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Jerica Nelson EDUC 319 Video Reflection 16 April 2013

After video taping a lesson t at ! ta"g t on Mount Rushmore to t e t ird grade st"dents at #pence Ele$entar% #c ool ! ave learned $% strengt s and &ea'nesses of teac ing( ! ave also )een a)le to reflect on t e st"dents* )e aviors and & at ! &ill c ange in t e f"t"re( D"ring $% lesson+ t e st"dents activated t eir )ac'gro"nd 'no&ledge a)o"t ,o"nt R"s $ore+ and co$pleted a -./ c art as a s$all gro"p( 0 e% &ere a)o"t to disc"ss & at t e% alread% 'ne&+ &anted to 'no&+ and & at t e% learned( 0 e% t en &or'ed &it a partner to p"t voca)"lar% &ords in alp a)etical order+ and &rote a stor% a)o"t & at t e% &o"ld carve and & %( ! also "sed t e i1ad to incorporate a vis"al to"r of ,o"nt R"s $ore so st"dents co"ld feel li'e t e% &ere reall% t ere( ! learned $an% t ings a)o"t $% teac ing strategies )% &atc ing $%self teac a s$all gro"p lesson( D"ring t e lesson t e st"dents in $% gro"p sta%ed engaged t ro"g o"t t e & ole lesson( ! &as a)le to as' open2ended 3"estions t at allo&ed t e$ to ave $"ltiple ans&ers+ and t in' criticall%( ! also 'ept t e st"dents on2topic and interested in & at t e% &ere learning( ! also noticed t at ! called on eac st"dent t e sa$e a$o"nt of ti$es+ even t o"g so$e &anted to spea' $ore t an ot ers( ! incl"ded all of t e st"dents a fair a$o"nt( ! also t in' t at $% lesson incorporated $an% different interesting activities t at elped 'eep t e$ engaged( 0 e alp a)etical order activit% &or'ed &ell )eca"se !

$atc ed t e pairs "p so t at t e% &ere a)le to sta% foc"sed and on2tas'( ! also t in' t at ! did a perfect a$o"nt of incorporating tec nolog%( 0 e st"dents got t ro"g t e $ain lesson and &ere given ten $in"tes at t e end to e4plore a ,o"nt R"s $ore application on t e i1ad t at gave t e$ a virt"al to"r( 0 e% &ere ver% engaged in t is activit% and it &as closel% related to t e lesson t at &as ta"g t( 0 e $ain t ing t at ! noticed after &atc ing $%self teac &as o& soft ! tal'( 0 ere &ere ti$es & ere ! co"ld not ear & at ! &as sa%ing( 0 is also affected t e st"dents )eca"se ! &as often repeating 3"estions or $%self t at ! ad as'ed t e st"dents( ! plan to &or' on tal'ed lo"der so t at ! eli$inate aving to repeat $%self+ & ic ta'es a&a% fro$ teac ing ti$e( 0al'ing lo"der is so$et ing t at ! can do+ and no& t at ! a$ a&are of it+ ! &ill )e s"re to foc"s on it & en teac ing again( 0 ro"g o"t t e video t e c ildren*s )e avior in $% gro"p &as good overall( ! ad a gro"p of five st"dents and t e% &ere all ver% engaged in t e lesson( 0 ere &ere a co"ple ti$es & ere one st"dent &as loo'ing aro"nd and ! 5"st si$pl% tapped on t e )oo'+ and e &ent )ac' to it+ &it o"t an% 3"estion( 6verall+ ! t in' t at $% lesson &ent ver% &ell+ and ! plan to incl"de activities t at 'eep c ildren engaged in $% lessons( ! also t in' t at allo&ing t e st"dents to "se t e i1ad at t e end &as also )eneficial for t e$( ! plan on &or'ing on t e vol"$e of $% voice+ so t at ! don*t ave to repeat $%self as $"c in f"t"re lessons(

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