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OBJECTIVE: To work in a challenging atmosphere that will allow me to develop professional skills to broaden my perspectives and allow me to contribute the best of my abilities to the success of the company. ACADEMIC DETAILS Degree Subjects Marks/ CGPA% 3ather 4ame : University/Institute ,eligion : %slam

#arital Status: Single 4ationality 1ate of 'irth: : !akistani


OS: Windows 9X X!. MS"Office: #S Word$ #S !ower point$ Ot ers: %nternet applications MS A!vance E"ce# :"invoice$ &ob order$ purchase order$ payroll statement$ annuity calculation$ etc

1omicile 4%/ 4o .mail /ontact /ell 4o:

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$uick b%%k&'W %#e sa#e( Distributi%ns( Manu)acturing( C%nstructi%n

1esi!entia# A!!ress/P%sta# A!!ress Per*anent A!!ress& 2anguages: .nglish 5rdu Saraiki !un&abi

c%*+any 'ook"keeping$ inventory recording procedure$ payment ( receipt procedure in )uick 'ooks$ sale ta*$ income ta*$ payroll ta*$ bank reconciliation$ planning ( budgeting$ !ayroll various reports analysis$ etc.

Peac tree,$uantu*,v-./.&' W %#e sa#e( Distributi%ns( Manu)acturing(

C%nstructi%n c%*+any 'ook"keeping$ inventory recording procedure$ payment ( receipt procedure in !eachtree sale ta*$ income ta*$ payroll ta*$ bank reconciliation$ planning ( budgeting $ !ayroll$ various reports analysis$ +ob costing$ bill of material$ progress billing:",elease retain age$ percent of proposal$ percent of contract completion$etc.


STRENGHTS: 0 !roactive attitude towards work ( -ardworking. .*cellent communication skills Oral ( Written. /onfident approach towards arriving at a solution. 1ecision making$ 2istening ( #ulti"tasking ability.

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