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Hi my name is Galo and today I am going to talk about google search . Have you ever thought of how google search works. Well its very complicated but I will explain you in the most simple way. Algorithms works with programs and formulas to give you the best results as possible but before we talk about algorithms let me tell you that this exact half a second 3,279,300 searches were performed. Algorithms work by looking clues of the question that you ask.

when you end typing your question spiders work by making links with something that is relevant to your topic. After looking for a half a second google has your answer. It takes 31 years to count to 1 trillion but google can give you 6 trillion results in only one second but how does google find your result in over a trillion web pages? By looking every web page and seeing if it has something in common with your search like the link the, the content of the page, or any brief introduction in the page. Then give you the answer in half of second. thank you for listening and dont forget to listen our next topic tomorrow in Galos podcast.

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