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Kaitlyn N.

1/24/2014 608 birstol 915-903-7390

OBJECTIVES Kaitlyn Casper is An aspiring student who wishes to do her best at what ever shes doing. She hopes to help people one day by becoming a mental health counselor and working her way through college by cutting hair with her cosmetology license. EDUCATION El Paso High 2016 Involved in theatrical, speech, and choir performances and competitions. EXPERIENCE Actress | K i d s a n d C o m p a n y 2007 - 2014 Acting, directing, helping on and off stage, corralling little ones during summer camps, and managing snack funds. SKILLS Acting Singing Creative writing Interior design Painting

Kaitlyn N. Casper

COMPUTER SKILLS Adobe InDesign Adobe Flash Adobe Illustrator Photoshop Website creation Microsoft word Data entering Research and develpment


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