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Jerica Nelson Philosophy of Education Educators can change and shape their students lives.

As an educator, my aspiration is to help students meet their fullest potential and have a positive impact on each and every one of my students. My philosophy of education includes three essential components: modeling and promoting respect, recognizing the uniqueness and meeting the individual needs of each student, and teaching my students life lessons that ill help them to !e successful. "espect for yourself, and others, is one of the most important characteristics to have in life. As an educator, # ant to instill the importance of respect in my students$ it is a quality that can set you apart from others. %ne of the most effective ays for me to teach respect is to model it as a teacher. # plan to sho my students respect, and hope to earn it in return. # ant my students to understand the value of !eing respected for themselves, each other and the orld around them. Each student is a unique entity. Every student has individual learning needs and styles, therefore it is important to have fle&i!ility in my teaching so # am a!le to reach all of my students. As a professional educator my teaching style ill need to accommodate the needs of my students. Along ith teaching the curriculum my classroom shall !e a time to reflect on life lessons. # ill help the students develop the s'ills necessary to !e successful in our society. # also 'no ho important it is to (never give up) on a student. # feel that if # 'eep pushing my students to do their !est and reach their goals, they ill succeed in doing so. *aving a positive outloo' can ma'e a great deal of difference in the life of a

child$ to see the good in people, and the good in situations, is significant in !ringing health, happiness, and success. # hope to achieve many goals as a teacher: model and promote respect, recognize the uniqueness of each of my students and then meet those individual needs, and teach my students life lessons that ill help them to live a more gratified life. My teaching philosophy is that all of these goals are essential in e&celling as a teacher, and student. # hope to positively influence each of my students and # also plan to encourage each one to reach his+her fullest potential.

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