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The Resilient and Adaptable Leader" (RAL) 2 Day Program HigherEchelon, Inc. offers a two day program based on the principles of our Resilient and Adaptable Leader training for mid senior level leaders. The purpose of the training is to enhance overall performance and leadership capabilities within your organization. Key benefits of this program are as follows:

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Enhanced leadership performance and career satisfaction Leaders learn to manage their team and talent Manage your time and energy to perform a peak levels

Leadership trainees will be taught a unique combination of learning, studying, and application of leadership and performance skills. Our focus is educating leadership trainees in becoming self-regulating learners maximizing their full potential. As business professionals continue to operate in austere environments, we will unlock the students intangible mental assets allowing them to be instinctive, adaptive, and mentally agile under intense pressure. The mental skills foundation will prepare leaders for success and enhance their ability to meet the challenges in the changing global environment.

Course of Action: The Resilient and Adaptable Leader 2 Day Workshop

HigherEchelon will provide The Resilient and Adaptable Leader workshop to 20 students. 2 Day workshop delivering HigherEchelons RAL fundamentals: DAY 1 0900 0945 Introduction 0945 1000 Break 1000 110 0 Optimizing Organizational Performance 1100 1115 Break 1115 1215 Change Management 1215 1315 Lunch 1315 1415 Adaptive Leaders 1415 1430 Break 1430 1600 Mental Strength Fundamentals 1600 1615 Break 1615 1700 Application and Review Leadership Objectives a. Adaptive Leaders develop mental and emotional agility to perform amidst distractions. i. Objective For the student to distinguish and analyze factors and attributes affecting the organization to increase ability to adapt to varying inputs 1. Define Adaptability and understand why its important to the individual and organization. 2. Compile the factors and attributes that influence an individuals or organizations ability to contend with the ever changing work environment both internally and externally. 3. Identify and relate adaptability attributes of ones self and members of the organization to improve performance and ultimately success. 4. Modify approach to varying scenarios given tools and strategies to improving adaptability. DAY 2 0900 1030 Building the Confident and Resilient Leader 1030 1045 Break 1045 1200 Situational Awareness 1200 1300 Lunch 1300 1415 Control Your Energy 1415 1430 Break 1430 1530 Visualize Success 1530 1545 Break 1545 1700 Application, Review and Wrap-Up !

HigherEchelon, Inc. 2014 All Rights Reserved ! !


Mental Strength Fundamentals- perform at your best by recognizing and unleashing your maximum potential. i. Objective For the student to understand the mental strength and skills training that contribute to peak performances, decision making ability and getting into the Zone. 1. Understand the mental strength and skills required to optimize performance 2. Identify personal mental strength and skills that enhance and decrease optimum performance 3. Distinguish between the instinctive mindset and the training mindset. 4. Identify the qualities inherent to being in the Zone 5. Modify behavior to improve mental strength and skills to enhance performance and decision-making.


Building the Confident and Resilient Leader trust in your preparation, training, and ability. i. Objective For student to differentiate attributes of the confident leader that enhance performance and resiliency. 1. Define confidence and why it is important to effective leadership; 2. Distinguish the effects of confidence, over-confidence and lack of confidence that impact the leaders ability to lead; 3. Identify the tools required to optimize confidence as perceived by the individual and those lead.

Executing Under Pressure d. Control Your Energy maintain your poise during stressful situations i. Objective For student to understand how to manage and embrace stress (turning stress into a positive) to strengthen leaders ability to adapt to a changing environment. 1. Identify the contributors to stress and how the effects impact the performance and decision making of individuals; 2. Contrast stress and risk management; 3. Describe the methods of improving stress management; 4. How can I control my energy levels; 5. Practice energy management during hands-on demonstrations. e. Visualize Success integrate simulation with individual performance components to achieve success. i. Objective Teach leaders in transition to utilize practical mental imagery techniques for improving all aspects of their performances. 1. Define imagery and explain its relationship to other mental skills. 2. Explain how vivid images affect the brain and nervous system. 3. Incorporate all basic imagery. f. Change Management develop leaders as agents of change, increasing effectiveness for you and your team. i. Objective For students to understand the positive aspects of change for the individual and the organization. Comprehend the effects and methods of positive change required by leaders to increase effectiveness and efficiency through the organization. 1. Identify the roles and responsibilities of change or transformational leadership; 2. Describe the positive and negative effects of change and requirements of adaptability coupled with mental strength to counter the "status quo";

HigherEchelon, Inc. 2014 All Rights Reserved ! !

3. 4. g.

Optimize the use of the change cycle to focus efforts to improve the process of leadership development and identify effective change management methods; Comprehend the effects of change on social systems and requirement for accountability to optimize performance.

Situational Awareness engage effectively and selectively during distractions. i. Objective For students to improve adaptability and mental strength by improving ones ability to concentrate give varying distractions. 1. Describe how you would characterize the effects of concentration on the ability of the leader to make decisive decisions both positive and negative; 2. Dispel the common misconceptions about the effects of concentration; 3. Identify and develop methods to overcome obstacles to concentration to improve performance.


Optimize Organizational Performance communicate leadership skills to execute in a global environment. i. Objective For student to understand critical leadership skills to execute in a global environment. 1. Gain a basic understanding of how global political, economic and social events can impact even the smallest domestic organization. 2. Understand the interconnectedness of large organizations, how good ideas and initiatives in one department can lead to inefficiencies in another. 3. Learn critical communication skills to ensure organization resources are aligned, achieving the maximum potential output and efficiency.

Building the Conf ident & Resilient Leader Mental Strength Fundamentals Adaptive Leaders

Control Your Energy Self -Awareness Visualize Success

Resilient & Adaptable ! Leader


Team Building Situational Awareness Optimize Organizational Perf ormance

Problem Solving Advanced Goal Setting Change Management

HigherEchelon, Inc. 2014 All Rights Reserved ! !

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