Menace Manual Feats

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You are obsessed with the ways that mathematics and language can be used to create and break codes. This obsession grants you insights into cryptography that few posses. Prerequisite: Decipher Script 4 ranks. Benefit: It takes you half as long to decipher a code or ancient language when using the Decipher Script skill (see the Decipher Script skill description). In addition if you e!ceed the D" necessary to decipher the script or code by # or more you can read two pages per minute. If you succeed by $% or more you can read fi&e pages per minute. ' success by less than # and failures are dealt with as described in "hapter Two( Skills of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game. Normal: )eading one page of te!t usually takes at least one minute.


You speciali*e in hacking into computers and defending networks from hacking. Prerequisites: "omputer +se 4 ranks ,nowledge (technology) - ranks. Benefit: You gain a .4 competence bonus on "omputer +se checks made to defeat computer security defeat file security or defend security. This bonus does not apply to other uses of the "omputer +se skill.

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