Geo Tourism

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GEOTOURISM DEF: tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place: its environment, heritage, aesthetics, culture

and the well-being of its residents. -geotourism sustains, but it can also enhance by means of restorative and constructive forms of tourism that fit the nature of the destination. -tourist revenue can help to restore historic districts for instance, and support local craftspeople; it can help to preserve and develop local cuisines, to retain traditional cultural celebrations and performing arts that would otherwise disappear. -it can help beautify ugly places and enrich poor places. -geotourism is a combination of natural and human attrtibutes = a place is worth visiting !ecotourism, historic structures, archeological sites, scenic landscapes, cuisine, crafts, other arts". -tourism revenues can provide a real, bottom line incentive for residents to protect what tourists are coming to e#perience. -geotoursim must provide:- an en$oyable, enriching e#perience for visitors; -it calls for visitors to receive high-%uality, appealingly presented information about the place !interpretation"; -re%uires the involvement of the host community in numerous ways; -the host communities should have a deeper &nowledge of local natural and cultural heritage. -local community benefit- the financial one ! that means adopting policies that protect the locals environment and heritage"; managing tourism to achieve benefit with minimum disruption. -geotourism accepts, therefore, that limits on tourist traffic may in some situations be necessary to avoid the 'loved to death( syndrome. -tourists) benefits are more important than counting the tourists arrivals. -sustainable tourism protects its product- the destination. -geotourism conserves resources, respects local culture and tradition, aims for %uality not %uantity; geotourism is synergistic !it involves the community, it informs both visitors and hosts, benefits residents economically, supports integrity of place, it means great trips" -geotourism approach is all-inclusive -land use !apply techni%ues to prevent undesired overdevelopment and degradation"; conservation of resources.

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