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Student Name: Lorena Cruz ID #: 210665

Essential Skills Evidence Form Standard Demonstrate Civic and Community Engagement Skills Apply knowled e o! lo"al# $tate# and %&S& '($tory and o)ernment to e*pla(n "urrent $o"(al and pol(t("al ($$ue$& +er!orm t'e "()(" and "ommun(ty re$pon$(,(l(t(e$ e$$ent(al to l()(n (n a repre$entat()e demo"ra"y Description of Activity/Task/Experience t'at demon$trate$ I am at or a,o)e $tandard (n t'e $pe"(!(" $k(ll$ !or t'e $tandard ment(oned a,o)e: Now and days people are getting recognized for things that have no point. For example I was watching the news and there was a girl getting interview on how she does it to have a nice butt. Another example kids on face-book get known because of how cool! or how good looking they are!. "hen they are people in this world actually doing something that matters and not getting recognized. #ome guy in $%%& discovered Nitric oxide. No one knew about this and I'm sure people still don't know about it. Explanation/Reflection o! 'ow t'e a"t()(ty-ta$k-e*per(en"e de$"r(,ed a,o)e meet$ or e*"eed$ t'e $pe"(!(" $k(ll$ o! t'e $tandard ment(oned a,o)e: I've met so many people that have done some many good things but yet don't get recognized for it. I've also met people that do dumb things and get known for it. "e live in a world that people don't pay attention to things that matter. If I could do something about this I would because it's not fair for the people that are doing something good and not get recognized.

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