Johnnie L. Mock PSP: Objective Security Management Position With An Established Organization Summary of Qualifications

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15400 W. GOODYEAR BLVD. N. #150 GOODYEAR, AZ 85338 PHONE !3"!4#"5#$8 % &A' !3"!4#"5#$8 E"MAIL JLM##(MINDSPRING.COM

OBJEC)IVE S*+,-./0 12324*1*3/ 567./.63 8./9 23 *7/2:;.79*< 6-423.=2/.63 S>MMARY O& ?>ALI&ICA)IONS Extensive experience in the management of time and human resources in the protection of client assets to minimize loss. Developed and implemented security plans and training programs specific to client needs. Posses highly developed communication and interpersonal relationship skills. ED>CA)ION 2008 ASIS I3/*-32/.632; B*;4.,1 Physical Security Professional Certification 2002 S.3+;2.- C611,3./0 C6;;*4* O9.6 AAS Law Enforcement/Industrial-Retail Security PRO&ESSIONAL E'PERIENCE 09 09 ! Present G47 S*+,-* S6;,/.63 N6-/9 A1*-.+2 A-.=632 Security Supervisor P96*3.A, C6-7*3<63@,


"upervised all shifts of security officers providing access control security for the B23@ 6B A1*-.+2 call center. "ecurity "upervisor for B*+9/*; B,7.3*77 S*-C.+*7. Enhanced post orders# security procedures and developed training program for assigned guard force. $perationally proficient %ith WINDDS' 23< S! N*/B6A security system. 0& 0'!09 09 G*-1230 W6-@ S2::2/.+2;DS+966; K;*.3:;.//*-7<6-B,

Esta(lished )erman E* residency. +c,uired the +"-" Physical "ecurity Professional .ertification. 0& 0/!0& 0' G;6:2; R.7@ S/-2/*4.*7 Site Trainer/Shift Supervisor/U.S. Embassy

K2:,;, AB4923.7/23

Enhanced# and developed significant portions of 0egional "ecurity $ffice approved 1&0hr training course for Em(assy )uard 2orce personnel# (oth ex!pat and )urkha. 0e,ualified entire Em(assy guard force of over /00 personnel to Department of "tate standards in )lock 19 Pistol# 3!4 .ar(ine# and 3!249 53) %ith a 9/6 success rate.

"upervised 74 armed security personnel# (oth ex!pat and )urkha# %hose duties included screening of personnel at vehicle access control points# operation of security gates at entry points# and supervising )urkha and European ex!pat personnel involved in %atchto%er and vehicle access point security. R*+*.C*< ;*//*- 6B -*+611*3<2/.63 B-61 R*4.632; S*+,-./0 OBB.+*, >.S. E1:2770 K2:,; AB4923.7/23.

04 04!0& 0/ G-6,5 4 &2;+@ C215 B63<7/**;, K676C6 Force Protection Specialist/Supervisor "upervised and performed 2orce Protection duties involving perimeter security and facility access control. Performed motorized patrols of facility perimeter. $perated facility Electronic "ecurity "ystem at 8ase Defense $perations .enter. Provided security for 9actical $perations .enter of the 3ulti!:ational 8rigade!East ;:+9$<. 9aught marksmanship ,ualification %ith 3!1& rifle and 3! 9 pistol to ne% employees. *.". +rmy .ontractor )"!12.

V23+* I3/;. A77*/ P-6/*+/.63 )*21 O2@/63, V2. Security Supervisor/Executive Protection Specialist/Evidence Coordinator "upervised security personnel for ma=or 2ortune /00 companies during la(or disputes. Performed executive protection duties for client executives. 3anaged operation of evidence rooms e,uivalent in scale to mid!sized police department in the collection# processing# and organizing physical evidence and %ritten reports in courtroom ,uality format for client attorneys. >3./*< W6-;<8.<* Non Commissioned !fficer S/2/*7 A-10

5ed units of up to 70 personnel# including a com(at tour in the 0epu(lic of >ietnam %ith the 101st. +8:. Division. 9rained (oth military and la% enforcement personnel in counter!terrorist marksmanship including com(at handgun# shotgun# sniper# and counter!sniper techni,ues. ?elped re!esta(lish 2nd Div. "niper "chool# @orea. 9aught leadership and professional ethics at a premier :on!.ommissioned $fficers +cademy in )ermany. 3$" 11.7?A-ndirect 2ire :.$A 20 years. 9/87$A3ilitary PolicemanA & years

SPECIALIZED )RAINING -99 -ndustries 2orce Protection "upervisor .ourse Backenhut .ustom Protection $fficer .ourse >ance -ntl. +sset Protection 9eam 9actical "ecurity >ance -nt. Executive Protection .ourse *.". +rmy "niper .ourse .ertified *.". +rmy -nstructor :.0.+. .ertified "hooting -nstructor

LANG>AGES )erman

AWARDS RECEIVED +ir 3edal .om(at -nfantryman 8adge *.". +rmy )old Distinguished Pistol "hot 8adge -99 )roup 4 2orce Protection Employee of the 3onth "ep. 2004

PRO&ESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS +merican "ociety for -ndustrial "ecurity -nternational

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