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Homework Assignments and Reminders Week of January 27, 2014 Read AR books this week! January !ass goa!

" Read 100 books! Reward" #o$ie and %o& orn %arty 'ooks read so far ( 2) books!
#onday Practice your memory verse (Romans 3:23). Remember to memorize the reference. e ready to say it Wednesday mornin!. Practice "f#uency read$ (in Pirate %oteboo&). Practice s'e##in! (ords. There (i## be s'e##in! test Friday. Re!u#ar Words: hu!e cube )une cute ru#e f#ute tube rude use mu#e onus Word: (ater under *o#den Word: subtraction +ur ,--th day ce#ebration is tomorro(. Remember to dress #i&e you are ,-- years o#d.... *uesday Practice your memory verse (Romans 3:23). e ready to say it Wednesday mornin!. Practice your vocabu#ary (ords. /ou may need to 'ractice readin! these (ords mu#ti'#e times on mu#ti'#e evenin!s. !ro( food around find (ater under Practice your "f#uency read$. Practice your s'e##in! (ords. Put your cha'e# offerin! in your Pirate %oteboo&. /ou (i## !et an enve#o'e at schoo#. Put your #ibrary boo&s in your bac&'ac&. 0t is #ibrary tomorro(. Wednesday Practice your memory verse (0saiah 13:2) Practice your "f#uency read$. Practice your s'e##in! (ords. *hursday Practice your memory verse (0saiah 13:2). e ready to say it tomorro( mornin!. Practice your "f#uency read$. /ou (i## be readin! this to an adu#t tomorro(. Practice your s'e##in! (ords. /our test is tomorro(. Return 'ermission s#i' and 3a#entine 'arty R43P. +riday 5ave a !reat (ee&end.

(Tests on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

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