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Lesson Plan Template

1. Lesson Plan Information Subject/Course: Science Grade Level: 1 Topic: Trees, the Environment, and Us 2. Expectation(s) Expectation(s) (Directly from The Ontario Curriculum): Science Grade 1 Curriculum 3.5 describe how showing care and respect for all living things helps to maintain a healthy environment 3.6 identify what living things provide for other living things 3.2 identify the physical characteristics of a variety of plants and animal Language Grade 1 Curriculum 3.2 spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies that involve understanding sound-symbol relationships, word structures, and word meanings Name: Amanda Vitorio Date: Nov 12, 2013 Length of Period: 30 mins Time: 12:35pm

Learning Skills (Where applicable): Independent Work uses class time appropriately to complete tasks 3. Content What do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do? Name the parts of a tree Talk about why trees are important for the environment, for us, and for animals Today learners will: Write 3 points about why trees are important for people Write down the names of the parts of a tree

4. Assessment (collect data) / Evaluation (interpret data) (Recording Devices (where applicable): anecdotal record, checklist, rating scale, rubric) Based on the application, how will I know students have learned what I intended? - Mark out of 5 for whether or not they got the answers right for the parts of a tree - Checklist for whether or not they finished the other worksheet -> this will assess independent work 5. Learning Context A. The Learners (i) What prior experiences, knowledge and skills do the learners bring with them to this learning experience? - The class knows what a tree is and some vocabulary for parts of the tree (ii) How will I differentiate the instruction (content, process and/or product) to ensure the inclusion of all learners? (Must include where applicable accommodations and/or modifications for learners identified as
Lesson Plan Template

exceptional.) - M.R will sit at desk at the front to work on the second worksheet or if E.A is in the class at the time then he will work with her B. Learning Environment - Book will be read on the carpet - Worksheet completed at students desks C. Resources/Materials - The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry - Transparencies of the worksheets - Chalkboard

6. Teaching/Learning Strategies INTRODUCTION How will I engage the learners? (e.g., motivational strategy, hook, activation of learners prior knowledge, activities, procedures, compelling problem) (2mins) Today we are going to read The Great Kapok Tree, by Lynne Cherry. Before we start, what do we know about trees? What do they look like? MIDDLE: Teaching: How does the lesson develop? How we teach new concepts, processes (e.g., gradual release of responsibility - modeled, shared, and guided instruction).(15 mins) Read the book and have stops prepared with questions Page with monkeys What are roots? Why are they important? Page with frogs What does homeless mean? How does it apply to the story? Page with porcupines What do we need from the tree? If we look at the great kapok tree what different parts do we see? the bottom of the tree (the roots), the middle which is the trunk, the branches, the leaves, the flowers Lets all pretend we are like The Great Kapok Tree. Starting crouching on the floor lets wiggle our toes and pretend they are like the roots of the tree, strong, and growing in the ground. Next lets slowly roll up and pretend our body is like the trunk of the tree, nice and tall. Now lets raise our hands up high in the air just the like the branches of the tree. Starting swaying your arms back and forth like the leaves on the branches that are blowing in the wind. Finally wiggle your fingers and pretend theyre like the beautiful flowers on the Great Kapok Tree. Lets head back to our desks and take out our science workbooks. Class will work together to develop answers for page 15 of the workbook and teacher will write down the answers they give on the transparency. They will copy it after.

Consolidation and/or Recapitulation Process: How will I bring all the important ideas from the learning experiences together for/with the students? How will I check for understanding? (1min) I would like you to tell me the parts of the tree and then say what we did on carpet that would go along with that part of the tree. I will write the words on the board as you tell me.

Lesson Plan Template

Application: What will learners do to demonstrate their learning? (Moving from guided, scaffolded practice, and gradual release of responsibility.) (10mins) Display the transparency of page 16 and ask them to draw a line from the blank line to the parts of the tree so that they dont get confused when they are writing I would like you to write the names of the parts of the tree in the blanks that you see. You can copy the words from the board but you need to figure out which blanks they fit in. One of the ways you can figure them out is by using the first letter. When you say the words that you want to use try to pay attention to the first sound it makes so that you can figure out which letter it goes along with. When you are finished your work please bring it up to me.

CONCLUSION: How will I conclude the lesson? (1min) Great job getting everything done today! If you havent finished your work then please but your book in your homework box.

7. My Reflections on the Lesson What do I need to do to become more effective as a teacher in supporting student learning? I ended up testing the children orally on what the parts of the tree were. They did the writing with me and the their classmates and then asking them orally one by one ensured that they understood this part of the lesson. I think this was better than assessing the written work in the workbooks because of the great amount of work they are already having assessed based on writing that they have to do. It might be beneficial to maybe change up the application piece. This would be a good book to use as a Literacy Workshop and create different centers. It would be focusing on both language and science curriculum.

Lesson Plan Template

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