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Endangered Species Presentation (Notes) Dying quickly, but theres time to save them.

Endangered A species of plant or animal that is in immediate danger of becoming extinct and needs protection to survive. Ex/ Black Rhino of Africa, Gray wolves African Elephant: For their ivory tusks. Way of becoming endanger: ANIMALS. Habitat Loss: Ex/ tigers. Owls. Whooping Cranes. Illegal Killing/Invasives Population and Resources (competition) Pollution/Pesticides Climate Change Overexploitation Certain human activities are also the main problem facing the endangered for some marine organisms Ex/ manatee, or sea cow .DDT: Can cause animals to become sick, eggs becoming weaker. Threatened species that is endangered Not protected Extinct Organism not longer living. Endanger Plants: Cory Cactus Animals, and plants have a connection they depend mutualism to survived. This also includes Humans. Endangered Species Act: Passed in 1973, to proceed endangered species. More than 900 species of plants and animals in the U.S., and more than 530 species living in other parts of the world, are protected. Making illegal to import, export, or sell animals and plants on the list across state lines. Things to Help; Learn as much as you can about endangered species in your area Volunteer to help

Dont buy products made from threatened or endangered species, or illegal taken form the

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