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PAPER1 READING (1 HOUR +15 MINUTES) PART 1 Answer questions 1-13 by referring to the magazine article about air travel on page 7. Indicate your answers on the separate answer shoot For questions 1-13, answer by choosing irom the sections of the article A-H. ‘Some of the sections may be required more than once. Note: When more than one answer's requirea, these may be given in any order. Which section refers to passengers who frequently fly on the same airline? (ete ae ‘ways of avoiding airline rules? 3 Variations in the layout of aircratt? checking an airline’s legal obligations? 5 promises made by airlines? 6 7 bargains for people not traveling alone? 8 relaxing surroundings before a flight? o.. travel from the airport after landing? 10. efforts to ensure there is room on planes forcertain people? 11. changing to a better seat? 12 unpleasant conditions during a flight? 13). TEST’ PAPER READING TIPS FOR AIR TRAVELLERS A Membership of an airline loyalty club will quarantee you a seat on a flight, even when that fight is fully booked for “normal passengers’. Air France, KLM, Scandinavian Air- lines end Singapore A\rlines are just four carriers offering this facility to their very best customers. Others, like British Airways, Lufthansa and Swissair, are not quite so bold with their claims but all will move heaven and earth to secure a ‘scat for their club membors. B Firet-class and businoss-class passengers got the pick of the seating, ‘up front’, away from all the engine no'se and vibration, Economy passengers are invariably seated in the noisior back rows of the aircraft, where the air is usually staler. There are exceptions, however, and airline seating plans (displayed in timetables} enable you to choose the best seat. c Traveling with overweight baggage can cost you dearly. On, long-haul flights, the aitines give you a free baggage alowence of between 20 and 64 kilos, depending on the class of ravel and the route, Every excess kilo is charged at cone per cent ofthe firsi-class fare. One way round this is to hand over your baggage to an excess-baggage compeny, Which ean save you as much as 70 percent on airline fees. Your luggage will then travel to your destination unac- ‘companied, and you can either collect it rom the aport or, have it delivered to your destination address. It won't Usually ave the same day, though. D Booking a firet-class or businoss-class ticket usually on- tiles you to use the more peaceful airline executive lounge at the airport, Regular passengers with an airline can also use the lounges, even whon fying on cut-price economy, tickets, E ‘The unthinkable has happened. You have arrived overseas, but your luggage has not appeared on the airport baggage carousel. Keep calm. in most cases your bags will tun up, eventually. But, before you leave the airport, contact a member of staff and completo a Baggage Irregularity Report, which ensures that you will receive compensation, However, airlines pay out pitiful compensation, so do read ‘the small print on your ticket, and it's essential to take out adequate insurance beforehand, F Securing an upgrade is easier than ever before. Canadian Arlines will now seat some transatlantic passengers who have paid the economy fare in business class, while business-class passengers bound for New York, Toronto, Delhi or Bombay are automatically upgradedto first-class if they have paid the ull business-class fare. In addition, large companies are increasingly negotiating an automatic upgrade with ailines. G ‘Several airlines are prepared to chauitfeur thelr first-class. ‘and business-class passengers to the airport free of ‘charge. Thess transfers, usually within a 120-kilometre radius, are offered by numerous airlines, including Air ‘Canada, Canadian Airines, Emirates, Japan's ANA, North- ‘wost, Gantas and Virgin Atiantic. Some carriars will also provide transport on arrival. H Taking a companion along and combining business with, pleasure costs less than you might think. Many airlines granta 50 percent discount for a partner in business class, while a few ~ Singapore Airlines and JAL, for example — provide two tickets for the price of one, either for use togother or at a later date. European fliors staying over a Saturday qualify for excursion fares, which enable two to travel for less than the price of one business-class ticket. yect: PAPER? READNG PART 2 Forquestions 14-20, you must choose which ofthe paragrapne AH on DiS ‘9 fitinto the gaps in the following extract from Fone Coneerta peragrenh which does not tin any ofthe gaps, Indeaiey ou" ‘enswers on the separate answer shoot. Timing a talk When people groan that they have been toa dreadful talk, the most common reason they give for their misery is ‘he went on andon and on’, A poorly presented subject can be suffered, forthe coke of the topic itself, ifit keeps totime. Buta talk which is both boring and drones on for endless minutes after the clock shows that the finishing time is passed, is a torture. Even an interesting, well presented talk which goes on for too long is remembered with little pleasure. The timing of a talkis, then, extremely important. i Why doesit matter so much? itis question which [have thought about a great deal. Itis quite obvious that speakers don’t think it matters greatly. Its equally obvious, both from liste gto others, and from observing one’s own reactions when trapped in the audience for a talk which goes on far too long, that to the audience timing is vital. ‘The firsts the different adrenalin levels in speakers and listeners. Put quite simply, they perceive time differently. The excitement and fear produced by speaking causes adrenalin to flush nto the veins in large quantities. The resultis that speakers have a stamina, a resistance to tiring, an gndurance, which is superhuman. They can go on all day. 4 speakers, then, are in an abnormal state. They are jndifferent to time and tiredness and while they are speaking they feel asi they could go on all day. But the audience is in quite the opposite state. Sitting down and having nothing to do but Yaten actually reduces adrenalin below its normal level. iz ‘The second reason is that audience and speaker probably have different emotionel concerns about the subject. The speaker has heen working on the topic for some time, preparing the talk. It is quite common for the effort of preparing a talk about a subject to produce a quite profound interest in the topil ieee ‘The audience, as usual, feels quite differently. ‘Their interest in the subject of the talk is unlikely to be so great. They may have no more than a polite interest init. They may have no interest at Bilin it and may have come to listen in the hope that the speaker will arouse an interest. fol ‘The third reason for the different attitudes between speaker and audience is contractual. The timing of your talk isin effect a contract with the ‘audience. You were invited to talk for a specific time and you have agreed to talk for this time. The power of this contracts extraordinary. If you have been invited to give a ten-minute presentation, the audience will become disastrously restless efter thirty minutes. They will feel that the talk was disgraceful and that the speaker is guilty of some great social crime. (20 a Of these two mistakes there is no doubt that to ‘ver-run the agreed time is more disastrous then to under-run it. The explanation seems to be that ‘the audience is quietly looking forward to the end of the talk. If that time comes and passes and the speaker is still industriously talking away, the listeners have lost their security. eS =|

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