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Name___________________ #___ Section_______ The Giver-Handout # 3 Chapters 7,8,9 Vocabulary- Define each of the following words using context

clues and write a meaningful sentence for any 5 words. 1. exasperated p.48 2. solemn(ly) p. 49 3. recollection p. 49 4. aptitude p. 50 5. rueful(ly) p. 52 6. indolence p. 58 7. integrity- p. 59 8. requisition p. 66 9. integral p. 67 Questions- Answer the following on a clean sheet of loose-leaf paper. TAG your answers and give specific examples from the story. 1. What made this ceremony different from anything the children had experienced until then? 2. Explain the statement made by the Chief Elder: We even gave a little thought to some retroactive chastisement for the one who had been Ashers Instructor of Threes so long ago. 3. Why had the Chief Elder skipped over Jonas during the Ceremony of Twelve? When this happens, how does Jonas feel? 4. According to the Chief Elder, what five qualities were necessary to be a Receiver of Memory? 5. Cite two instances in which Jonas probably exhibited the Capacity to see Beyond. Can you guess what he might have seen? If you have already read the book, why is what Jonas can see important? 6. Mother said to Jonas, You have been greatly honored. What does it mean to be honored? What professions are most honored in your community? Does honor bring power? Does it bring happiness? 7. Predict how Jonass new role will affect his friendships and relationship with his family. 8. Why, do you think, the Receiver of Memory was exempted from rudeness? 9. Of all the instructions Jonas received for his training, which seemed to disturb him the most? Why?

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