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The Essence of Awakening

As a young child playing hide and seek outside, with my cousins and siblings, in both Brooklyn and suburban Long Island, I learned an early meditation lesson: the more I stopped, and simply tuned in and sensed, directly, in the immediacy of the momentthe more focused and still I got, in body and mind the more I saw and could see. And when I was clearer, everything became clearer. This was my youthful introduction to the harmony and oneness available via a heightened, wakeful, present awareness. I can almost see now how mind-reading works, when you utterly still your own body & mind, breath and energy for a moment.

So what does awakened awareness mean in this Modern World? What does it look like in our distracting OverInformation Age? Can the nondual awakened state of inseparability and oneness be shared collectively, offering a unity consciousness and global banquet table for one and all? This earth our altar, all beings like the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, gods and goddesses arrayed upon it; this is BuddhaVision, sacramental vision. What a wonderful worldview that is and can be. To more details regarding the Lama Surya Das, visit here at Das

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