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Polar Bear is a big kind of bear typical for the Northern polar. The body length is 2,5 m.

Males weigh 400-700kg, females 300400 kg. They live up to 25 years (the record is 34 years). They are found in Greenland, on the northern coast of North America and Asia. In all of these countries they are protected and hunting is controlled. Currently lives 20 000 - 25 000 of these bears. Polar bears live mostly solitary. Most of the day they are looking for food, they are very agile, strong and nimble. They are also very strong swimmers. Their swimming speed is about 10 km/h. They can also dive under water and last up to two minutes. It feeds mainly by hunting and their most common prey is a seal. They kill seals with one mighty blow to the head. During summer months they eat even different kinds of berries. In November and December, when polar bears dig in the snow to make their own den, the female gives birth to usually 2 cubs. Baby bear cubs are born naked, blind and deaf. They weigh about 450900 grams, their size resembles rat. Interesting Polar bear can swim up to 100 km without stopping. Currently Zoo Brno and Zoo Praha are taking care of Polar Bears. Both of these Zoos are famous for successful breeding of a polar bear.

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