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PBS Example Behavior Support Plan Child: Sarah 'rade: ( Date: $arch) 1 * 2+12 Classroom Teacher: Erin Yaschuk

Teachers ID: 12 ! 1" #ther Team $em%ers: Educational &ssistant

Dia,ram Summar- Statement and Competin, Behavior Path.a-

(Adapted from ONeill et al., 1997; Umbreit et al., 2


/%e motivated to interact and communicate positivel- .ith peer0 Desired Behavior /la,,in, communication skills e3cept in speci1ied areas outside o1 the classroom0 Settin, Events /%ein, asked to interact and communicate .ith peers0 &ntecedent 4 Tri,,er /lack o1 response in communication .hen pla-in, .ith peers0 Pro%lem Behavior /does not .ait her turn* or .ill stop listenin, to E&0 &lternative 4 5eplacement Behavior

/,ain social skills* and increase lan,ua,e pro1icienc-0 PBS Example $aintainin, Conse2uences /escape* does not have to communicate and interact .ith peers4un1amiliar0 $aintainin, Conse2uences

6ist Strate,ies that $ake Pro%lem Behavior Irrelevant* Ine11ective* 7 Ine11icient Setting Event Strategies 8se visual cues to help Sarah .hen she is con1used* or 1rustrated .ith communication &sk parents to practice communication .ith her 9ork on communication skills .ith someone %esides E& .ho she is ver- com1orta%le .ith Antecedent Strategies &sk Sarah to communicate .ith peers durin, class activities .here she does not need assistance i)e): ph-sical education* music* and art &sk Sarah to .ork one on one .ith a partner to develop a relationship* rather than in a lar,e ,roup ;isual cues* and prompts 1or proper social and communication skills Provide support %e1ore Sarah shuts o11 Teaching Strategies S-stematicallincrease time spent .ith peers /%uild up to lon,er periods* and more communitive activities0 Create visual cues to let Sarah kno. that thin,s are oka-* create a stress 1ree environment Provide co,nitive help .hen Sarah is stru,,lin, .ith certain components o1 lan,ua,e* %e help1ul %ut do not ena%le her to not speak Consequence Strategies &llo. Sarah to %rin, a ,ame or to- that she en<o-s sharin, or pla-in, .ith her parents or other outside 1riends* and ,et her to teach or sho. someone ne. E& is .ith her =(> o1 the da-* do not let her use learned helplessness I1 she interacts positivel- .ith a peer* a re.ard .hich channels into more communication4intera ction

Specific Teaching Notes: Pro%lem Solvin, Trainin,: 1) reco,ni?e .h- Sarah stops speakin, and %ecomes silent around peers 2) de1ine .ith Sarah .hat the pro%lem o1 not interactin, is* and discuss .hat the ,oal is ) ,ive Sarah alternative solutions to not listenin,* and not .aitin, her turn .hen she doesnt understand or is 1eelin, like she cannot communicate !) .ei,h the solutions out in a .a- that Sarah .ill understand () make a plan: discuss and esta%lish a plan @) ,ive Sarah multiple opportunities throu,hout the da-* and in di11erent su%<ects to interact .ith peers Plan for Monitoring and BSP Review Date per .eek* meet .ith Sarah and tr- to ,et her to vocali?e .hat she en<o-ed a%out spendin, time .ith a peer* and .hat situations made her 1eel uncom1orta%le and caused her to return to autistic characteristics o1 speech) Data to !e Collected &sk Sarahs parents i1 she has an- peers outside o1 the classroom he she interacts .ith* and from around* ONeill etor al., 1997; Umbreit et al., 2 7! monitor in class activities to see .hom Sarah 1eels (Adapted com1orta%le someone .hom she .ill sociall- interact .ith) 8se a checklist .ith Sarah and ask .hat she liked* and didnt like a%out the interaction)

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