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Sekolah Menengah Seri Omega

Teacher: WL Cheng Class : 4A Lesson No.:37 Date : !"#"$! Time :!.%%& .$%

S'()ect: Mathematics Cha*ter:! To*ic: Trigonometr+ ,, -3.

S'(&to*ic: !. / Sol0ing 1ro(lems in0ol0ing sin 23 cos 2 an/ tan 2. 45.

,n the a(o0e /iagram3 1T6 is a straight line 4 an/ sin y 7 . 7 8in/ -a. cos x3 -(. length o9 QR.


,n the /iagram3 ABCD is a rectangle. < ;i0en DC 7 3D4 an/ tan x 7 3 9in/ % -a. the length o9 A=3 -(. tan y.

45ercise .

% ,n the /iagram a(o0e3 EHG an/ FGJ are straight lines. ;i0en that cos x = 3 9in/ # -a. the length o9 FH,

-(. cos y. >Ans. -a. :.% cm % -(. ? #

:. ,n the /iagram a(o0e3 ABCD is a tra*e@i'm. 8in/ -a. the length o9 AD,

-(. cos x >Ans. -a. ! cm -(. % ? 3



,n the /iagram a(o0e3 EFGH is a straight line. ;i0en that cos x 7 -a. the length o9 EF, -(. tan y. >Ans. -a. :cm 4. 3 -(. ? #

4 3 9in/ %

,n the /iagram a(o0e3 PQS an/ PRT are straight lines. 8in/ -a. sin x3

-(. length o9 TR. # >Ans. -a. 7 %.

-(. %.% cm?

,n the /iagram a(o0e3 ABC is a straight line. ;i0en that tan 5 7 -a. the length o9 BC, -(. cos y. >Ans. -a. <cm :$<734#44./oc 4 -(. ? % 3

4 9in/ 3

<. ,n the /iagram3 BCD is a straight line. ;i0en : BD 7 3BC an/ sin 5 7 3 3 9in/ -a. BD, -(. BE. >Ans. -a. :cm -(. #cm?

7. The /iagram shoAs the *lan o9 a ('il/ing.

8in/ -a. the length o9 AC, -(. cos x. >Ans. a. 3 .<: m -(. &$.4::<?

#. The /iagram shoAs the oscillation o9 a *en/'l'm Ahich is 20 cm long. ;i0en that the am*lit'/e is # cm3 9in/ the 0al'e o9 -a. cos , -(. tan :.

>Ans. -a.

3 %




The /iagram shoAs the si/e 0ieA o9 a garage Aith a slo*ing roo9 PQR. 8in/ -a. the 0al'e o9 sin y3 -(. the height o9 the highest *oint o9 the roo9 9rom the gro'n/ >Ans. -a. $.!$<3 -(. %.$<%m?

$. A 0ertical antenna is mo'nte/ on to* R o9 a # m *ole. 8rom a *oint on the gro'n/3 25 m 9rom the (ase o9 the *ole3 the antenna s'(ten/s an angle o9 $o. 8in/ -a. the length o9 the antenna3 -(. cos 5. >Ans. -a. 7.<7m -(. &$.<!#?


!.: ;ra*hs o9 Sine3 Cosine an/ Tangent 45ercise . y = sin x

:. + 7cos x

3. y = tan x




Sketch the gra*h o9 y = : + sin x

%. Sketch the gra*h o9 y = 3 + cos x

<. Sketch the gra*h o9 y = sin x


7. Sketch the gra*h o9 y = cos x

#. Sketch the gra*h o9 y = :cos x

!. Sketch the gra*h o9 y = 3sin x


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