5903 Med Syllabus 2013 Rev

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ENG 5903-01 Special Topics: International Studies in Rhetoric & Literature Europes Mediterranean Coast Fall 2013 Dr.

. Rochelle Gregory The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page. -St. Augustine Instructor Information Course Instructor: Rochelle Gregory, Ph.D. Office Number: 940 498 6297 Cell Number: 940 206 8232 Primary Email Address: XXX Secondary Email Address: Rochelle.gregory@gmail.com Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/rochelle.gregory.79 Website: www.rochelledgregory.com Honors Office Contact: Dr. Guy Litton Associate Professor of English Department of English, Speech, and Foreign Languages P.O. Box 425829 Texas Womans University Denton, TX 76204-5829 Office: Stoddard Hall 104 & CFO 912 Office Telephone: 940-898-2331

Course Goals, Student Learning Outcomes, Required Texts Course Goals and Student Learning Outcomes: According to the TWU Graduate Catalog, Special Topics. Investigation of a specific literary or linguistic topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and an undergraduate concentration in English. Three lecture hours per week. Credit: Three hours. May be repeated for credit when topic of investigation varies." This particular 13/FA graduate special topics study abroad seminar allows for graduate students to investigate the influences of the Western Mediterranean literary, linguistic, and rhetorical imagination. This graduate special topics course is the companion course to the Honors/ESFL Study

Abroad Program and ENG 2043-91, World Literature, Honors. As scheduled, each graduate student will serve as a teaching/research assistant to the instructor. Texts: Fitzgerald, F. Scott, Tender is the Night (NY: Scribner, 1995). ISBN 9780684801544 Hemingway, Ernest, A Moveable Feast (NY: Scribner, 1996). ISBN 068482499X Zafon, Carlos Ruiz, The Shadow of the Wind (NY: Penguin, 2005). ISBN 0143034902 Poetry packet (Eugenio Montale, Byron, Shelley) Federico Fellinis 8 (Italy) Jean de Florette and Manon of the Spring (French Films) (http://www.amazon.com/Florette-Manon-Spring-DoubleFeature/dp/B0009P7EI2) Pedro Almodovars All About My Mother (Spain)

Other selections may be posted from time to time on the links provided on the class Blackboard site.

Course Description: This course is the companion course to the Honors/ESFL Study Abroad Program. It is a class in which we will be studying a broad selection of literary works in from and about the Western Mediterranean. All of the works have important connections to the places we will be visiting on tour. In addition to our goals of exploring different authors from different eras, we will also be examining works that are from several countries and from three major genres.

The TWU Honors Scholars will be studying a broad selection of literary works in the course, all of which have important connections to the places they (and us!) will be visiting on tour. In addition to our goals of exploring different authors from different eras, we will also be examining works that are from several countries and from three major genres. In terms of the undergraduate endeavors, overall, there will be three facets of the class: Readings, Film, and Culture: Readings in the literature (in translation) and culture of and about Italy, France, and Spain. We will read selections poetry, prose, and fiction. We will also view films by Spanish, Italian, and French filmmakers, examine art, architecture, fashion, music and other elements of pop culture.

Research: Collaborative research into the history, art, architecture, and geography of the Mediterranean from ancient to modern times. We will be dividing into small research teams, conducting electronic and library research in different areas, and sharing our findings with each other. Each

graduate student will lead an Honors Scholar Group that will conduct research and make presentations on the following places on our itinerary: Finding in Northern Italy Feasting in Northern Italy Finding in Southern France Feasting in Southern France Finding in Catalunya Feasting in Catalunya [________________________________] [________________________________] [________________________________] [________________________________] [________________________________] [________________________________]

The purpose of each of these honors scholars presentations is to educate each other about these places and about their contribution to Mediterranean culture, literature, and history prior to our departure. Your role will be to guide undergraduate students so that they offer a polished, formal, informative presentation at the end of the semester. This will require that you meet with your group several times throughout the semester to discuss roles and topics and to rehearse.

Course Assignments and Grading Criteria

Class and On-Site Discussions: During the semester, each student will be responsible for helping to lead the class discussion over one of the selected print or media texts. You will be responsible for meeting two times before your presentation to discuss the texts and your contribution to the discussion. Likewise, while we are in Europe, each graduate student will meet together periodically for small group discussions regarding the historic and cultural sites that we see. Portfolio Study Abroad Pedagogical Paper Lecture Discussion Leadership Materials 50% 25% 25%

You will also research and write a 4 - 6 page Study Abroad Pedagogical Paper, due November 17th.

International Studies in Rhetoric and Literature Research Portfolio (50%). Your ENG 5903-01 Portfolio includes: Title Page Table of Contents Letter of Submission Pedagogical Theories and Approaches to Study Abroad Research Paper Applications of Pedagogical Theories and Approaches to Study Abroad: Discussion, Lecture, Research Materials, Travel Reflections

Study Abroad Pedagogical Approaches Research Paper (25%). This 4-6 page paper grounded in contemporary, credible, peer-reviewed scholarship that situates/justifies a study abroad course/program in a Composition & Rhetoric/English department. For this paper, you might consider exploring (although this list is not comprehensive): the significance of cultural competency, student success/retention rates and study abroad, your universitys/colleges strategic plan and how study abroad fits within those goals, or your writing/literature/rhetoric course pedagogical goals and how you implement those in non-traditional classroom settings. Attendance. In order to earn an A grade, your attendance and active participation is required at all scheduled lectures and activities before, during, and after the trip. Thank you.

Lecture/Discussion/Research Leadership of Honors Scholars (25%). Materials that you developed for your lecture, your Blackboard posts, your assessments of the participants in your respective discussion groups. Includes a required dress rehearsal with your instructor. This mark also includes your active participation on the study tour itself in January.

Reflections and Self Assessment of Study Abroad Experience: Selfassessment of most valued lessons learned; speculating how this experience has changed you as a teacher and a scholar; predictions of what you might be able to do with this global and cultural passion. Rhetorical stance is Post-Trip. 750 1000 words. Selected Appendices: Trip-related materials, travel writing, calls for papers for conferences in which you might continue your independent research topic, Fulbright applications, Blackboard chats with your respective students, etc.

Other Course Considerations

Academic Dishonesty: Honesty in completing assignments is essential to the mission of the university and to the development of the personal integrity of the student. Cheating, plagiarism, or other kinds of academic dishonesty will not be

Students with Disabilities: If you anticipate the need for reasonable accommodations to meet the requirements of this course, you must register with the office of Disability Support Services (CFO 106, 940-898-3835, www.twu.edu/dss/) in order to obtain the required official notification of your accommodation needs. Please plan to meet with me by appointment or during office hours to discuss approved accommodations and how my course requirements and activities may impact your ability to fully participate.

tolerated and will result in appropriate sanctions that may include failing an assignment, failing the class, or being suspended or expelled. Suspected cases in this course may be reported to Student Life. The specific disciplinary process for academic dishonesty is found in the TWU Student Handbook. Tools to help you avoid plagiarism are available through the TWU Libraries at http://www.twu.edu/library/res/res_plagiarism.htm. Class Schedule All classes will be held in MCL 504 at 2:00 to 5:00 pm on the dates below. Each evening will have a theme, and you should read the works and view the films listed for the evening in advance of the class session. September 15 2:00-4:00: Information Session/Meet n Greet [Mandatory for all participants on tour.] Basics of Our Trip Meet n Greet Game Paperwork Check with Beth Meet Group Leaders Optional Info Sessions on: o Money Matters o Packing and What to Expect o Safety Discuss syllabus and course requirements for undergraduate course 4:00 5:00: Graduate students only. Discuss syllabus and course requirements. Will continue discussion online to prepare for first class.

October 27 1:00-2:00: Graduate students meet to prepare for upcoming class. 2:00-5:00: All students. Mini-Exam 2 (30 min) Trip Information Q&A (15 min)

September 29 1:00-2:00: Graduate students meet to prepare for upcoming class. 2:00-5:00: All students. Mini-Exam 1 (30 min) Trip Information Q&A (10 min) Discuss Poetry Packet (30 min) [________________________________] Discussion of Fellinis 8 (film) (45 min) [________________________________] Hemingways A Moveable Feast (45 min) [________________________________] Group Presentation Meeting (10 min) 5:006:00: Graduate students meet to prepare for upcoming class. Will continue discussion online to prepare for next class.

November 17 1:00 2:00: Graduate students meet to prepare for upcoming class. 2:00-5:00: All students. Mini-Exam 3 (30 min) Trip Information Q&A (15 min) Zafons The Shadow of the Wind [________________________________] Discussion of Almodovars All About My Mother (film) Group Presentation Meeting (20 min) Study Abroad Pedagogical Approaches Research Paper Due

Special Guest: Mr. Chris Morrison is tentatively scheduled to visit TWU the week of October 30th. Please keep your calendar open that week for a reception and information session about our trip!

Fitzgeralds Tender is the Night (45 min) [________________________________] Discussion of Jean de Florette and Manon of the Spring (French Films) (45 min) [________________________________] Group Presentation Meeting (20 min) 5:006:00: Graduate students meet to prepare for upcoming class. Will continue discussion online to prepare for next class.

December 8 2:00-5:00: Group Presentations: Each of our six groups will offer their researched presentations. January 6 (Layover): Well have a special activity to occupy any layover time. February 2: Final Meeting 2:00 5:00 End-of-Semester Portfolio Due

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