Australia Political Timeline

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Australia Political Timeline 1901 The first Parliament is elected. Edmund Barton becomes Prime Minister.

. 1902 The Parliament passes the Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902, which allows women from all part of Australia to vote at federal elections. This does not include the aboriginal natives, except from the New Zealand. 1906 At the Australians first vote, voters agree to change the Constitution to allow simultaneous elections for the House of Representatives and the Senate. 1911 Federal Parliament replaces the Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902 into the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1911, which makes it compulsory for all Australians to vote on the electoral roll. 1925 Compulsory voting was used for the first time and all Australian suitable to vote are required to be on the electoral roll and to vote in the election. 1934 Western Australia tries to separate from Australia but the request to the King and the British Parliament are unsuccessful. 1959 The Parliament was televised for the first time when the opening of the Parliament is broadcast. 2010 Julia Gillard becomes the first female prime minister. 2010 The federal election results in the first hung Parliament in Australia in 70 years. After 17 days of consideration following the election, four Independent and minor party members decide to support the Labor Party, allowing it to form a minority government.

Bibliography: "Parliamentary Education Office, Commonwealth Parliament of Australia." Closer Look: A Short History of Parliament; Students; PEO, Parliament of Australia. 10 Dec. 2013.

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