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Erin Yaschuk 9708-87 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6E 2 !

ATTN: Human Resources "t is #ith considerable interest that " enclose m$ resume %or a teachin& 'osition in $our school district( " am con%ident that $ou #ill see m$ stron& commitment to education, various teachin& strate&ies, and e)cellent or&ani*ational and collaborative skills as a 'ositive asset to $our school district( Thus %ar in the earl$ sta&es o% m$ teachin& career, " have been %ortunate to have had the o''ortunit$ to teach and volunteer #ith man$ students #ith mild co&nitive dela$s includin& autism, behavioral disorders and learnin& disabilities( Throu&h this e)'erience " have learned to e%%ectivel$ di%%erentiate instruction to meet the needs o% all learners o% di%%erent levels and ca'abilities( " am currentl$ com'letin& m$ social studies ma+or at the ,niversit$ o% Alberta and am lookin& %or#ard to sharin& m$ 'assion o% histor$, multi'le 'ers'ectives and current events #ith m$ students( " encoura&e student learnin& b$ incor'oratin& a student-centered a''roach #hile actin& as the %acilitator throu&h the use o% hands on activities, technolo&$, and a nurturin& learnin& communit$( " believe that as students take learnin& into their o#n hands the$ are able to become critical thinkers 'ositivel$ connectin& to the to'ic at hand as #ell as become en&a&ed, active and enthusiastic about their learnin&( -$ &reatest stren&th is m$ abilit$ to #ork collaborativel$ on a team( " %ind throu&h stron& communication #ith collea&ues, 'arents and students " can create meanin&%ul relationshi's to brin& that sense o% communit$ into an$ school or classroom( .lease %eel %ree to contact me i% $ou have an$ /uestions or concerns( " can be reached b$ e-mail at0 Yaschuk1ualberta(ca or b$ 'hone at 2-37804-686-5!22( Thank $ou %or $our consideration( 6incerel$,

Erin Yaschuk

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