Jan 27-31 Eld3

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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Kathy Rappaport Week of: Jan 27-31 Course/Grade: ELD3 Unit Name: Media Unit

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: Craft and Structure RI.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative and technical meanings, analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choice on meaning and tone. Literacy W.9-10.2 Write texts to examine and convey complex ideas.

Essential Question(s): What is the meaning of Pathos, Logos and Ethos? How do these concepts relate to advertising? What are advertising names for rhetorical strategies that are used to persuade?

Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Students have *studied the definitions of Ethos, Pathos and Logos. *identified statements as one of the three rhetorical devices, evaluated ads and concluded the main type of rhetorical device the ad is using. *written a persuasive email using all three rhetorical devices. *studied the founder of modern advertising, and analyzed how advertising works on the subconscious level to appeal to desires and fears. *applied their understanding of target audience by identifying the target audience of a specific ad. *reviewed advertising techniques used by marketers that fall under logos, ethos and pathos *applied their understanding of terms by relating them to ads Resources/Materials News Articles on the founder of modern advertising. Worksheets with questions that check for understanding and require analysis and evaluation of rhetorical terms. Ads (both video and print)

Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.):

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?)

Daily: Do Now checks for understanding of the previous days lesson. Written assignments and quizzes check for understanding of daily lessons. This Week: Students will to persuade me, their teacher, to give them an extension on an assignment; students will take a quiz on advertising terms.

Time allotted MONDAY Learning TargetStudents apply their understanding of advertising strategies by identifying examples of strategies in actual ads. Students will cite evidence from clues in the ad to show how they arrived at their conclusions.

Lesson activities for instructor and students Assignment(s) DueWorksheet on analyzing an ad to identify: Advertising Strategy (show evidence) Target Audience (show evidence) Ad Story (show evidence) Review worksheet in class discussion

Students will synthesize and apply knowledge of effective advertising by creating an ad and presenting it to the class.

Students will create an ad using effective marketing strategies to sell something to a friend or relative. They will: Choose or create a product Write a brief summary of Target Audience Choose an advertising strategy Use text, color and images to create an Ad Story

TUESDAY Learning TargetStudents will cite evidence to support their analysis of what an ad is communicating explicitly and by drawing inferences by creating an advertising notebook that demonstrate 5 types of advertising techniques.

Assignment(s) Due-

Students will make an advertising notebook with 5 ads they find.

Project Create an advertising notebook Find 5 different ads, each one using a different technique listed in the Advertising Techniques handout. Print out the ad or cut it out and attach it to a blank sheet of paper.

Write three paragraphs about each ad:

Paragraph one: identify the main type of advertising technique used in the ad. Define the advertising technique. Cite evidence from the ad that supports your

claim that this technique was used in the ad. (Describe images or quote text used in the ad as evidence to support your claim.) Paragraph two: describe the target audience this ad is trying to reach. Include information that might apply such as: age, educational level, career, economic status, hobbies, etc. Cite evidence from the ad (images and/or text) to support your ideas. Paragraph three: explain if you think the ad is effective and explain why or why not. Does the ad sell a compelling story, lifestyle or mood along with the product. Create a visual for your cover that gives an idea of the types of advertising techniques you will be using in your notebook. A collage might be a good way to go. Include your name, the date, and your class period.

WEDNESDAY Learning TargetWork on Advertising Notebook

Assignment (s) Due -

THURSDAY Learning TargetWork on Advertising Notebook FRIDAY

Assignment(s) Due-

Assignment(s) DueStudents will present their ad notebooks to the class. Quiz on marketing strategies.

Students will demonstrate knowledge advertising strategies by presenting their notebooks to the class and by taking a quiz

Post-Teaching Reflections on Lesson

What went well?

What needs to be improved? Why?

Strategies to consider for improving lesson:

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