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For Office Use Only Received by Treasurer (initials) _____ (date) _____ Payment Received


_____ (date) _____

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Membership Application 2013-2014

Student Membership Fee: $15.00 for year round membership Please attach cash to application Benefits of Membership: Work with the American Cancer Society to raise awareness, educate, advocate, and fundraise to eliminate cancer Support other American Cancer Society programs and events Opportunity to serve on Cal Poly Pomona Relay for Life planning committee Club T-Shirt Fight back against cancer! 1. Personal Information Last Name Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) 2. Contact Information Cal Poly Pomona Email Address First Name Bronco Identification Number Middle Initial Class Standing (i.e. Freshman)

Personal Email Address

Phone Number (###) #######


T-Shirt Size (Select One) S





I pledge to fight against cancer! Member Signature

Questions about membership with Colleges Against Cancer of Cal Poly Pomona? Contact: Chonlawan Khaothiemsang (President) at

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