable resources are disappearing. According to the National Geographic, they say, Coral reefs are disappearing. Coral reefs are home to various types of fish all over the world. These fish, which are

a large food source for multiple animals, are dying off, unbalancing the food chain. This is not only affecting animals, they are also effecting humans. GOOD, which is a scientific program, says, Due to global warming, jellyfish are gathered on the coasts of Japan. Removing the jellyfish are costing numerous fishermen money, time, and their jobs. These jellyfish also poison fish that the fisherman catch, costing even more money and causing people to be sick. If global warming gets worse, it will create hardships for daily life and catastrophic consequences for the ecosystem.

Student Sample F
Global warming is threatening ocean life. This can be seen in the various theories surrounding what global warming could do, as seen in an article by Conservation International. Conservation International said that global warming is causing sea levels to rise which will kill off critical coasting habitats and cause slow growing species to die. Lots of animals, not only from the sea but also from the land, need these coastal habitats to survive. Also, the rising sea levels could wipe out entire species of slow-growing animals, causing extinction. Not only would the sea level rise, but the effects of global warming could also harm underwater communities. An article from

National Geographic said, Stronger storms from global warming could damage marine ecosystems like coral reefs. Many marine animals depend on these ecosystems for a safe habitat, so if this were to happen, numerous sea animals would lose their homes. Additionally, this poses a threat to sea life because the population of countless animals would be decreased. Therefore global warming needs to be brought to an end, or at least put off, in order to prevent these disasters from happening.

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