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Heart Mapping

Whats in your heart?

Writers keep visual reminders of that which inspires them
Childhood memories Important people Defining moments

Writers block

Discuss the following with yourself

Where will a piece of you always be? What objects do you love? Who do you love? Who is important to you? What has really affected your heart? What happy or sad memories do you have? What experiences will you never forget? What are your future intentions or 5 yr vision? What are your defining moments?

Rough Draft
Divide your heart into parts of 100 Allot the largest space to that which is closest to your heart, most definitive in your life, or most important to you

Make rough partitions to start, then go back and divide each section in greater detail

Step 1
Review the questions. Write a journal response to yourself in your notes.

Step 2
Review your journal response Make a rough draft of your heart map partitioning appropriate areas

Step 3
Fill it in! Be specific
Ie. instead of just skiing, write spring skiing Mt. Baker on Easter weekend Get a coloured sheet for your final (front table)

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