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Change the question in parentheses to a noun clause.

1- (What is the government saying about the incident?) Do you know what the government is
saying about the incident?
2- (Why are the police at Mrs. Thomas's house?)
Thomas's house.

I wonder why the police are at Mrs.

3- (How can we help him with his financial problems?) We don't know
.................................................................................................................. .
4- (Where should I hang my coat?) Could you tell me .......................................................?
5- (Where will the meeting be held?) Has the manager told you ........................................?
6- (Whose suggestion was this?) I would like to know ..................................................... .
7- (Which universities offer courses in public relations?) I am trying to find out
........................................................................................................................................ .
8- (How long has this been happening?) The engineer wants to know
........................................................................................................................................ .
9- (Who shot the security guard?) Did anyone see ........................................................?
10- (Who was the security guard shot by?) Did anyone see ...............................................?
11- (When will they move into their new house?) ............................................. depends on the
sale of their old one.
12- (How does she manage on her old-age pension?) I have no idea ...................................
13- (How much would he charge for decorating the house?) Do you know
14- (What was he hoping to achieve by behaving like that?) I can't imagine
15- (When did he start this course of medication?) I need to know
16- (Where did they pat the posters?) Do you remember ...................................................?
17- (How shortsighted is our manager?) Can you believe ...................................................?


Change the question to a noun clause.

1- Is he enjoying his new job?

I'm not sure ..................................................................................................... .
2- Could I pay you on Friday?
I wonder ...........................................................................................................
3- Does she still work at the University of Technology?
Do you know ...............................................................................................?
4- Has she accepted the job yet?
I don't know ......................................................................................................... .
5- Did they agree to our terms?
He hasn't told me ................................................................................................ .
6- Should we inform the police?
We can ask the insurance company ......................................................................
7- Does she work in the same department as Kate?
I'll ask my sister ....................................................................................................
8- Can the shop deliver the sofa by Friday?
We need to know .................................................................................................. .
9- Have the windows been cleaned this week already?
The new cleaner is asking .....................................................................................
10-Are they going to repair the television under the guarantee?
..................................................................................... hasn't been confirmed yet.


Change the question to a noun clause.

1- Where are we meeting before the match?

George is going to decide ..................................................................................... .
2- Was he disappointed about losing the race?
Do you know .....................................................................................................?
3- What were they doing in the warehouse?
Did the manager find out.....................................................................................?
4- Who did Veronica marry?
I'm not in the least interested in ......................................................................... .
5- Which resort in Turkey did the travel agent recommend?
I can't remember .................................................................................................
6- Has the butler polished the silver yet?
Can someone find out.........................................................................................?
7- How much money has Richard made with his new business?
.......................................................................................... is none of our business.
8- Did he do it on purpose?
I wonder ..............................................................................................................
9- Why is the shop closed at such an early hour?
I don't know .....................................................................................................

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