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Choose the correct answers. Ben has a new puppy. The puppy is like a luff ball.

So Ben named him Fluffy. Fluffy has tvhite fluffy fur. Ben prepares a comfortable and cosy dog basket for him. Fluffy wags his ail whenever he is happy especially when le sees food in his bowl. He also gets very 3 cited when he sees Ben. He would wag his fluffy tail and !ump up to play with Ben. Ben usually feeds him with meat and milk. Fluffy doesn"t like vegetables and bones. Ben loves to hug and play with him every day. # $hy is Ben so e cited% & He has a new bed. B He has a new puppy. C He has a new pair of socks. ' $hy does Ben name the puppy Fluffy% & Because he is like a fluff ball. B Because he likes to wag his tail. C Because he is white. 3 $here does Fluffy sleep% & (n his socks B (n Ben"s bed C #n a basket ) $hat does Fluffy do when he sees Ben% & He barks. B He wags his tail. C He curls up in his basket. * $hat does Fluffy like to eat% & +eat B Bones C ,egetables $here do these animals live% $rite the correct answers.

+atch each animal to its young.

Circle the correct answers. # The -child . children/ are going to the 0oo. ' The -buffaloes . buffalos/ are bathing in the lake. 3 +y brother is feeding -his . her/ pet. ) The birds are pecking at -a . an/ apple. * Susy"s parrot -has . have/ blue and green feathers.

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