Japanese Internment Process Paper

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Japanese-American Rights and Responsibilities During World War II

Josh Lindsey Senior Division

Section 1: I chose my topic because events that correspond with World War II interest me. I also believed that it would expand my knowledge in an area of study that I am interested in. I also felt that there would be an abundance of information on this topic. Section 2: I conducted my research by mainly searching the internet for credible sources that had information on my topic. I also went to my local library for a day and used resources that I had access to. Section 3: I chose to do a website because I felt like it would be the easiest of the three categories to put together. I also am interested in technology, and I felt like this would help me become more interested in the project. Section 4: My topic relates to the NHD theme because it is discussing the limited rights and responsibilities of Japanese-Americans during World War II. The JapaneseAmericans were restricted by the American government in terms of their rights, and because of this their responsibilities were changed. This ties in with the theme because it is discussing a certain group of people and how they were treated by a government.

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