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Electrical Engineering Internship

Department: IO & Networking Business Unit Product Development

!UDEN! "E#UI"E$EN! :
$a%or: Electrical Engineering& Electrical Engineering !echnolog'& or (omputer Engineering )ear *Please check one i+ it is o+ importance to pro%ect,: --- .reshman -- ophomore / 0unior / enior

peci+ic E1perience& (ourse "e2uirements& !echnical kills: E1perience with electrical test e2uipment3 Organi4ed approach to e1perimentation and evaluation3 Basic P( skills3 56ilit' to work individuall' or as part o+ a team3 Understanding o+ 6asic analog and digital circuit +unction +rom schematics3 oldering e1perience a plus3 .amiliarit' and e1perience with network and I! e2uipment *e3g3 routers& switches& etc, is a plus3

Brie+ Details o+ Pro%ect*s,: 7, 5ssist engineers in the design& assem6l'& and trou6leshooting o+ electronic products and protot'pes3 8, Design and assem6le test +i1tures3 9, 5ssist team on small "&D pro%ects3 :, Participate in Ethernet switch testing and test automation

Estimated ;ength o+ Pro%ect: : months< possi6le continuation through summer o+ 8=7:

tudent duties & responsi6ilities +or pro%ect: Intern could 6e involved in the design and test o+ new products& and help with la6 maintenance >eekl' hourl' re2uirements: minimum o+ 8= hours per week

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