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AT Process Overview

*Consideration should be ongoing as part of interventions. Informal or formal AT Trials can occur anytime! Prior to IEP, team considers need for AT for tasks related to goals and objectives 1) Can these tasks be remediated through intense, direct instruction? 2) Could the student complete these tasks with new strategies or accommodations? 3) Is the use of assistive technology tools necessary for student to perform the task more easily, efficiently, effectively or independently in the least restrictive environment? At the IEP, complete the AT consideration on Special Factors page after goals and objectives are reviewed and established. 1. AT is Necessary-Team identified tasks that require AT and can support use of type of tool Documented in IEP PLAAFP Embedded in goals/objectives how it will be used in Supplemental Services USE TOOL 2. AT Trial-Team-Team identified task(s) that may need to be supported through AT but need more data OR parent requested AT and team agreed to AT Trial (*Use AT Tool Bin or borrow tool from MISD AT Lending Library) Complete AT Trial form Create or use data collection sheet Review data at end of Trial 1.Data supports use of tool-Amend IEP 2.More trials necessary Create another AT Trial plan Collect data Review and repeat until you determine a tool You MUST determine a tool within a reasonable amount of time and AMEND the IEP 3. AT Eval-Team should use this option as LAST RESORT-Team knows student best and process ends in AT Trial anyway Eval process is SETT process (Student info, Environment, Tasks and lastly Tools) Complete REED and contact your Supervisor Assessment Area- Other: Assistive Technology Data and Assessments needed: The SETT process will be used to explore the need for Assistive Technology to support goals and objectives Schedule IEP to occur within 30 school days of signed REED We will conduct eval process together as team to determine AT Trial Convene IEP and check AT Trial is necessary Team follows AT Trial process (see above)

4. AT is not necessary-Be prepared to document discussion, Discussion led team to conclude one of the following: No tasks that student should not be able to do New accommodation or strategies were developed to support tasks Direct instruction program will address tasks

Documentation of assistive technology devices and services may also appear in: Present Level of Performance: This section provides a natural place to address assistive technology needs as an integral part of the students curriculum taking into account the students strengths as well as weaknesses. When documenting assistive technology in the present performance levels, the type of technology that is needed as well as the manner in which it will be used should be described. Supplemental Aids and Services: Assistive technology is often provided as a supplemental aid and service when it is required for the children to function in the general education setting. Goals and Objectives: When developing annual goals, benchmarks, and objectives, the IEP team should determine whether or not the student requires assistive technology in order to accomplish them. First the goals should be developed and then the need for assistive technology should be addressed. Assistive technology is not the goal. Rather, it is the means to achieving the goal for many students. State Assessment: Since the re-authorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the IEP teams must address the modifications that the student requires in order to participate in state-wide and districtwide assessments. For some students with disabilities, assistive technology may be a required modification. Assistive technology devices and services required by a student with a disability should be clearly documented in the students IEP. The type of technology that the student requires and the manner in which it will be used should be specified so that all parties to the IEP, including parents, have a clear understanding of the technology and how it will be used.

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