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1. 2. 3. %. 5. 6. $. +. (. 1/. 11. 12.

Objective Methodology An ly!i! o" # t P&i' &y # t An ly!i! An ly!i! o" P c) ged Att *!e&! An ly!i! o" Ch c)i Att *!e&! An ly!i! o" ,o'e -lo.& Mill Att *!e&! Concl.!ion An ly!i! 0.gge!tion! 1.e!tionn i&e 2ibliog& 3hy

5 6. $. (. 15. 1+. 21. 22. 23 31. 32. 35.


4ndi h ! l5 y! been n tt& ctive ' &)et bec .!e o" it! !i6e7 !eve& l " cto&! h ve ".elled the 2ig g.n! enth.!i !' to ente& the "ood ind.!t&y no5. The develo3'ent! on the "o&eign di&ect inve!t'ent "&ont llo5ing co'3 nie! to o5n 1// 3e& cent in the "ood 3&oce!!ing !ecto&8 the &e'ov l o" the dividend b l ncing no&'!8 the &e!e&v tion o" !elect !eg'ent! in the "ood 3&oce!!ing !ecto&8 h ! ' de 3&e!ence in the 4ndi n ' &)et "e !ible 3&o3o!ition. The b !ic objective o" thi! 3&oject i! to h ve n in!ight o" the 2& nded Att 4nd.!t&y nd to !ee 5h t d&ive! the big g.n! in !.ch n ind.!t&y 5hich h ! gone .nt 33ed !ince ye &!. An tte'3t i! ' de to .nde&!t nd the con!.'e& 3&e"e&ence in !.ch vol.'e. 3&od.ct nd 5h t co'3 nie! c n do to get the de!i& ble ' &)et !h &e bec .!e the )ey he&e i!

Metho o!o"#: The !.&vey 5 ! cond.cted in M.'b i nd the &e!3ondent! 5e&e !elected c &e".lly !o th t the dive&!e o" the to5n 5o.ld hel3 .! to !t.dy the con!.'3tion o" tt by di""e&ent &eligion in di""e&ent "o&'!. S$%&!'(": J.dg'ent 0 '3ling 5 ! !elected "o& the 3.&3o!e o" ! '3ling. S$%&!e )'*e #.e to ti'e con!t& int the ! '3le !i6e 5 ! &e!t&icted to 15/ &e!3ondent! b.t dive&!e ! '3le 5 ! t &geted. Metho o+ Co!!e,t'o(: The 3&oject de' nded n e9ten!ive "i&!t h nd d t collection !o 3&i' &y d t 5 ! ' jo& !o.&ce o" in"o&' tion b.t even !econd &y d t th& &eli ble !o.&ce! 3l yed n i'3o&t nt 3 &t in the co'3letion o" the 3&oject Too!) +o- S.-/e#: A !t&.ct.&ed :.e!tionn i&e 5 ! d'ini!te&ed to collect d t !o th t it 5o.ld hel3 in getting the be!t in3.t! in the 3&oject nd "o&'.l te n !t& tegy b !ed on the d t b !e.


;hile 4ndi h ! l5 y! been n tt& ctive ' &)et bec .!e o" it! !i6e8 !eve& l " cto&! h ve ".elled the MNC<!= enth.!i !' to ente& the "ood ind.!t&y no5. 4N#4A i! one o" the 5o&ld=! l &ge!t "ood 3&od.ce&!8 yet b& nded "ood! cco.nt "o& n incon!e:.enti l 3&o3o&tion. A'ong the v &io.! "ood ind.!t&y !eg'ent!8 the l &ge!t i! 5he t. E!ti' te! o" the ind.!t&y=! !i6e v &y8 b.t it i! gene& lly 3.t t &o.nd R!. +/8/// c&o&e!. Thi! e!ti' te ' y be " & o"" the ' &)8 b.t the&e i! no di!3.ting the 4ndi n ' &)et=! v !tne!! "o& ' !!>con!.'3tion ite'! !.ch ! 5he t 3&od.ct!. Con!ide&ing the ind.!t&y=! !i6e nd lo5 b& nd 3enet& tion8 inte&n tion l gi nt! h ve !et thei& !ight! on the n !cent 4ndi n ' &)et "o& b& nded 5he t 3&od.ct! >> bi!!8 b&e d!8 3 c) ged tt Ob!t cle! !till e9i!t ,o5eve&8 to en!.&e ".ll>"ledged 3&e!ence8 co'3 nie! !till h ve to ove&co'e !t& tegy o" i'3o&t! i! g& d. l nd innov tion! !.ch ! ch 3 tti!.

ob!t cle!. One8 i'3o&t! &e .nvi ble in the long>&.n. 4ndi n "ood 3&od.ct! &e one o" the che 3e!t in the 5o&ld nd co'3eting 5ith the' b !ed on n .nvi ble 3&o3o!ition. The co!t o" l bo.& i! ve&y lo5 nd even 5ith &e' in o.t o" the ' &)et=! &e ch. The&e &e con!t& int! on h ving ' n." ct.&ing 3&e!ence ! 5ell. ;ith cont&ol !till high i'3o&t t &i"" &egi'e8 it 5o.ld

decline in c.!to'! d.tie!7 i'3o&t! o" even the high>3&iced v &ietie! &e li)ely to

on & 5 ' te&i l!8 !.ch ! 5he t nd !.g &8 nd give ent&enched 3l ye&! n dv nt ge. A! "o& 3 c) ged tt 8 the ide o" 3 ying .&b n nd &.& l ' &)et!.

not be e !y "o& ' n." ct.&ing co'3 nie! to cont&ol co!t!. 2oth the!e " cto&! 33e & to

3&ice "o& hygiene h ! !till to !in) in the

4t! not cell 3hone! o& ?i g& th t !.&3&i!e 0.)hvi& 0ingh o" Roht ) 5hen he hold! "o&th on the ne5 5o&ld. @;ho eve& tho.ght 5e 5o.ld h ve n 'e! "o& o.& atta8@ he ! y!. 0ingh i! c !. l 5itne!! to !ilent b&.i!ing b& nd b ttle "o& the 'o!t t& dition l nd n .n)no5n ind.!t&y o" 4ndi n t !te!8 the "lo.&. 0 'e i! the c !e 5ith ll o" .! 5ho 5o.ld h ve eve& tho.ght th t 5e 5o.ld one d y !t &t con!.'ing b& nded tt 5o.ld tt& ct the biggie! nd llo5 ll o" the' to !h &e bite o" the 3ie. The de' nd e93lo!ion in 4ndi i! 3&edic ted on the !!.'3tion th t the c.!to'e& 'ind!et h ! to ch nge. Thi! 5ill h 33en only 5hen the 3&ice i! &ight. 4n the l !t "e5 ye &!8 c.!to'e&! 5o&ld5ide h ve " vo&ed v l.e>"o&>'oney o3tion!8 &e!.lting in notice ble decline in the 3&e'i.' co'' nded by b& nd!. The 4ndi n con!.'e& h ! l5 y! been 3&ice>con!cio.!. Ag in!t thi! b c)d&o38 3&icing i! the )ey i!!.e to be &e!olved by the!e co'3 nie!. Thi! 'e n! co'3 nie! h ve to inve!t'ent !.b!t nti lly to b!o&b the lo!!e! initi lly. And the e9tent o" the!e inve!t'ent!8 by both e!t bli!hed nd ne5 ent& nt!8 i! li)ely to !h 3e the ".t.&e o" the 4ndi n 5he t 3&od.ct! b.!ine!!. The do'e!tic b& nded tt ' &)et8 e!ti' ted t 358///>%/8/// tonne! 3e& 'onth8 i! c.&&ently g&o5ing by &o.nd 25 3e& cent nn. lly. The 3 c) ged nd b& nded !eg'ent i! l &gely do'in ted by '.ltin tion l!8 the&e &e l!o b& nd! !.ch ! 0h )tibhog8 A l 1il ;he t con!tit.te nd Ro!e. "e5 big do'e!tic

3&edo'in nt 3 &t o" !t 3le "ood in 4ndi . ,i!to&ic lly8 the&e h d

been no b& nding o" the!e ce&e l!. A "e5 3l ye&! h ve !t &ted 3 c) ging nd b& nding 5he t "lo.& nd ! lt in the l !t "e5 ye &!. the &el tive !h &e o" b& nded v!. .nb& nded ! le! i! c.&&ently 'in.!c.le8 the !hee& !i6e o" the ' &)et o""e&! t&e'endo.! o33o&t.nity "o& g&o5th.


The 3&i' &y d t collection i! one o" the ' jo& !o.&ce o" in"o&' tion in !.ch n ind.!t&y bec .!e o" dive&!e o" &e!3ondent!. The d t to b& nded tt . collected th& !t&.ct.&ed :.e!tionn i&e &e"lect! v &io.! " ct! &eg &ding con!.'e& beh vio& in &el tion

O.t o" the tot l ! '3le o" 15/ &e!3ondent! "&o' v &io.! loc tion! ll ove& the city nd belonging to di""e&ent co''.nitie! +/B o" &e!3ondent .!ed ch c)i tt 8 5B .!ed ho'e "loo& 'ill nd &e' ining 15B .!ed 3 c) ged tt .

15% 5%


P ac k aged A tta Hom e Floor M ill Chaki A tta

The d t &e"lect! th t 'ong the &e!3ondent! .!ing 3 c) ged tt Ann 3.&n led the & ce 5ith Pill!b.&y 5ith e:. l 3&e"e&ence o" 35B e ch 5he&e ! A !hi&5 d 8 0h )ti bhog8 N t.&e "&e!h nd !o'e othe&! li)e Ro!h n Att "inding thei& niche!.

Brand Preference

Annapurna Pillsbury Aashir ad Captain cook others

A gl nce co.3le o" ye &! go nd it cle &ly !ho5ed th t Pill!b.&y 5 ! n do'in nt 3l ye& b.t the dv nt ge o" co'ing "&o' the No 1 " 'ily o" -MCC h ! led the Ann 3.&n to do coo) lot o" c tching. #.e to it! !hee& !t&ength o" .nde&!t nding the ' &)et nd l&e dy e!t bli!hed di!t&ib.tion net5o&) h ! given Pill!b.&y nd C 3t in &.n "o& it! 'oney. 0 'e th&e t no5 e9i!t to othe&! bec .!e A !hi&5 d &el tive ne5 3l ye& co'e! 5ith !t&ong b c)ing o" 4TC.

Co().%&t'o( &$tte-( o+ $tt$: tt c n be con!.'ed in ny 5 y the&e"o&e the :.e!tionn i&e 5 ! de!igned to !t.dy the ove& ll ve& ge con!.'3tion o" tt 3e& 3e&!on 3e& 'onth. The ' in con!.'3tion o" tt 5 ! d.&ing the l.nch ho.&! nd 6/B o" the &e!3ondent! con!.'ed tt d.&ing l.nch8 25B occ !ion lly con!.'ed tt d.&ing l.nch ho.&! E &e' ining 15B neve& con!.'ed tt d.&ing l.nch. nd the ve& ge !tood t l'o!t 3 D )g

Consumption during lunch

15% Fre#uently "5% !0% $ccasionaly %e&er

6/B o" the &e!3ondent! con!.'ed tt "&e:.ently d.&ing dinne&! l!o &e"lecting the 3enet& tion o" the 3&od.ct in the 4ndi n ' &)et nd l!o 3&oving the " ct 5hy ll the biggie! &e eyeing thi! ind.!t&y. The con!.'3tion o" in b&e )" !t. tt d.&ing b&e )" !t !tood no'in l 5ith only 35B o" &e!3ondent! con!.'ing "&e:.ently8 15B occ !ion lly nd 5/B neve& con!.'ing tt



Thi! "inding i!

cl !!i"ic tion o" di""e&ent &e !on! given by &e!3ondent! "o& .!ing ' jo& th&e t to nyone eyeing the b& nded tt !eg'ent. The nd 5h t i! it

ch c)i tt 5hich i!

!.&vey &e"lect! the ' jo& 3e&ce3tion o" &e!3ondent &eg &ding ch c)i tt th t i! &e!t&icting b& nded tt "&o' 3enet& ting the ' &)et. SR.NO. 1 2 3 % 5 6 REASONS 1*AA4TF PR4CE TA0TE -RE0,NE00 ROAAA24A4TF CON?EN4ENCE

PERCEPTION ABOUT CHACKI ATTA ?ERF COO# ECONOM4CAA COO# EGTREMEAF COO# COO# COO# ve&y !t&ong 3e&ce3tion &eg &ding :. lity 3!ychologic l 3&oce!! 5he&ein he hi'!el"

A! the t ble &e"lect! ch c)i tt c &&ie! bec .!e he&e the con!.'e& goe! th&

!elect! the 5he t nd i! 'ent lly ! ti!"ied bec .!e thi! h ! been in hi! t& dition. The othe& ' jo& &e !on he&e i! the 3&ice. The con!.'e& in the 5hole ch c)i !y!te' h ! tho& cont&ol ove& 3&ice bec .!e de3ending on hi! "in nci l 3o!ition he !elect! the 5he t nd !o cont&ol! the 5hole 3&oce!! 5he&e ! thi! libe&ty i! not v il ble to hi' in b& nded tt . The othe& &e !on &e the "&e!hne!! nd the t !te. 4n the ch c)i !y!te' the 5hole cont&ol he&e i! in the h nd o" the con!.'e& bec .!e he h ! libe&ty o" going to the ch c)i 5heneve& he 5 nt! nd th.! cont&ol! the "&e!hne!! nd the t !te o" the tt b.t the gene& l 3e&ce3tion bo.t the 3 c) ged tt i! th t it i! long 3&oce!! o" ' n." ct.&ing nd di!t&ib.tion nd !o the "&e!hne!! o" the tt ' y be t &i!). Convenience nd &oll bility &e 'ong the othe& &e !on! given by &e!3ondent! in !.33o&t o" thei& .!ing ch c)i tt . ,ence the d t &eve l! th t it i! ve&y di"" to ch nge the 'ind!et o" the c.!to'e&! &eg &ding ch c)i tt .


The "inding! i! P c) ged tt cl !!i"ic tion o" the di""e&ent &e !on! given by con!.'e&! "o& .!ing nd thei& !.33o&t "o& di""e&ent :. litie!. The d t &e"lect! the v &io.!

3e&ce3tion! th t the 3 c) ged tt .!e&! c &&y.


SR.NO. 1 2 3 % 5 6



A! the d t &eve l! th t the 3 c) ged tt .!e! ' in &e !on "o& .!ing it i! the convenience 3 &t. A! the co.nt&y get! 'o&e nd 'o&e 'ode&ni6ed the 3enet& tion o" 5o'en e'3loy'ent in the co.nt&y i! on the highe& !ide nd thi! i! the &e !on 5he&e ll ti'e ! ving 3&od.ct! 5ill get the edge nd !o 5ill b& nded tt . The gene& l 3e&ce3tion o" 3 c) ged tt i! th t it i! not o" good :. lity bec .!e the con!.'e& doe! not get n choice to !elect the 5he t 5hich he i! ddicted to do !ince dec de!. The 3&ice i! l!o 3e&ceived to be on the highe& !ide nd !o it i! not n ' jo& incentive to tt& ct con!.'e&!. The "&e!hne!! nd t !te i! l!o ' tte& o" conce&n bec .!e the con!.'e& doe! not )no5 bo.t the cycle o" ' n." ct.&ing nd di!t&ib.tion

REASONS 0OR USING HOME 0LOOR MILL ATTA: The 3enet& tion o" ho'e "loo& 'ill i! negligible bec .!e o" high co!t involve'ent o" ho'e "loo& ' chine! b.t the con!.'e&! 3e&!i!ting on :. lity nd 5ho c n ""o&d !.ch n inve!t'ent &e ve&y di"" to be !5itched. The t ble !ho5! v &io.! dv nt ge! th t con!.'e& 3e&ceive! in ho'e "lo.& 'ill tt . SR.NO. REASONS PERCEPTION ABOUT HOME 0LOUR MILL 1 1*AA4TF ATTA ,4C, 1*AA4TF

2 3 % 5 6



A! the t ble !ho5! th t e9ce3t the convenience 3 &t o" it in e ch nd eve&y !3ect the ho'e "lo.& 'ill get! n edge ove& 3 c) ged nd ch c)i tt . The ho'e "lo.& 'ill tt con!.'e&! &e ve&y di"" to get !5itched bec .!e o" the inve!t'ent nd 3e&ce3tion! o" thei& .!e&!. 1. lity i! the ' in &e !on "o& the .!e&! o" ho'e "lo.& 'ill bec .!e the 5hole 3&oce!! o" the tt ' n." ct.&ing i! in thei& o5n 3&e!ence nd the :.e!tion o" d.lte& tion nd ' l3& ctice! doe! not &i!e. A"te& h ving loo) t the v &io.! &e !on! 5hich ind.ce the con!.'e&! to choo!e 'ong the 3 lte&n tive! i.e. ch c)i tt 8 3 c) ged tt 8 nd ho'e "lo.& 'ill tt let! h ve loo) t v &io.! othe& " ct! th t 5e&e &e"lected th& :.e!tionn i&e. De,')'o( %$1e-: A! the d t &e"lected it i! the ho.!e5i"e in " 'ily 5ho decide! bet5een the lte&n tive! o" the tt i.e. ch c)i tt 8 3 c) ged tt 8 nd ho'e "lo.& 'ill tt . +5B o" ti'e! it i! the ho.!e5i"e 5ho decide! bet5een the v &io.! lte&n tive! o" tt .

Decision maker
15% House i'e $thers 85%



P c) ged tt .!e&! ! l&e dy di!c.!!ed e &lie& &e the con!.'e&! 5ho h ve !hi"ted "&o' ch c)i tt . The&e &e & &ely ny c !e! 5he&ein one 5ill "ind "&o' ho'e "lo.& 'ill! to 3 c) ged tt . Re !on! o" !hi"ting "&o' ch c)i tt to 3 c) ged tt
Reasons for shifting
1)% 10% (% (0%

!hi"t o" con!.'e&

con& inience


brand loyalty


A! the g& 3h &e3&e!ent! the ' jo& &e !on! "o& !hi"ting "&o' ch c)i tt to 3 c) ged tt i! convenience. A ho.!e 5he&e l'o!t both h.!b nd nd 5i"e &e e &ne&! the&e i! ve&y le!! ti'e "o& ctivitie! li)e !electing :. lity o" 5he t8 going to the ch c)i nd getting it g&illed even the&e i! the 3&oble' o" !to& ge o" 5he t. Thi! &e !o'e o" the ' jo& c .!e o" inconvenience 5hich le d! to !hi"t o" con!.'e& "&o' ch c)i tt to b& nded tt .


1. lity o" b& nded tt i! 3e&ceived not ! good ! ch c)i tt bec .!e !till the b& nd! &e not ble to co''.nic te t&.!t to the .!e& nd .ntil nd .nle!! thi! t&.!t i! chieved it 5o.ld be ve&y di"" "o& nyone to 3enet& te thi! ' &)et.

0o'e othe& " ct! c 'e o.t th t the 'e&e !5itching i! o.t o" the b& nd loy lty held in !o'e othe& 3&od.ct! . "o& e.g. the ,AA b& nd Ann 3.&n i! doing 5ell bec .!e o" the " 'ily it co'e! "&o'. 0 'e i! the c !e 5ith C 3t in Coo) 5ho!e b& nd loy lty i! "&o' the ! lt it ' n." ct.&e! nd the t&.!t it i! ble to b.ild in othe& b& nd!. Al'o!t 1/B o" the &e!3ondent! "elt th t the co!t o" b& nded tt 5 ! econo'ic l nd hence they 5e&e ind.ced to !5itch "&o' ch c)i tt to b& nded tt . The othe& &e !on he&e i! th t the co!t o" b& nded tt &e' ined !t ble th&o.gho.t the ye & 5he&e ! the co!t o" the 5he t de3ended on !e !on nd the&e"o&e 5 ! highly "le9ible. A! l&e dy Ann 3.&n nd Pill!b.&y &e' ined ' &)et le de& 5ith ' jo& &e!3ondent!

.!ing the'. The "ollo5ing g& 3h &e3&e!ent! .! ge o" v &io.! b& nd!.
Brand Preference

Annapurna Pillsbury Aashir ad Captain cook others


To& o+ %'( -e,$!!.

Top of mind recall

Annapurna Pillsbury Aashir ad Captain cook others

A! the g& 3h &e3&e!ent! the to3 o" the 'ind &ec ll "o& v &io.! b& nd! Ann 3.&n 8 Pill!b.&y8 E C 3t in coo) l'o!t !h &e e:. l &ec ll in the 'ind! o" the &e!3ondent!. ;he&e ! A !hi&5 d i! doing lot o" c tching .3 by dve&ti!ing lot in T? co''e&ci l! nd l!o v &io.! & dio ch nnel!.

B-$( S2't,h'(":
A " ct 5hich 5o.ld 'otiv te ny co'3 ny to get into the )itchen! o" the con!.'e&! ! " !t ! it co.ld. 2& nd !5itching i! ve&y lo5 inc !e o" 3 c) ged tt .!e&. Al'o!t $/B did not !5itch o& even h ve t !ted othe& b& nd nd they &e' ined loy l to l&e dy .!ing b& nd. The &e!t 3/B did !5itch thei& b& nd inc !e o" .n v il bility o" thei& de' nded b& nd.

A /$(t$"e o/e- ,h$,1':


The only dv nt ge th t the b& nded tt c &&ied ove& ch c)i tt 5 ! th t it h ! ve&y high convenience " cto& nd i! ti'e ! ving 3&od.ct.

Ch$("e) e%$( e '( 3-$( .

The ch nge! de' nded by con!.'e&! in thei& e9i!ting b& nded tt i! they 5 nted the co!t to be &ed.ced nd they 5 nted the tt to &e' in "&e!h "o& 'o&e longe& ti'e.

I%&o-t$(t o+ &$,1$"'(":
O"" l te 3 c) ging h ! ' de it! 5 y to ' )e it 5 P<! o" M &)eting nd b& nded tt i! no e9e'3tion. Al'o!t 6/B o" the &e!3ondent! "elt th t it i! o" .t'o!t i'3o&t nt nd it did ind.ce thei& b.ying deci!ion. The ' in &e !on "o& l ying i'3o&t nce to 3 c) ging i! bec .!e it i! d ily .!e 3&od.ct nd no one 5o.ld li)e to &i!) thei& " 'ily he lth d.e to negligence in 3 c) ging.


The ch c)i tt .!e&! ' )e .3 the ch.n) o" the 3o3.l tion. They !ho.ld be the t &get o" the 3 c) ged tt ind.!t&y nd !o it i! nece!! &y to .nde&!t nd! thei& h bit! nd 3e&ce3tion nd de!ign the 5hole ' n." ct.&ing8 ' &)eting nd othe& ctivitie! to !.it the' the be!t. The n ly!i! o" d t o" the ch c)i tt .!e&! i! done belo5. Price of wheat.


50% percentage *0% )0% "0% 10% 0% 10++1) 1)++15 15++18 18++"" Rs per kg

A! the bove g& 3h indic te! th t the gene& l 3&ice t 5hich 5he t i! b&o.ght i! bet5een 15>1+ nd they !ho.ld be the ' in t &get o" the co'3 nie! bec .!e it i!

bet5een thi! 3&ice & nge th t the 3 c) ged tt " ll!. The othe& 3&ice & nge 5hich l!o h ! ' jo& .!e&! &e the 13>15 c tego&y 5he&e ! the c tego&y o" ' &gin l .!e&!. 1/>13 E 1+>22 h !

A2$-e(e)) o+ &$,1$"e $tt$:

The 5 &ene!! o" 3 c) ged tt doe! e9i!t 'ong the ch c)i tt .!e&!. the 5 &ene!! i! 'ini' l b.t the con!.'e&! do )no5 th t the&e e9i!t the ye &! d.e to dve&ti!ing the!e b& nd! h ve ' de ind.!t&y. Adv nt ge! o" Ch c)i tt ove& b& nded tt . b& nded tt !eg'ent nd the ' jo& &ec ll i! o" C 3t in coo)8 Pill!b.&y E Ann 3.&n b& nd. Ove& ' &) in the 3 c) ged tt


Advantages over chacki atta

con&inience #uality hygenic cost

A! the bove di g& ' &e"lect! ch c)i tt doe! !co&e ve&y high bove b& nded tt in v &io.! !3ect!8 b.t 'ong the v &io.! !3ect! :. lity i! the " cto& 5he&e ch c)i tt i! ve&y '.ch he d in the 'ind! o" the con!.'e&. The othe& ' jo& " cto&<! &e the hygienic nd the co!t " cto&! 5he&e con!.'e& "eel th t they !t nd t n dv nt ge ove& 3 c) ged tt .

The othe& " ct th t &e"lected in the d t 5 ! th t 5hen !)ed i" given co!t o& :. lity dv nt ge 5o.ld yo. 'ind !5itching "&o' ch c)i tt to b& nded tt . The "ollo5ing 5e&e the &e!.lt!.
cost advantage shift

yes no


Only %/B g&eed to !5itch "&o' ch c)i tt to 3 c) ged tt i" given co!t dv nt ge 5he&e ! 6/B 5o.ld !till !tic) to ch c)i tt 3&ovided they get the ! 'e :. lity 5hich they &e .!ing t 3&e!ent. Anothe& "inding th t &eve led in the d t 5 ! th t o.t o" %/B o" &e!3ondent! 5ho decide to !5itch to b& nded tt "&o' ch c)i tt 5o.ld not li)e to !5itch i" given co!t dv nt ge.
quality advantage shift

l'o!t $5B 5e&e

"&o' the &e!3ondent! 5ho .!ed R!13>15 3e& )g 5he t 5he&e ! the othe& c tego&y

yes no

A! " & ! the :. lity dv nt ge !hi"t i! conce&ned 65B o" the &e!3ondent! 5o.ld not 'ind !5itching "&o' ch c)i tt to 3 c) ged to b& nded tt i" given good :. lity.


At thi! !t ge the ho'e "lo.& 'ill .!e&! &e ve&y no'in l. Thi! &e !o'e o" the ve&y :. lity con!cio.! .!e&! 5ho 3&e"e& !eeing i! believing nd !o cont&ol the 5hole 3&oce!! t ho'e.


Reason for usage of home flour mill atta

con&enience #uality cost malpractices

A! the bove g& 3h indic te! the ' in &e !on "o& .!ing ho'e "lo.& 'ill tt i! :. lity8 b c)ed by ' l3& ctice!. M l3& ctice! i! one o" the ' in &e !on bec .!e the ch c)i 'ill 3eo3le &e 3t do 'ill. The neg tive !ide! o" ho'e "lo.& 'ill &e the high co!t nd inconvenience. A c 3it l inve!t'ent o" l'o!t +/// to 1////R! i! &e:.i&ed 5hen one decide! to b.y "lo.& 'ill. Al!o the&e i! ho'e "lo.& 'ill. The ho'e "lo.& 'ill tt .!e&! &e ve&y ! ti!"ied 5ith the 3e&"o&' nce o" thei& "lo.& 'ill nd t no 3oint 3l nning to !5itch to 3 c) ged tt even i" given high :. lity o& lo5e& co!t dv nt ge. The ! ti!" ction level o" ho'e "lo.& 'ill i! ve&y high bec .!e o" !e&vice level 3&ovided by thi! 'ill co'3 nie! li)e 5!t & nd N vdee3. ho'e lot o" inconvenience tt ched to ho'e "lo.& 'ill li)e !.ch thing!. Al'o!t )g o& $5/g'! &e lo!t 5hen 5e give 1/)g 5he t to g&ind. To void !.ch ' l3& ctice! !o'e con!.'e& !5itch to ho'e "lo.&

' inten nce8 elect&icity co!t8 noi!e 3oll.tion etc 5hich &e!t&ict! ' !! !5itch ove& to

The ne9t logic l !te3 "te& h ving !een the "inding! i! to n ly!e the "inding! to le d .! to !o'e conc&ete !te3! to be t )en to b.ild the b& nd8 b.t even be"o&e th t8 j.!t by loo)ing t the "inding!8 !o'e concl.!ion! c n cle &ly be ' de.

1. The ' &)et i! he vily lo ded in the " vo.& o" Hch c)i tt <. ch c)i tt i! tle !t 3e&ceived to be the be!t tt ! " & ! :. lity i! conce&ned. tt < only nd the big g&inding ! 3o!!ible.

2. ;e 5ill h ve to 3&ovide the con!.'e& Hch c)i )

'ill g&o.nd tt 5ill not do 5ell. Thi! i! bec .!e even the 'ini!c.le 3e&cent ge o" 3eo3le .!ing 3 c) ged tt 5 nt thei& tt to be ! clo!e to the ch c)i tt

3. The colo.& nd the te9t.&e o" the tt 3l y ' jo& &ole in the 3.&ch !e deci!ion. %. The 3 c) ged tt .!e&! &e di!! ti!"ied 5ith the high 3&ice! nd &e loo)ing "o&5 &d to 3 c) ged tt convenience t ch c)i tt 3&ice!.

A"te& h ving !een the "inding! in det il 5e c n no5 'ove on to n ly!e the "inding! nd .!e the' in the ' nne& in 5hich they c n hel3 .!. The enti&e &e !on o" .nde&t )ing thi! 3&oject 5 ! to .nde&!t nd the dyn 'ic! o" the ' &)et 5hich 5o.ld hel3 !.cce!!".lly l .nch ne5 b& nd o" tt o& &e3o!ition l&e dy e9i!ting tt 5ith

!o'e ddition l "e t.&e!. ;hen one i! l .nching ne5 b& nd in ny 3&od.ct c tego&y8 the ' jo& e'3h !i! i! on en!.&ing th t the ne5ly l .nched b& nd enjoy! !o'e 'o.nt o" Hb& nd e:.ity<. Th.! 5e !h ll n ly!e the "inding! nd !.gge!t ction! th t need to be t )en in o&de& to b.ild !t&ong b& nd.

H2& nd e:.ity< i!

!et o" !!et! I nd li bilitie!J lin)ed to

b& nd<! n 'e nd !y'bol 3&od.ct o& !e&vice to "i&'

th t dd! to Io& !.bt& ct! "o&'J the v l.e 3&ovided by

nd K o& th t "i&'<! c.!to'e&!. The ' jo& !!et c tego&ie! &eL 1.2& nd 5 &ene!! 2.2& nd loy lty 3.Pe&ceived :. lity %.2& nd !!oci tion! Th.!8 the ' n ge'ent o" b& nd e:.ity involve! inve!t'ent to c&e te nd enh nce the!e !!et!. 4n o&de& to ' n ge b& nd e:.ity e""ectively nd to ' )e in"o&'ed deci!ion! bo.t b& nd b.ilding ctivitie!8 it i! i'3o&t nt to be !en!itive to 5 y! in 5hich !t&ong b& nd! c&e te v l.e.

2.t 5hen 5e con!ide& the "o.& b& nd e:.ity !!et!8 t5o " ct co'e to the "o&eL 2& nd 5 &ene!! 5ill co'e 5ith ti'e nd 5ill in" ct be 3 &tly &e!.lt o" !.cce!!".l

ende vo&! in the &e:.i!ite !!et!. A3 &t "&o' th t b& nd 5 &ene!! 5ill h ve to be e!t bli!hed 5ith con!t nt dve&ti!ing. 4n ny c !e th t i! !o'ething 5hich t )e! !econd &y 3&io&ity ! o" no5. Neve&thele!! !o'e ction! 5ill h ve to be t )en d.&ing

I nd even be"o&eJ the 3&od.ct l .nch to c&e te b& nd 5 &ene!!8 b.t the!e 5ill not be &e!.lt o" ny n ly!i!. R the& the!e 5ill be 'o&e o" co''on !te3! to be t )en nd !o'e o" the' &e !.gge!ted in the ch 3te& titled H!.gge!tion!<. 0i'il &ly8 b& nd loy lty 5ill co'e Io& ' y not co'eJ "te& t&i l nd con!e:.ent ! ti!" ction o" the 3&od.ct by the con!.'e&. 4n !ho&t the!e t5o !!et! do not &e:.i&e to be de lt 5ith in the "o&' o" n ly!i! o" "inding!. Th.! o.& "oc.! 5ill h ve to be on 3e&ceived :. lity nd b& nd !!oci tion!.

Pe-,e'/e 4.$!'t#
Pe&ceived :. lity c n be de"ined ! the c.!to'e&<! 3e&ce3tion o" the ove& ll :. lity o& !.3e&io&ity o" the 3&od.ct o& !e&vice 5ith &e!3ect to it! intended 3.&3o!e8 &el tive to lte&n tive!. Pe&ceived :. lity i!8 "i&!t8 !eve& l &el ted conce3t!8 !.ch !L Act. l o& objective :. lity P&od.ct b !ed :. lity M n." ct.&ing :. lity 3e&ce3tion by c.!to'e&!. 4t th.! di""e&! "&o'

Pe-,e'/e 4.$!'t# &-o/' e) /$!.e '( )e/e-$! 2$#) the# $-e:

Re !on to b.y #i""e&enti teM3o!ition P&ice 3&e'i.' Ch nnel 'e'be& inte&e!t 2& nd e9ten!ion! Even 5hen 5e con!ide& the c !e o" o.& tt 8 e ch o" the v l.e! 5ill be 3&ovided to the tt by the 3e&ce3tion o" :. lity. And hence it beco'e! i'3o&t nt "o& .! to !ee 5 y! in 5hich 5e c n b.ild thi! 3e&ce3tion o" :. lity.


Achieving 3e&ce3tion! o" :. lity i! .!. lly i'3o!!ible .nle!! the :. lity cl i' h ! !.b!t nce. Cene& ting high :. lity &e:.i&e! n .nde&!t nding o" 5h t :. lity 'e n! to c.!to'e& !eg'ent!. No5 thi! 5he&e o.& "inding! 5ill co'e in h ndy. 2.t be"o&e d5elling into th t it i! nece!! &y to con!ide& 5h t in"l.ence! :. lity. ;hy do !o'e c.!to'e&! believe th t the :. lity i! high o& lo5N ;h t tt&ib.te! do c.!to'e&! .!e to ' )e ove& ll :. lity j.dg'ent!N Th.! 5e need to !t.dy the di'en!ion! th t .nde&lie 3e&ceived :. lity j.dge'ent. , &v &d<! # vid . C &vin !.gge!t! !even 3&od.ct :. lity di'en!ion!. The!e &eL 1. Pe&"o&' nceL ho5 5ell doe! o.& H tt < ' )e! &oti!N 2. -e t.&e!L doe! the H tt < h ve ddition l de!i& ble "e t.&e!N 3. Con"o&' nce 5ith !3eci"ic tion!L 5h t i! the incidence o" de"ect!N %. Reli bilityL 5ill the H tt < ' )e good &oti! eve&y ti'e it i! .!edN 5. #.& bilityL ho5 long 5ill the H tt < l !tN 6. 0e&vice bilityL i! the !e&vice !y!te' e""icient8 co'3etent8 nd convenientN $. -it nd "ini!hL doe! the 3&od.ct loo) nd "eel li)e :. lity 3&od.ctN Th.! 5e !h ll .!e o.& "inding! to n!5e&ing the!e :.e!tion!. Pe&"o&' nceL no5 the 3&i' &y ".nction o" n tt i! to ' )e good !o"t &oti! nd ! 5e )no5 th t 'o!t o" the ch c)i tt .!e&! give 3&io&ity to :. lity o" tt nd l!o to the hygienic 3 &t o" ch c)i tt . Al!o thi! bit o" good &oti! i! not the &e !on "o& 3 c) ged tt .!e&!. Th.! 5e 5ill h ve to give the' good !o"t tt 5hich ' )e! good &oti!. The " ct th t !.ch tt 5ill h ve to be ch c)i ' de tt i! nothe& inte&e!ting " ct. Con"o&' nce 5ith !3eci"ic tion! nd &eli bilityL in o.& c !e the!e 'e n th t o.& tt 5ill h ve to con!i!tently 3&ove to be ! good ! ch c)i tt . !ce&t in e ch o" the bove di'en!ion! by

0e&vice bilityL 4n o.& c !e thi! 5o.ld t be!t t& n!"o&' ! v il bility i.e. !t&ong di!t&ib.tion. -it E -ini!hL -o& thi! 5e need to loo) t the ch nge! th t the 3 c) ged tt .!e&! de!i&ed.

Anothe& v &i ble th t c n be n i'3o&t nt :. lity c.e i! 3&ice. A high 3&iced ite' i! l'o!t l5 y! !!oci ted 5ith good :. lity. 0o thi! b&ing! .! to the i'3o&t nt to3ic o" P&icing. high 3&ice c n t& n!l te into good :. lity 5e need to )ee3 in 'ind the "ollo5ing " ct!L 4t i! n enti&ely ne5 b& nd 4t co'e! "&o' co'3 ny 5hich i! &el tively .n)no5n And "in lly E i'3o&t ntly8 'o!t o" the 3 c) ged tt .!e&! E ! ti!"ied ch c)i tt .!e&! 5 nt &ed.ction in 3&ice. At the ! 'e ti'e le!!e& 3&ice th n co'3etito&! 5o.ld t& n!l te ! Hche 3 :. lity<.

Th.! it 5ill be dvi! ble to go "o& Co'3etitive P&icing. A"te& di!c.!!ing Pe&ceived 1. lity t length 5e !h ll !hi"t o.& "oc.! to the othe& !!et o" b& nd e:.ity i.e. 2& nd A!!oci tion.

2& nd E:.ity i! !.33o&ted in g&e t 3 &t by the !!oci tion! th t con!.'e&! ' )e 5ith b& nd. The!e !!oci tion! 'ight 3&od.ct tt&ib.te!8 o& 3 &tic.l & !y'bol. 2& nd celeb&ity !3o)e!3e&!on !!oci tion! 5 nt! the b& nd to !t nd "o& in the

c.!to'e&<! 'ind. A )ey to b.ilding !t&ong b& nd!8 then8 i! to develo3 E i'3le'ent b& nd identity. 2& nd identity i! .ni:.e !et o" b& nd !!oci tion! th t b& nd !t& tegi!t !3i&e! to

c&e te o& ' int in. The!e !!oci tion! &e3&e!ent 5h t the b& nd !t nd! "o& E i'3ly 3&o'i!e to c.!to'e&! "&o' the o&g ni6 tion 'e'be&!.

Acco&ding to the 2& nd identity 3l nning 'odel 8 the 3&eli'in &y 3l nning !t ge in b& nd identity 3l nning i! 0t& tegic 2& nd An ly!i! 5hich con!i!t! o" C.!to'e& n ly!i!8 Co'3etito& n ly!i! E 0el"> n ly!i!. And hence the P&eli'in &y !t ge in o.& 3&oject 5 ! con!.'e& !.&vey to .nde&t )e c.!to'e& n ly!i!.

A"te& thi! 5e co'e to the 2& nd 4dentity !y!te'. To hel3 en!.&e th t the b& nd identity h ! te9t.&e E de3th8 "i&' !ho.ld con!ide& it! b& nd !L 1. A 3&od.ct 2. An o&g ni6 tion 3. A 3e&!on %. A !y'bol The 3e&!3ective! &e ve&y di""e&ent. No5 eve&y b& nd identity need! to e'3loy ll o& even !eve& l o" the!e 3e&!3ective!. The b& nd o&g ni6 tion 3e&!3ective "oc.!e! on tt&ib.te! o" the o&g ni6 tion & the& th n tho!e o" the 3&od.ct o& !e&vice. o&g ni6 tion l tt&ib.te! ! innov tion8 d&ive "o& :. lity nd conce&n "o& the envi&on'ent &e c&e ted by the 3eo3le8 v l.e!8 E 3&og& '! o" the co'3 ny. The b& nd ! 3e&!on 3e&!3ective !.gge!t! !!oci ted "o& b& nd th t i! &iche& E 'o&e inte&e!ting 3e&!on to be

th n one b !ed on 3&od.ct tt&ib.te!. 2.t he&e g in the ide o" "inding 5e &e in 3&oce!! o" b.ilding

b& nd th t i! yet .n)no5n i! not cce3ted. ;e !ho.ld &e'e'be& th t b& nd E ! !.ch the b& nd ! 3e&!on ! 5ell ! the

b& nd ! !y'bol !!oci tion &e not the &ight 33&o ch. Th.! it !ee'! to be 5o&th5hile to go "o& the 3e&!3ective o" the b& nd ! 3&od.ct. The 3&od.ct !co3e di'en!ion ! y! th t the co&e ele'ent o" b& nd! identity i! .!. lly it! 3&od.ct th&.!t8 5hich 5ill ""ect the ty3e o" !!oci tion! th t &e de!i& ble E "e !ible. ;ith 5h t 3&od.ct o& 3&od.ct! i! the b& nd !!oci tedN 2.t he&ein lie! the di""ic.lty in o.& c !e. 0ince it i! ne5 b& nd thi! di'en!ion c nnot be .!ed.

The :. lity ele'ent i! one 3&od.ct &el ted tt&ib.te i'3o&t nt to be con!ide&ed !e3 & tely. 2.t the 3&oble' g in i! th t the&e h ! not been ny ind.ce'ent to t&i l E 5e &e !till t&ying to b.ild the Pe&ceived 1. lity !!et.


0i'il &ly !!oci tion 5ith .!e8 .!e&! E Co.nt&y o" o&igin &e di'en!ion! 5hich &e i&&elev nt in o.& c !e. Thi! b&ing! .! to the 3&od.ct tt&ib.te! di'en!ion. Att&ib.te! di&ectly &el ted to the 3.&ch !e o& .!e o" the 3&od.ct c n 3&ovide ".nction l bene"it! e'otion l bene"it! to the c.!to'e&! nd !o'eti'e! v l.e 3&od.ct &el ted tt&ib.te co.ld c&e te

3&o3o!ition by o""e&ing !o'ething e9t& o& by o""e&ing !o'ething bette&. Th.! 5e 5ill h ve b.ild n !!oci tion o" the b& nd 5ith the 3&od.ct H tt < E ".&the& 5e 5ill h ve !t&ive to !!oci te o.& 3&od.ct 5ith !o'e tt&ib.te . Thi! c n be o.& b& nd identity. Thi! b& nd identity 5ill initi lly "o&' the Co&e identity o" o.& b& nd ! being he lthy E 5ill event. lly le d to !o'e e9tended identitie!. A"te& ll thi! the botto' line i!L The b& nd identity need! to 3&ovide v l.e

3&o3o!ition to the c.!to'e&. 2& nd! v l.e 3&o3o!ition i! !t te'ent o" the ".nction l 8 e'otion l E !el" e93&e!!ive bene"it! delive&ed by the b& nd th t 3&ovide v l.e to the c.!to'e&. ;e c n !ee th t the ".nction l bene"it! th t o.& 3&od.ct 5ill delive& 5ill beL &ich he lthy tt 8 5hich i! o" the &ight colo.& E 5hich8 ' )e! good !o"t &oti!8 5hich !t y !o"t longe&. The e'otion l bene"it delive&ed 5ill be o" "eeling ! "e 5ith he lthie& tt . The !el" e93&e!!ive bene"it 5ill be delive&ed ton the ho.!e5i"e 5ho 5ill e93&e!! he& conce&n "o& he& " 'ily by b.ying n tt 8 5hich i! he lthy E econo'ic l. Th.!8 "in lly 5ith the!e! ende vo&! 5e c n ho3e to chieve &el tion!hi3. 2& nd C.!to'e&

;ith n identity in 3l ce E

v l.e 3&o3o!ition !3eci"ied8 i'3le'ent tion begin!.

Co''.nic tion objective! need to be e!t bli!hed E e9ec.tion 3l nned E i'3le'ented. The 3l ce to !t &t i! 5ith the b& nd 3o!ition !t te'ent the co&ne&!tone

o" the co''.nic tion! 3&og& '. ;hen v l.e 3&o3o!ition! c n be develo3ed ".lly.

b& nd 3o!ition e9i!t!8 the b& nd identity E

2& nd 3o!ition i! the 3 &t o" the b& nd identity E v l.e 3&o3o!ition th t i! to be ctively co''.nic ted to the t &get .dience E th t de'on!t& te! n dv nt ge ove& co'3eting b& nd!. 2& nd Po!itioning8 ! de!c&ibed by Al Rie! E J c) T&o.t8 i! 'ind g 'e. They

de!c&ibe 3o!itioning ! 3e&ce3tion in the 'ind! o" the con!.'e& bo.t yo.& 3&od.ct. Th.! 3o!itioning i! 5he&e in the con!.'e& 'ind !3 ce doe! yo.& b& nd "ig.&e. No5 obvio.!ly 5hile b& nd .ni:.e E " vo.& ble 3o!ition in the con!.'e&! 'ind !3 ce. Th.! to do thi! 5e need to !t.dy the con!.'e& 'ind !3 ce 5ith &e!3ect to th t 3&od.ct c tego&y. Thi! i! done th& H Pe&ce3t. l M 33ing<. ;e )no5 "&o' o.& -inding! th t the ch c)i tt .!e&! cite 1. lity o" the tt ' in &e !on. Th.! 5e !h ll 5o&) o.& 3e&ce3t. l ' 3 &o.nd the!e t5o 9e!. ! the

' in &e !on "o& .!ing ch c)i tt E the 3 c) ged tt .!e&! cite convenience ! the

A! c n be !een Ch c)i tt t )e! 3o!ition o" high on :. lity b.t lo5 on convenience. Mo!t o" the 3 c) ged tt &e cl.!te&ed &o.nd the ! 'e 3l ce ! !een in the 3e&ce3t. l ' 3. Pill!b.&y tt d.e to it! !t&ong 3o!ition ! ch c)i tt goe! highe& in the :. lity 9i!. 2.t the 3oint to be noted i! th t on the convenience 9i! not '.ch c n be di""e&enti ted bet5een the di""e&ent b& nd!. Thi! 'e n! th t 5e c nnot 3l y on the convenience 3o!ition t ll !i'3ly bec .!e ll the 3 c) ged tt <! &e convenient. Al!o 5e c nnot i''edi tely "ight 5ith the ch c)i tt on the :. lity 3o!ition ! the !it high .3 Inot 'o&e th n Pill!b.&y 3e&ce3t. l ' 3. 0ince 5e t le !tJ. Th.! 5e &e li6e the " ll cy o" thi! &e not conte!ting 5ith the ch c)i cl !! "o& !3 ce

i''edi tely 5e !h ll o.& "oc.! to ' )ing 3e&ce3t. l ' 3 "o& the di""e&ent b& nd!.

The 'o!t !t& tegic lly logic l 3o!ition 5ill not be 5o&th i'3le'enting i"

b&illi nt

e9ec.tion c nnot be "o.nd. Th.! the on.! lie! on the co''.nic tion to c &&y the de!i&ed 3o!ition c&o!! to the con!.'e&. ;hethe& thi! i! done o& not !ho.ld be "o.nd

o.t &eg.l &ly E thi! i! c lled T& c)ing. 2.t ! i! cle & i'3le'ent tion E t& c)ing i! 3.&ely co''.nic tion do' in E i! o.t o" the 3.&vie5 o" thi! 3&oject. Th.! 5e h ve 5o&)ed th& the enti&e g '.t o" ctivitie! needed to b.ild b& nd e:.ity E h ve decided on ce&t in " ct!. 0ince it i! yet not co'3&ehen!ive 5e c n only vent.&e to ' )e ce&t in !.gge!tion! "o& the 2& nd.



-in lly8 "te& h ving n ly6ed the "inding! in !o'e det il8 5e &e in 3o!ition to ' )e "e5 !.gge!tion! ! to the ction! to be t )en to5 &d! b.ilding the b& nd E !.cce!!".lly l .nching the ne5 3&od.ct E b& nd. -i&!t o" ll in the 3&evio.! ch 3te& 5e 5ill h ve to t )e ce&t in ction! to c&e te 2& nd A5 &ene!! 5hich 5ill con!e:.ently le d to 2& nd Aoy lty. 0.gge!tion 1. O&g ni6e ho.!e5ive! )itty 3 &tie! E g the&ing! E !) the' to .!e E t&y the 3&od.ct "o& the 3 &ty. Thi! 5ill !e&ve the d. l 3.&3o!e o" t&i l E "eedb c) E th.! c n be done even be"o&e the l .nch ! 'ethod o" te!t l .nching. 2. , ve te!t l .nch 5ith v &io.! o""ice c nteen! 5he&e the !hi"t 5o.ld be " !t bec .!e the )ey tt&ib.te to the' i! the co!t nd i" the &e!3on!e i! 3o!itive then o""e& tie>.3! 5he&ein cont& ct c n be !igned 5hich 5o.ld be 5in>5in !it. tion "o& both the c nteen ! 5ell ! the co'3 ny. 3. C&e te 'o&e 5 &ene!! 'ong the 3.blic bo.t the :. lity o" the b& nded tt 5ith the hel3 o" v &io.! tool! o" co''.nic tion. %. C&e te 5 &ene!! bo.t the v &io.! ' l3& ctice! done by ch c)i o3e& to&! nd ho5 d.lte& tion i! done by the'. 5. P&ovide !o'e 'o&e v l.e to the 3&od.ct 5ith giving !o'e "&eebie! nd l!o !h &ing v &io.! &ece3ie! 5ith con!.'e&. 6. Co''.nic te tt c ll "o& the d y. ! ti'e ! ving 3&od.ct bec .!e ti'e ! ving 3&od.ct! &e



#e & 0i&MM d '8 4t i! 'y 3le !.&e to t )e thi! o33o&t.nity to &e ch yo. ll th& thi! :.e!tionn i&e. 4 ho3e 5ith the yo.& e93e&ti!e )no5ledge thi! 3&oject 5o.ld be n !.cce!!. N 'eL AgeL Occ.3 tionL No o" Me'be&! in - 'ilyL Monthly Con!.'3tion o" Att L C !teL ReligionL No O" ti'e Con!.'3tion o" Att I in ny "o&'J in d yL I1J 2&e )" !t I2J A.nch I3J #inne& "&e:.ently occ !ion lly neve& I tic) 5he&eve& 33lic bleJ C.&&ent *! geL P c) ged Att O P Ch c)i Att O P ,o'e ch c)i Att O P

I+ .)'(" Packaged Atta &!e$)e $()2e- the +o!!o2'(" 4.e)t'o(). I1J ;ho!e deci!ion 5 ! it to go "o& 3 c) ged tt N I2J ;h t 5e&e yo. .!ing be"o&e .!ing 3 c) ged tt N I3J Any ' jo& &e !on "o& !5itching to 3 c) ged tt N O P convenience O P :. lity O P b& nd loy lty O P co!t O P othe&! 3le !e !3eci"y QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ I%J ;hich i! yo.& c.&&ent b& ndN I5J ;hich othe& b& nd &e yo. 5 &e o"N I6J , ve yo. eve& .!ed ny othe& b& nded tt N

O P Fe!

O P No

I$J ;h t dv nt ge do yo. thin) doe! yo.& b& nd give ove& ny othe& b& nd o" b& nded tt N O P convenience O P :. lity O P b& nd loy lty O P co!t O P othe&! 3le !e !3eci"y QQQQQQQQQQ I+J ;h t dv nt ge do yo. thin) doe! yo.& b& nd give ove& ch )i tt N O P convenience O P :. lity O P b& nd loy lty O P co!t O P othe&! 3le !e !3eci"y QQQQQQQQQQ I(J 4" !)ed ! n e93e&t 5h t othe& ch nge! 5o.ld yo. !.gge!t to yo.& c.&&ent b& ndN I1/J 4" othe& b& nd! i'3le'ent the bove ch nge! 5o.ld yo. !5itch yo.& b& ndN I11J #o yo. give i'3o&t nce to the 3 c) ge de!igning o" b& nded tt N O P Fe! O P No

I+ .)'(" Chaki Atta &!e$)e $()2e- the +o!!o2'(" 4.e)t'o() I1J At 5h t 3&ice do yo. b.y 5he tN O P 1/>13 O P Fe! O P 13>15 O PNo O P 15>1+ O P1+>22 O PR22 I2J A&e yo. 5 &e o" b& nded tt N I3J ;hich b& nd &e yo. ble to &ecollect i" yo. &e 5 &e o" b& nded tt N I%J Acco&ding to yo. 5h t dv nt ge doe! ch )i tt h ve bove b& nded tt N O P convenience O P :. lity O P hygienic O P co!t O P othe&! 3le !e !3eci"y QQQQQQQQQQ I5J 4" given Cost Advantage 5o.ld yo. !5itch "&o' ch )i tt to b& nded tt N O P Fe! O P No

I6J 4" given Quality Advantage 5o.ld yo. !5itch "&o' ch )i tt to b& nded tt N

O P Fe!

O P No

I+ .)'(" Personal floor mill &!e$)e $()2e- the +o!!o2'(" 4.e)t'o().

I1J ;hy did yo. go "o& Pe&!on l "loo& 'illN O P convenience O P :. lity O P hygienic O P co!t O P ' l3& ctice! O P othe&! 3le !e !3eci"yQQQQQQQQQQ I2J A&e yo. 5 &e o" b& nded tt N O P Fe! O P No I3J ;hich b& nd &e yo. ble to &ecollect i" yo. &e 5 &e o" b& nded tt N I%J 4" given Cost Advantage 5o.ld yo. !5itch "&o' Pe&!on l "loo& 'ill tt to b& nded tt N O P Fe! b& nded tt N O P Fe! O P Fe! O P No O P No I$J A&e yo. ! ti!"ied 5ith 3e&"o&' nce o" yo.& 3e&!on l "loo& 'illN O P No I5J 4" given Quality Advantage 5o.ld yo. !5itch "&o' Pe&!on l "loo& 'ill tt to

4 th n) yo. "o& !h &ing yo.& v l. ble ti'e nd )no5ledge 3 tiently.




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