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Sammantha Caraveo

60 Friend St. Apt 2L, Gloucester, MA 01930 (401)29 ! 6"1 s#$$.c#r#%eo&'$$ ~ A talented and dedicated educator with visual art and early childhood education experience ~
Massachusetts Visual Arts certified grades PreK-Eight Early Education and Care certified, ! "# ! $ !P CP% and &irst Aid certified &ive years of early childhood classroo' experience A(le to prepare and i'ple'ent lesson plans Creative, enthusiastic, 'ulti-tas)ing and dedicated Excellent ver(al and written co''unication s)ills A(le to wor) openly and professionally with staff Efficient in Microsoft *ord, +ffice, and Powerpoint -

EDUCATION University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, ,- .art'outh, MA / 0achelors of &ine Arts, Art Education, Concentration in painting, Magna Cu' $aude 12334-23526 CERTIFICATIONS / 7tate of Massachusetts "nitial eaching $icense, Visual Art, PreK-4 123526 / CP% and &irst Aid Certification 12352, expired 38#23596

Early Education and Care Certification,


eacher! "nfant eacher! $ead eacher! Preschool 1235:6

#in$er%arten Teacher Au%ust &'()* "resent KinderCare $earning Center, 0urlington, MA Class of 53 students, ages ;-9 to 9 years Plans and i'ple'ents all lessons in art, 'ath, science, language, writing "ncorporates curriculu' into all aspects of the classroo' %esponsi(le for set up of all areas such as 'ath center, science center, dra'atic play area, and classroo' li(rary %esponsi(le for cleanliness and organi<ation of classroo' Assists in other classroo's when needed Participates in all professional staff 'eetings and develop'ent days Art Instructor 7%0A at 0ailey=s 0each Clu(, ,ewport, %" Plans for and orders all 'aterials Plans and i'ple'ents all art lessons to ages ; through 52 Plans a fa'ily art show night Assists in outdoor activities through the afternoons +une &'()* Au%ust &'()

After schoo, Art C,asses 7t- Philo'ena=s 7chool, Ports'outh, %" +ffers classes to grades Pre-Kindergarten through second Plans and i'ple'ents lesson plans of painting, drawing, art history, and art exploration Classes run in 9 wee) sessions

&'(&* &'()

"re*#in$er%arten Ai$e &'(&* &'() 7t- Philo'ena=s 7chool, Ports'outh, %" Assists in planning and preparing lesson plans for students ages four and five years old Plans and i'ple'ents additional art lessons and activities Maintains cleanliness and organi<ation of classroo' 'aterials $eads craft activities, lunch ti'e, and recess every day $eads circle ti'e, 'orning 'eeting, and afternoon dis'issal when lead teacher is una(le or not present Co''unicates with parents concerning classroo' agendas, events, (ehaviors, etcAttends all staff 'eetings Participates in all professional develop'ent Teacher >ohn E- 0oyd Centers for Childhood .evelop'ent, &all %iver, MA %oo' 2 Assistant 1233?6 Assisted lead teachers with preparation and i'plantation of all lesson plans Assisted with lunch ti'e, outside and inside play Maintained cleanliness of classroo' and classroo' 'aterials Co''unicated with parents daily on classroo' events and (ehaviors &illed and filed all paperwor) including in@ury and (ehavior docu'entation oddler %oo', Co-$ead 12353-23556 Planned and carried out all lesson plans $ead circle, lunch, crafts, and afternoon play Co''unicated daily on classroo' events and child (ehaviors &illed out and filed all paperwor) including in@ury and (ehavior docu'entation Assisted in 'aintaining the cleanliness of the roo' and 'aterials Preschool %oo', Assistant 12355-7ept 23526 Assisted in lesson plan preparations Assisted with circle ti'e, lunch, and inside and outside play Assisted in classroo' 'aintenance Co''unicated with parents daily &illed out and filed all paperwor) concerning children Participated in all professional develop'ent &''/* &'(&

Su.stitute Teacher %ochester Me'orial Ele'entary, %ochester, MA - &ollowed and carried out any lesson plans left (y the ele'entary teacher - Arades Pre-Kindergarten through sixth


Stu$ent Teacher 0&'(&1 %ochester Me'orial Ele'entary, %ochester, MA Participated in a 59 wee) student practicu' for visual art with grades Pre-)indergarten through sixth +(served supervising practitioner for three wee)s, and assisted in preparations for lesson plans during this ti'e Authored and directed all lesson plans for 52 wee)s Maintained organi<ation and cleanliness of classroo' and 'aterials Participated in all staff 'eetings, and professional develop'ent Volunteered ti'e with the spring 'usicals Assisted in organi<ation and preparation for the spring art show

OUTSIDE "ROFFESIONA2 DE3E2O"MENT 2ivin% 2an$sca-es 4or5sho0&'(&1 A two day wor)shop held (y the Monarch 0utterfly ,etwor) for teachers interested in (ringing nature into their classroo', and their classroo' into nature-

$earned techniBues on how to co'(ine nature, art, and poetry into one classroo' experience *or)ed with fellow art and preschool educators

ADDITIONA2 E!"ERIENCE Part ti'e waitress and cashier positions were held in addition to all teaching e'ploy'entMEM6ERSHI" IN "ROFESSIONA2 ACTI3ITIES A,-ha Si%ma Tau Nationa, Sorority Chapter Consultant, %hode "sland College 12352-235:6 - Consult collegiate wo'en in 'eeting and ritual agendas - Co''unicate with ,ational CeadBuarters and collegiate chapter - &ill out and file all paper wor) for ,ational CeadBuarters Me'(er, Aa''a .elta Chapter 1233?-23526 - Celd office of 7ecretary fro' fall 233?-fall 2353 - Celd office of Chapter President fro' fall 2353- fall 2355 - Participated in all co''unity service! ani'al shelters, Arthritis *al), %elay for $ife, M7 *al), school supply drives, etcOTHER MEM6ERSHI"S UMASS A%ainst Destructive Decisions 0&'('*&'((1

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