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In Oslo, it was announced that Chinese ac vist and writer Liu Xiaobo has won a Nobel Peace Prize. It has been reported that the writer and ac vist was chosen for the award because of his constant ba le for human rights. The commi ee who chose the winners of the awards stated that there is a close connec on between peace and human rights, hence Liu being awarded the coveted prize which is worth one point ve million dollars. The Nobel Prize winner is currently serving an eleven year prison sentence for inci ng subversion of state power in China. The commi ee chairman, Thorbjorn Jagland said that China was in breach of several interna onal conven ons such as freedom of
Vol. . - 19

Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2010 : Liu XiaoboI

Winners of Nobel Prize 2010

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speech as well as freedom of assembly. This year there were a record number of nomina ons for the Nobel Peace Prize at a staggering two hundred and thirty seven. Last year President Barrack Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize for his extraordinary eorts in strengthening interna onal diplomacy. The Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Liu Xiaobo is the h

amount of money that comes with it. China is of course angry at the Nobel commi ee for awarding the pres gious award to Liu Xiaobo. Obama has called on the chine government to release the prisoner.

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The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 was awarded jointly to Andre

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010

Geim and Konstan n Novoselov "for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene"

award in two thousand and ten. The other awards which are for medicine, physics, chemistry, and literature were announced to the public earlier on in the week. There are usually many nominaons for Nobel Peace Prizes each year, but this year it was more than most, as men oned above. Those lucky enough to win not only have the privilege of winning the award, but also the huge

The intensely modest Bri sh scien st who pioneered IVF has been honoured with a long overdue Nobel prize for medicine. Just seven years ago Robert Edwards joked that he wasnt bothered about being overlooked for a knighthood, but a Nobel would be nice. Professor Edwards, emeritus professor of human reproduc on at Cambridge University, was herWWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM . .

Nobel Prize for medicine

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alded as the creator of modern reproduc ve medicine. His work with gynaecologist and fellow Briton Dr Patrick Steptoe led to the birth in July 1978 of Louise Brown, the worlds rst test tube baby. Their research came against a backdrop of signicant opposion from the medical and religious establishments. They persevered, however, and in vitro fer lisa on whereby human eggs are fer lised outside the body and then implanted in the womb has since resulted in 4.3million births worldwide. The Nobel prize commi ee in Stockholm said Professor Edwardss achievements have made it possible to treat infer lity, a medical condi on aic ng a large propor on of humanity.

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Peruvian writer Mario Vargas

Nobel Literature Prize

award "for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt and defeat". The 74-year-old writer is the rst South American to win the Nobel since Colombian magic-realist innovator Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 1982. Mexico's Octavio Paz won the prize in 1990. Like Paz and many other La n American authors, Vargas Llosa has dabbled in poli cs over the years. He even ran, unsuccessfully, for the the Peruvian presidency in 1990. From the publica on of his rst novel, 1963 -- The Time of the Hero, based on his experiences at a Peruvian military academy, Vargas Llosa is recognized as a leading gure in the La n American literature in the second half of the 20th century. He has wri en essays, nonc on, and c on in a wide variety of genres and styles. The

brothel of the tle. The bi er 1969 novel Conversa ons in the Cathedral embeds a cri que of the dictatorship of Peruvian president Manuel Odria in the story of one man's search for the truth about his minister father's role in the murder of a notorious underworld gure. In the 2000 novel The Feast of the Goat (published in the U.S. in 2002), Vargas Llosa makes a startlingly unsympathe c, Shakespeare-worthy villain of Rafael Trujillo, the real-life military despot who ruled the Dominican Republic from 1930-61. Many Americans may know Vargas Llosa best for his 1977 comic novel, Aunt Julia and the Screenwriter, which was adapted into American director Jon Amiel's widely praised movie Tune in Tomorrow, starring Peter Falk as a larger-than-life creator of radio soap operas who manipulates the May-December relaonship of a young aspiring writer (Keanu Reeves) and his older, twice-divorced aunt by marriage (Barbara Hershey). (EW's Owen Gleiberman said the lm "crackles with roman c heat.")

Llosa has won the 2010 Nobel prize for literature. The Nobel Prize commi ee said in a statement Vargas Llosa received the

Green House is widely considered among his best works. It is a nonchronological account of unrest in Peru centered on the desert

Two Japanese scien sts and an American researcher won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing chemical reac ons that help create large quan es of organic substances that can be used for medicine. Richard F. Heck of the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware, Akira Suzuki, 80, of Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan, and Ei-Ichi Negishi, 75 of Purdue University in West
. . Vol. - 19

Nobel Prize in Chemistry

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nan, of the United Kingdom; Thomas A. SteitzThomas A. Steitz, of the United States; and Ada E. Yonath, of Israel, for their work on how the DNA code is translated into life, ndings that have been used to ght infec ous disease.

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Lafaye e, Indiana, will share the 10 million-kronor ($1.5 million) award, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said at a press conference in Stockholm. Last years prize in chemistry went to Venkatraman RamakrishVol. . - 19

Peter Diamond, Dale Mortensen Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Economics Sciences. Peter Diamond, Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides received the 2010 Nobel Prize in Economics Sciences for their research on ecacy of service and compensa on model. Peter Diamond had also made contribuons to the labor-market considera ons along with the other two scien sts that nally led them to win the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences 2010. Now that Peter Diamond marked his name on the Nobel Prize in economics Shelby must rethink his objec on. Shelby, in fact, by no means said that Peter Diamond was not a good economist. He actually held that Peter Diamond has no idea of monetary economics. That too is a foolish idea in itself. Peter Diamond has analyzed the founda ons of search markets. Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides have expanded the theory and have applied it to the labor market. The laureates models help us understand the ways in which unemployment, job vacancies, and wages are aected by regula on and economic policy, said the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Nobel Economic Prize

Peter Diamond is seventy years old. Peter Diamond is an economics professor at the Massachuse s Ins tute of Technology. Peter Diamond has conducted many researches on a wide range of topics.

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