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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dory Fillet in Lemon butter sauce

Ingredients: Dory Fish fillets 2 tbsp butter 2 tbsp Olive oil 1 small lemon Salt and pepper Directions: * Put butter on a large non-stick frying pan and heat over medium heat !hen the butter melts" add the oil #ut the lemon into $uarters" and s$uee%e the &uice from each $uarter into the frying pan 'i( lemon &uice" butter and oil )ith a spatula * *dd the fish to the frying pan" and increase the heat to medium-high #ook the fish for + minutes" then turn over )ith a spatula and cook on the other side for + minutes or until cooked through * Put the cooked fish on a plate Sprinkle )ith salt and pepper to taste Pour the lemon-butter sauce from the pan over the fish en&oy )ith mashed potato and fresh salad

Fish with lemon butter sauce

By Suzanne Gibbs Serving size: Serves 4 Cuisine type: Modern Australian Cooking time: Less than 30 minutes Special options: Heart friendly, Kid friendly, Lo Course: Lun"h, Main Favourite flavours: #asy re"i$es, Seafood

!arb, Lo


Loo%in& for ays to eat more fish' (his re"i$e is su$er )ui"% and easy to ma%e* +,G-#.+#,(S

4 /ohn .ory fillets 0 "u$ 132&3 $lain flour, seasoned 40& butter 5ui"e of 6 lemon 7 tables$oons finely "ho$$ed $arsley steamed $otatoes, steamed &reen beans, to serve

kJ 1200, fat 1 g, sat fat !g"


9* :at fish fillets dry ith $a$er to el and dust ith seasoned flour, sha%in& off any e;"ess* 7* Melt half of butter in a lar&e fryin& $an on medium heat* <hen startin& to sizzle, add fish fillets and "oo% for 7 minutes ea"h side, until tender and &olden* -emove to arm $lates* 3* Add remainin& butter and lemon 5ui"e to $an, in"rease heat to hi&h and stir for 9 minute, until ell "ombined* Stir throu&h $arsley* Serve fish ith steamed $otatoes and &reen beans and s$oon over sau"e*

Ti#: t$is is a classic fis$ la meuniere" Take care not to burn t$e butter %$en you&re making t$e sauce ' cook it (ust enoug$ so it&s golden and tastes nutty"

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