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CLASS: BE(Mechanical ) SUBJECT: CAD/CAM/CIM Periods per week 1Period of 60 min.

Lecture Practical Tutorial Theory Examination Practical Oral Examination Term Work TOTAL Hours 4 2 (PE)


4 2 -Marks 100 25 -25 150

Evaluation System

Sr. No.

Module 01

Details Hrs. INTRODUCTION & ELEMENTS OF INTERACTIVE COMPUTER GRAPHICS The design process, the role of modeling & communication, modeling using CAD, Product life cycle & CAD/ CAM, Concurrent engineering in Product design & development, Collaborative Engineering, computers for design Process, CAD System Architecture. The design workstation & its functions, Operator input devices (Mouse, 08 keyboard, tracker ball & Joy Stick etc.), Output devices (Printers & Plotters), two dimensional computer graphics, vector generation, the windowing transformation, three dimensional Computer graphics, viewing transformation, Homogeneous coordinates, Perspective projection, Visual realism, Hidden line removal & hidden surface removal algorithm, light & shade ray tracing. TECHNIQUES FOR GEOMETRIC MODELING Graphic standards, The parametric representation of geometry, Bezier curves, Cubic Spline curve, B-Spline curve, parametric representation of line, circle, ellipse & parabola constructive solid geometry (CSG), Boundary Representation (B-Rep), Wire Frame Modeling, Solid Modeling, Surface Modeling, Parametric Modeling, feature based modeling, Feature recognition, Design by feature. TRANSFORMATION, MAINPULATION & DATA STORAGE 2D & 3D Transformations (Translation, Rotation, & Scaling & Magnification), Concatenations, Matrix representation, Problems & object oriented programming on Transformations. Object transformation, mirror transformation, Data Structures for interactive modeling, Bill of materials from attribute data, The use of Object Orientation & associatively, Engineering data management system, relational data base for design, object Oriental database, Structured Query language, Design information Systems. Artificial Intelligence in Design & Manufacturing, Representation of Knowledge, and Knowledge base Engineering.

Module 02


Module 03


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