BQG Newsletter Dec 2013

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Buffalo Quilting Gals

Buffalo, Wyoming
Vol. XVI No. 11 2013 Buffalo, Wyoming

Notice: There are several pages of pictures in this newsletter so if you want to print only the newsletter please specify the pages you want to print!
LAST MEETING-- Our last meeting was November 9 at Onderdonk Hall. We had a great Show and Tell (Thanks Vikki for the pictures of Show and Tell as well as the Kids Quilt Day!) and then some good food and a chance to work on our own projects. NEXT MEETING-- The next meeting will be on December 14th at 9AM at Onderdonk Hall. This meeting will be a busy one. Please read Sherrys message for details. Since it is the last meeting of the year it would be great to see all of the projects we worked on together from 2013 so if you finished a project and havent brought it for Show and Tell be sure to bring it to this meeting. There should be lots of Delectable Mountains quilts and exchange block quilts that we havent seen yet. Presidents Message:
Hello my Sister Quilters This is the month we reflect on what we are thankful for. With so much going on in the world and our own personal lives sometimes it is hard to remember for what we are thankful. I have a dear friend who was injured in an accident and has literally gone through hell. She went from an outgoing, vivacious lady to a person who has to depend on others to take care of her. She was my best friend and remains my best friend. I asked her one day do you ever ask "why me/". She said to me "why not me?". She does everything with a smile and is just thankful to be alive. Whenever I get to feeling down and like the world is against me, I remember this friend telling me "why not me?". If she can still have this awesome attitude, then who am I to feel sorry for myself? I am thankful for my family, healthy children and grandchildren. I am so very thankful for the good health I have always had. I am grateful to Dee for inviting me to come to one of the meetings, even though I told her I did not have time to take on another thing. This one invitation has rewarded me with friendships I will always have to cherish. I am thankful for your patience and support with me. I have learned so much from each and every one of you. We have laughed, cried, comforted and advised each other. This guild does great and wonderful things. The community service, the kids quilts, and now our "Quilts of Valor" for those who have served to guarantee our safety and freedom. With the kids quilts, I hope that this will encourage these young people to sew and hopefully keep alive quilting once we are all gone. Okay enough of this sappy stuff (sigh, wipe away tears), December is just about here and we have some wonderful things planned. First, it is potluck; so bring your favorite food, dessert or whatever else you want to bring. You will also need to bring a white elephant gift. This gift has to be something you already have; it does not have to pertain to sewing. You cannot go buy a white elephant. It can be awesome or not so awesome. Please wrap it beautifully, as this is how we will choose which gift we want to pick. As you come into the hall, leave it outside in a pile that way no one but you will know which gift you brought.

Second, please bring a sewing notion in a bag to pass around as Janet recites a poem. Please try to keep this gift to $5.00 if you go buy one for the pass around, just put it in a bag. Now for the serious side of December's meeting. This is the order in which we will do things. We will do the welcome, Sunshine and Shadows and then move right in to the election of officers. Please think about who you want in each position and if you would like to have this position. We do not want to force anyone into a service they do not want or cannot fulfill. After we have elected the officers for next year, we are going to go ahead and swear them in so they will be ready to go in January. After the elections we will do the "Secret Sister" reveal, so make sure you bring your gift for your secret sister. We will then do "Show and Tell", so bring your projects to show us what you have done. Next will come the white elephant gift exchange, then the notion pass around. We will conclude the meeting eating all the goodies everyone has brought and of course we will laugh, cry, console, advise and solve the problems of the world. Hope to see you all there. If there is someone who may not be getting these emails please make sure you invite them so they will not be left out. Again thank you all for the support you have give me and my presidency. Lots of love, Sherry

MEMBERSHIP Currently we have 33 members.

December Hostesses Christmas Pot Luck

Happy Birthday!
Janet Goss Dec 18

Dont forget the Secret Sister reveal in December. TREASURER'S REPORTGladys will send this.
MINUTESMinutes are in an email attachment (or included if you receive this in print).

Sunshine & Shadows

WSQG NEWS The BQG copy of Patchwords will be available at the BQG meetings. Patchwords is also posted on line on the WSQG. You do not need to be a member to access Patchwords. The annual NE Quilters Retreat at Ucross turns 10 this year!! This wonderful retreat began as a WSQG-sponsored Regional Event, but became self-sufficient several years ago. Last year, Sarah Pugh and I volunteered to coordinate this fun function! Electronic registration records were lost when a former volunteers computer crashed. Our attendee list was reconstructed based upon a box of prior years registrations and return address labels from envelopes. Registration emails go out to returning attendees in November. This is a wonderful rural facility; however, space restrictions limit our attendee numbers.
Please email to be added to a Waiting List. Use a Subject line of UCROSS 10. Last year we were able to include most everyone on our waiting list. Here is wishing you all a Blessed Holiday and Happy New Year! Quilt on, Diana Wilsey Geer, WSQG NE Director I also heard about this:

January 11, 2014 Creative Fiber Guild Mystery Quilt Day 9:00am-4:00pm $12.00 Contact Buffy Shattek 307 752-3525 First clue available now! Holiday Inn Sheridan, WY

2013 Officers President: Sherry Walter Vice President: Betty Anderson Secretary/Newsletter: Seena Spencer Treasurer: Gladys Kamberger 2013 Committee/Project Chairs Programs: Anna Hutchins Service Projects: Cindy Zeiser Secret Sis Mom: Donna Mortenson March Quilt Show: Liz Tobi Hospitality: Peggy Stroble JC Fair: Bonnie Roth Historian: Photographer: Cathy Stafford Kids Quilt Day: Joan Berning/Sharon Shane

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