Developmental Delay Pathway

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Developmental Delay Pathway <5s

This pathway not intended for isolated speech and language delay, or motor problems, or ASD

Prevention Pre Referral

Awareness raising. Health Visitor advice/discussion. Link Ed Psych. Concern by carer or professional eg HV, Early Years practitioner, Neonatal Unit Delay in one or more areas of development (or at risk of developing) Via SPE Co-ordinated by health professional eg HV, GP Collate/enclose info from all known professionals incl. HV, Childens Centre, Social Worker Investigations7



Uniprofessional Asst eg Paed To include History, Devel screening, Ex

Complex/severe difficulties? NO Continue uniprofessional assessment YES Further uniprofessional referrals/assessments eg therapists, ophth, audiol, neurology, genetics MULTI-PROFESSIONAL PANEL1 at Area level Childrens disability team4 Meets weekly/monthly Keyworker allocation5 Consider next steps Copy of discussion in childs health record Early Intervention6 MUTLI-PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT2usually at Area level Preferably at Assessment Nursery OR Home/Educ Setting Developmental asst and additional therapy assts Home visit, Needs of whole Family Early Support Materials eg Family Pack Introduce to local Childrens Centre Professionals meeting re findings Assessment report FAMILY SUPPORT PLANNING MEETING (FSPM)3 Diagnosis / formulation (see Right from the Start re communication news to parents) Family Service Plan Written info about diagnosis Notify/Refer to Special Educational Needs panel, CYPS - copy of report to await referral Intervention Team Around the Child to continue Therapy programme FSPM 6 mthly until transferred to educational setting then Individual Education Plan / Early
Years Annual Review meetings for children receiving Early Years Action Plus Enhanced funding

Other referrals eg Community Learning Disability Team, vol sector, pall care services, respite, social care, benefits Parenting training, Opportunity playgroup Paed review / ongoing developmental monitoring Co-ordination of multiple appts/professionals Consider application for statutory asst if likely to need specialist provision What next? Discharge back to referrer / Uniprofessional follow-up - Transition to school

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