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Internet Expenses

Author: Creation Date: Last Updated: Version: !e"ease: 1. 11.#.1

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Define iExpens e Policies

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Docu m e n t !ontrol ................................................................................................................ii Ena"l e Pro#ect Expen dit ur e $%pes for Expen s e &eport Entr% ............................1 AP' Define Expe n s e &eport $em pl at e s .......................................................................( AP' Define Financi al s Options .........................................................................................3 AP' Set Expe n s e !hec) &eim " u r s e m e n t Addre s s ...........................................3 AP' Define Expe n s e s !learin* Account ...............................................................3 AP' Define Pa%a "l e s Options ........................................................................................... AP' Esta"lish +ultiple !urren ci e s Set up ............................................................. AP' Definin* Expe n s e &eport Options .................................................................. Assi*n Si*nin* ,imits .........................................................................................................Define iExpen s e Policies .................................................................................................... Set /p &e0uire d Expe n s e Fields ............................................................................. Ena"l e Expe n s e Allocation s ..................................................................................10 Define &eceipt 1otification &ule Set ..................................................................11 Assi*n &eceipt 1otification &ule Set ..................................................................1( Define +ilea* e &at e Sche d ul e .............................................................................13 !ompl et e +ilea* e Expen s e $%pe Definition in Pa%a "l e s ...........................12 SA' Define Profile Options .............................................................................................1 S%st e m Administr a tion Inte*r a ti o n ............................................................................(1 !usto mi3 e the Intern e t Expen s e s 4or)flo5 .........................................................(( Define a ne5 OIEAD+I1 &ole ................................................................................(( Define 4or)flo5 1otification Perfor m e r s .........................................................(3 !han * e the Find Appro6 er +etho d .....................................................................(2 Person ali3 e Expen s e &eport Su" mi s si on Instructio n s ........................................( Inte*r a ti n * 5ith Oracl e Pro#ect s Sum m a r % .............................................................(7 8.Ena "l e the Displa% of Pro#ect and $as). /se the &e*ion Item s 5indo5 to en a "l e the displa % of pro#ect and tas) inform a tio n. 9ou ne e d to perfor m this step in order to 6ie5 pro#ect s and tas)s in :ie5 Expe n s e &eport ;istor%. ........................................................................................(8 Set /p Offline Expen s e Spre a d s h e e t $em pl at e ....................................................(!onfi*ur e the Expen s e &eport She e t ................................................................($estin* a 1e5 !usto m +icrosoft Excel $em pl a t e .........................................31 Sa6e the spre a d s h e e t to the dat a " a s e .............................................................33
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Other !onfi*ur a tio n !onsid er a ti o n s ..........................................................................32 Open and !lose d Issue s ................................................................................................3

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Enable Project Expenditure

!pes for Expense Report Entr!

Pro%e&t 'i""in( Super User: Setup ) Expenditures ) Expenditure T*pes

Des&ription: Ena+"e expenditure t*pes to +e used on pro%e&t, re"ated expense reports. Ena+"e se"e&ted expenditure t*pes -ith an Expenditure T*pe C"ass .Expense !eports/. 0ou need to asso&iate these expenditure t*pes -ith Expense T*pe *ou de1ine in the Expese !eport Te2p"ate. DO NOT SET UP MILEA3E E4PENDITU!E T0PE 5IT6 UNIT O7 MEASU!E MILES8 Mi"ea(e expenses i2ported 1ro2 iExpenses ) Pa*a+"es ) Pro%e&ts -i"" +e i2ported in do""ars9 or -hate:er the &urren&* 2a* +e. Ma;e sure *ou set up 2i"ea(e expenditure t*pes used +* iExpenses -ith a unit o1 2easure .Curren&*/.

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AP" Define Expense Report

emplat es

Pa*a+"es Mana(er: Setup ) In:oi&e ) Expense !eport Te2p"ate

Des&ription : 0ou 2ust de1ine at "east one expense report te2p"ate -ith the Ena+"e 1or Internet Expenses Users &he&; +ox se"e&ted. On"* expense report te2p"ates -ith this option ena+"ed &an +e used in Internet Expenses. Use the Ora&"e Pa*a+"es Expense !eport Te2p"ates -indo- to de1ine *our expense report te2p"ates.
#racle $ield empl a t e Name Descrip tio n Enable for %ntern e t Expenses Expense %tems Expense %tem Expense Categor ! Value Notes

0es &' Account PA Exp !pe Receipt Above (ustification Re)uired

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AP: De1ine 7inan&ia"s #ptions Pa!ables *anage r" +etup , #ptions , $inancials
AP: +et Expense Chec- Reimbursemen t Address
Des&ription : Use the Pa*a+"es 7inan&ia"s Options -indo- to de1ine the expense report rei2+urse2ent &he&; setup. '* de1au"t9 Internet Expenses uses the ho2e or o11i&e :a"ue de1ined in the 6!MS Mai" To setup9 i1 there is one. I1 not9 then Internet Expenses uses the :a"ue *ou de1ine in the Pa*a+"es 7inan&ia"s Options -indo-. This settin( a"so pro:ides the :a"ue to use to &reate the supp"ier site re&ord9 i1 *ou ena+"e the Auto2ati&a""* Create E2p"o*ee as Supp"ier option in the Pa*a+"es Options -indo-. 0ou &an de1ine e2p"o*ee ho2e and o11i&e addresses either in the Peop"e -indo-9 i1 *ou ha:e a 1u"" insta"" o1 Ora&"e 6u2an !esour&es9 or in the Enter Person -indo-

in #racle Pa!ables.

o set the default expense chec- address"

AP: De1ine Expenses C"earin( A&&ount

Des&ription "

/ou define the Expense Clearing Account in the #racle Pa!ables $inancials #ptions window . Pa!ables uses this as a temporar! account to record informa tion about credit card transactions when processing expense reports created in %nterne t Expenses. his step is onl! necessar! if !ou are implemen t in g the Compan! Pa! reimburse m e n t polic!.
Note "

he Expense Clearing Account field is also available in the Card Program window . %f !ou define the Expense Clearing Account field in the Card Program window 0 the value !ou define there will ta-e precedence over the value in the #racle Pa!ables $inancial #ptions window .
Accountin g Expense Clearin g 1uman Resources 2usiness &roup
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Expense Reimbu rse m e n t Address 3se Approval 1ierarchi es Emplo!e e Numb eri n g " *eth o d Next Auto m a t ic Numb er



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AP: De1ine Pa!ables #ptions Pa!ables *anage r" +etup , #ptions , Pa!ables
AP: Establish *ultiple Currencies +etup
Des&ription : The &urren&* in -hi&h an expense report is paid is ;no-n as the rei2+urse2ent &urren&*. Internet Expenses users &an spe&i1* a
rei2+urse2ent &urren&* that is di11erent 1ro2 *our &o2pan* 1un&tiona" &urren&* on"* i1:

Ora&"e Pa*a+"es is set up 1or 2u"tip"e &urren&ies. !ei2+urse2ent &urren&* is ena+"ed in the Curren&ies -indo-. OIE: A""o- Non, 'ase Pa* pro1i"e option is set to 0es.

AP" Defining Expense Report #ptions

Des&ription : The Expense !eport ta++ed re(ion o1 the Pa*a+"es Options -indo- &ontro"s &ertain aspe&ts o1 the expense reportin( pro&ess in Pa*a+"es. !e:ie- these settin(s to +e&o2e 2ore 1a2i"iar -ith the2 and understand ho- the* a11e&t the expense reportin( pro&ess. Defaul t empla t e . The de1au"t expense report te2p"ate that *ou -ant to use in the Pa*a+"es Expense !eports -indo-. 0ou &an o:erride this :a"ue in the Expense !eports -indo-. A de1au"t expense report te2p"ate appears in the Expense !eports -indo- on"* i1 the expense report te2p"ate is a&ti:e. Pa!men t erms . Pa*2ent ter2s *ou -ant to assi(n to an* supp"iers that *ou &reate 1ro2 e2p"o*ees durin( Expense !eport I2port.

Su((estion: De1ine and assi(n i22ediate pa*2ent ter2s 1or *our e2p"o*ee supp"iers. Pa! &roup . Pa* 3roup *ou -ant to assi(n to an* supp"iers that *ou &reate 1ro2 e2p"o*ees durin( Expense !eport I2port. 0ou &an de1ine additiona" :a"ues 1or Pa* 3roup in the Pur&hasin( Loo;ups -indo-. Pa!men t Priorit! . Pa*2ent priorit* *ou -ant to assi(n to an* supp"iers that *ou &reate 1ro2 e2p"o*ees durin( Expense !eport I2port. A nu2+er9 +et-een 1 <hi(h= and >> <"o-=9 -hi&h represents the priorit* o1 pa*2ent 1or a supp"ier. Appl! Advances . De1au"t :a"ue 1or the App"* Ad:an&es option in the Expense !eports -indo- in Pa*a+"es. I1 *ou ena+"e this option9 Pa*a+"es app"ies ad:an&es to e2p"o*ee expense reports i1 the e2p"o*ee has an* outstandin(9 a:ai"a+"e ad:an&es. 0ou &an o:erride this de1au"t durin( expense report entr*.
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Automa ticall! Create Emplo!e e as +upplier . I1 *ou ena+"e this option9 -hen *ou i2port Pa*a+"es expense reports9 Pa*a+"es auto2ati&a""* &reates a supp"ier 1or an* expense report -here an e2p"o*ee does not a"read* exist as a supp"ier. I1 the supp"ier site *ou are pa*in( <6OME or O77ICE= does not *et exist9 Pa*a+"es adds the supp"ier site to an existin( supp"ier. Pa*a+"es &reates a 6OME or O77ICE supp"ier site -ith the appropriate address9 dependin( on -here *ou are pa*in( the expense report. The 6o2e address is 1ro2 the PE!?ADD!ESSES ta+"e9 and the O11i&e address is 1ro2 the 6!?LOCATIONS ta+"e. Pa*a+"es &reates supp"iers +ased on the de1au"ts *ou se"e&t in this re(ion and e2p"o*ee in1or2ation 1ro2 the Enter Person -indo-. 0ou &an re:ie- supp"iers and ad%ust an* de1au"ts in the Supp"iers -indo-. I1 *ou do not ena+"e this option9 enter an e2p"o*ee as a supp"ier in the Supp"iers -indo- and "in; the E2p"o*ee Na2e@Nu2+er to the supp"ier +e1ore *ou use Expense !eport I2port. Pa*a+"es &annot i2port expense reports -ithout &orrespondin( supp"iers9 and "ists the2 on the Ex&eptions se&tion o1 the Expense !eport I2port !eport. 1old 3nma tche d Expense Reports . This option de1au"ts to the 6o"d Un2at&hed In:oi&es option 1or the supp"ier and supp"ier site 1or an* supp"iers Pa*a+"es &reates durin( Expense !eport I2port. 5hen 6o"d Un2at&hed In:oi&es 1or a supp"ier site is ena+"ed9 Pa*a+"es reAuires that *ou 2at&h ea&h in:oi&e 1or the supp"ier site to either a pur&hase order or re&eipt. I1 *ou ena+"e this option 1or a site9 then Pa*a+"es app"ies a Mat&hin( !eAuired ho"d to an in:oi&e i1 it has Ite2 t*pe distri+utions that are not 2at&hed to a pur&hase order or re&eipt. Pa*a+"es app"ies the ho"d to the in:oi&e durin( In:oi&e Va"idation. 0ou &annot pa* the in:oi&e unti" *ou re"ease the ho"d. 0ou &an re"ease this ho"d +* 2at&hin( the in:oi&e to a pur&hase order or re&eipt and resu+2ittin( In:oi&e Va"idation9 or *ou &an 2anua""* re"ease the ho"d in the 6o"ds -indo- o1 the In:oi&e 5or;+en&h. Pa*a+"es -i"" not app"* a ho"d i1 the su2 o1 the in:oi&e distri+utions +* a&&ountin( &ode &o2+ination is Bero.
#ption Currenc! Use Mu"tip"e Curren&ies !eAuire Ex&han(e !ate Entr* Ca"&u"ate User Ex&han(e !ate Expense Report De1au"t Te2p"ate Pa*2ent Ter2s Pa* 3roup Pa*2ent Priorit* App"* Ad:an&es Auto2ati&a""* Create E2p"o*ee as Supp"ier
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#ption 6o"d Un2at&hed Expense !eports

Value No


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Assign +igning 'imits

Pa*a+"es Mana(er: E2p"o*ees ) Si(nin( Li2its
Des&ription : Mana(ers &an appro:e an expense report on"* i1 the tota" a2ount o1 the report does not ex&eed their si(nin( "i2it. The Mana(er <Spendin(= Appro:a" Pro&ess in the Expense !eportin( -or;1"o- uses the si(nin( "i2its *ou de1ine to deter2ine -hether 2ana(ers ha:e authorit* to appro:e expense reports. 5hen *ou assi(n si(nin( "i2its to a 2ana(er9 *ou spe&i1* a &ost &enter to -hi&h the si(nin( "i2it app"ies. 0ou &an a"so (i:e 2ana(ers si(nin( "i2its 1or 2u"tip"e &ost &enters. To assi(n si(nin( "i2its: 1. Na:i(ate to the E2p"o*ee Si(nin( Li2its -indo-. C. Se"e&t AP Expense !eport as the do&u2ent t*pe. D. Enter the na2e o1 the 2ana(er to -ho2 *ou -ant to assi(n a si(nin( "i2it in the E2p"o*ee Na2e 1ie"d9 or &hoose 1ro2 the "ist o1 :a"ues. $. Enter the &ost &enter 1or -hi&h *ou -ant this 2ana(er to appro:e expense reports9 or &hoose 1ro2 the "ist o1 :a"ues. #. Enter a si(nin( "i2it 1or this 2ana(er. E. !epeat steps D , # i1 *ou -ant this 2ana(er to +e a+"e to appro:e expense reports 1or 2ore than one &ost &enter. F. Sa:e *our -or;.

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Define iExpense Policies

%nter ne t Expenses +etup and Administr a tion" %ntern e t Expenses +etup , Polic! , Expense $ields +et 3p Re)uire d Expense $ields
9ou can set up addition al fields that appl% eith er to an exp e n s e cat e * o r % or to indi6idu al exp e n s e t%p e s. 4hen a user choos e s an exp e n s e t%pe that is assi *n e d an addition al field rule< or is assi*n e d to an exp e n s e cat e * o r % 5ith addition al field definitions< the defin e d fields app e a r in the Addition al Inform a ti o n section of the Expe n s e ,ine Det ails pa* e .

Accommoda tions End Date Mer&hant Airfare Mer&hant C"ass o1 Ti&;et Ti&;et Nu2+er 7ro2 Lo&ation To Lo&ation Car Rental Mer&hant *eals Nu2+er o1 Attendees Attendees *ileage
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Ena+"ed !eAuired

!eAuired Ena+"ed Ena+"ed !eAuired !eAuired


Ena+"ed !eAuired

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Leave defaults

Enable Expense Allocations %nter ne t Expenses +etup and Administr a tion" %ntern e t Expenses +etup , Accounting , Define
Set up Internet Expenses to allow updating and validation of accounting flexfield segments for individual expense lines. When enabled, users can update the accounting flexfield segment assignments on the individual expense lines of their expense reports. This is useful, for example, for users who consistently charge expenses to accounts that are not a part of their usual accounting. Internet Expenses can provide automatic validation of the account code combinations that users enter. Managers can review the account code combinations on expense reports. There are two tas s to complete for setting up expense allocations! "se the Internet Expenses Setup responsibility to set up accounting flexfield behavior for your company charts of accounts. #or each chart of accounts, you define which segments of the accounting flexfield are visible on expense lines, and which of the displayed segments are updatable by the user. "se the $IE! Enable Expense %llocations profile option to enable expense allocations according to your re&uirements. 'ou can set the display of accounting flexfield segments and online validation as user(definable or automatic. When enabled, automatically or by the user, an additional page called Expense %llocations appears on the expenses entry pages )ust before the *eview page. $n this page the user can update accounting flexfield segments for either a single expense line or a group of expense lines.

Set status as 1o""o-s:

+egmen t Co2pan* Depart2ent A&&ount 7uture Inter&o2pan*

+tatus Ena+"ed Ena+"ed !ead, On"* Disa+"ed Disa+"ed

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Define Receipt Notification Rule +et %nter ne t Expenses +etup and Administr a tion" %ntern e t Expenses +etup , Audit , Notification Rules
Create a ne- Noti1i&ation !u"e Set as 1o""o-s:

$ield name !u"e Set Na2e Des&ription Noti1* Indi:idua" #verdue Receipts Notifica tions !e&eipts o:erdue or 2issin( a1ter expense report su+2itted Su+seAuent noti1i&ations i1 re&eipts sti"" o:erdue !e&eipts &onsidered o:erdue or 2issin( a1ter user response !e&eipt do&u2ent reAuired i1 user indi&ates re&eipts are 2issin(

Value !e&eipts Noti1i&ations !e&eipts Noti1i&ations 5hen !e&eipts are re&ei:ed

1$ F F 0es

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Assign Receipt Notification Rule +et %nter ne t Expenses +etup and Administr a tion" %ntern e t Expenses +etup , Audit , Notification Rule Assignm e n ts
C"i&; .Update/ 1or Operation Unit 0our Co2pan* OU. "se the +otification rule set assignments pages to assign the notification rule sets that you created to the operating units that you want. The notification rule set that you assign to an operating unit remains active during the effective period that you specify. If you do not enter an end date, then the notification rule set remains active indefinitely. To change notification behavior for an operating unit, you must apply an end date to the current notification rule set, and then assign a new notification rule set. When a notification rule set is assigned to an operating unit, Internet Expenses compares the expense report submission date to the system date to initially determine if receipts are overdue on an expense report. #or all expense reports that have overdue receipts, Internet Expenses initiates the process of sending notifications, according to the notification rules. 'ou must assign a notification rule set to an operating unit to ma e use of notification rules. If an operating unit does not have a notification rule set assignment, then the $verdue Expense *eceipts Trac ing concurrent program cannot detect overdue or missing receipts, and therefore cannot call the Expense *eceipts wor flow.

$ield name !u"e Set Na2e E11e&ti:e Start Date

Value !e&eipts Noti1i&ations 1@ 1@C #

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Define *ileage Rate +chedule %nter ne t Expenses +etup and Administr a tion" %ntern e t Expenses +etup , Polic! , +chedules , *ileage
C"i&; . Create New +chedule /. Popu"ate reAuired 1ie"ds as 1o""o-s:

$ield Name S&hedu"e Na2e Des&ription Distan&e Unit o1 Measure Start Date Curren&* !u"es



Lea:e a"" Optiona" !u"es +"an;. C"i&; . Next /. Curren&* G .USD/. A""o- rate Con:ersion. In the Update Mi"ea(e !ate S&hedu"e: Periods and !ates9 &"i&; . Details4. Enter Mi"ea(e !ate G C"i&; Appl!. C"i&; Activa te . .$H#

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Comple te *ileage Expense

!pe Definition in Pa!ables empla t es

Pa!ables *anage r , +etup , %nvoice , Expense Report

7ind the expenses te2p"ate 7ind the 2i"ea(e expense t*pe. Assi(n the Mi"ea(e S&hedu"e.

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+A" Define Profile #ptions +!stem Administra tion" Profile , +!stem

Description" Use this 1or2 to de1ine pro1i"e options.
OIE: A""o- Credit Lines Set the OIE: A""o- Credit Lines pro1i"e option to 0es to ena+"e users to enter ne(ati:e re&eipts <&redit "ines=. Users enter ne(ati:e re&eipts to report the re1und o1 a pre:ious"* rei2+ursed expense9 1or exa2p"e9 an unused air"ine ti&;et. Settin( this pro1i"e option to No pre:ents users 1ro2 enterin( ne(ati:e expense "ines 1or &ash and other expenses. Users &an sti"" enter ne(ati:e &orporate &redit &ard expense "ines. The de1au"t :a"ue is 0es. OIE: Ena+"e Credit Card Set the OIE: Ena+"e Credit Card pro1i"e option to 0es to ena+"e the &redit &ard 1un&tiona"it* to a""o- users -ith &orporate &redit &ards to se"e&t and add &redit &ard transa&tions to their expense reports. OIE: A""o- Non, 'ase Pa* Set the OIE: A""o- Non, 'ase Pa* pro1i"e option to 0es to ena+"e users to &hoose the rei2+urse2ent &urren&* 1or their expense reports. 0ou 2ust set up Pa*a+"es to use 2u"tip"e &urren&ies +e1ore *ou &an ena+"e this pro1i"e option. OIE: CC Appro:er !eA The OIE: CC Appro:er !eA pro1i"e option indi&ates -hether users 2ust enter an a"ternate appro:er -hen the* &har(e their expense reports to a &ost &enter di11erent 1ro2 their o-n. Set the OIE: CC Appro:er !eA pro1i"e option to 0es to reAuire e2p"o*ees to enter the A"ternate Appro:er 1ie"d -hen e2p"o*ees enter a &ost &enter other than their de1au"t &ost &enter. I1 *ou set this pro1i"e option to 0es9 *ou 2ust a"so set the OIE: Ena+"e Appro:er pro1i"e option to 0es. OIE: CC Pa*2ent Noti1* Use the OIE: CC Pa*2ent Noti1* pro1i"e option to spe&i1* -hether a noti1i&ation is sent to e2p"o*ees -hen pa*2ent is &reated in Ora&"e Pa*a+"es 1or &orporate &redit &ard transa&tions. The de1au"t :a"ue is No. OIE: Ena+"e Des&7"ex The OIE: Ena+"e Des&7"ex pro1i"e option ena+"es Internet Expenses to disp"a* des&ripti:e 1"ex1ie"ds. 0ou 2ust set up des&ripti:e 1"ex1ie"ds spe&i1i&a""* 1or use in Internet Expenses +e1ore *ou &an ena+"e this option. OIE: Ena+"e Pro%e&ts The OIE: Ena+"e Pro%e&ts pro1i"e option ena+"es users to enter pro%e&t, re"ated in1or2ation on expense reports. 0ou 2ust set up Internet Expenses to inte(rate -ith Ora&"e Pro%e&ts +e1ore *ou &an ena+"e this option. The :a"ues 1or this pro1i"e option are: I 0es , Ena+"es the entr* o1 pro%e&t in1or2ation. I No , Disa+"es the entr* o1 pro%e&t in1or2ation. I !eAuired , !eAuires the entr* o1 pro%e&t in1or2ation. OIE: Ena+"e Tax
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The OIE: Ena+"e Tax pro1i"e option ena+"es the a:ai"a+i"it* o1 tax, re"ated e"e2ents on expense reports. Set this pro1i"e option to 0es to disp"a* the Tax Code 1ie"d and A2ount In&"udes Tax &he&; +ox on expense reports. Set this pro1i"e option to No to &on&ea" the disp"a*. I1 *ou set this pro1i"e option to No and *ou set up tax &a"&u"ation on expense reports9 Internet Expenses uses the de1au"t :a"ues *ou pro:ide -ithout user inter:ention.

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OIE: Ena+"e Appro:er The OIE: Ena+"e Appro:er pro1i"e option ena+"es the A"ternate Appro:er 1ie"d in Internet Expenses. 5hen this pro1i"e option is set to 0es9 the A"ternate Appro:er 1ie"d is a:ai"a+"e 1or users to spe&i1* a di11erent e2p"o*ee to appro:e their expense report. 5hen this pro1i"e option is set to No9 the A"ternate Appro:er 1ie"d is hidden. OIE: Appro:er !eAuired The OIE: Appro:er !eAuired pro1i"e option indi&ates -hether users 2ust desi(nate an appro:er 1or their expense reports. I1 *ou set the OIE: Appro:er !eAuired pro1i"e option to 0es9 Internet Expenses reAuires that users a"-a*s enter an a"ternate appro:er. I1 *ou set this pro1i"e option to 0es -ith De1au"t9 the e2p"o*ee/s super:isor9 as de1ined in Ora&"e 6!MS9 -i"" +e pro:ided 1or the user. Atten tio n : 0ou 2ust set the OIE: Ena+"e Appro:er pro1i"e option to 0es i1 *ou -ant to use one o1 the three seeded 7ind Appro:er 2ethods. OIE: Purpose !eAuired The OIE: Purpose !eAuired pro1i"e option &ontro"s -hether users 2ust enter a purpose -hen &reatin( an expense report. A purpose is a +rie1 des&ription o1 the +usiness a&ti:ities that %usti1* the expenses in a report. OIE: !eport Nu2+er Pre1ix The OIE: !eport Nu2+er Pre1ix pro1i"e option spe&i1ies a pre1ix :a"ue 1or expense report nu2+ers. The expense report nu2+er +e&o2es the &orrespondin( in:oi&e nu2+er -hen the expense report is &on:erted into an in:oi&e :ia the Expense !eport I2port pro(ra2. Enterin( a pre1ix :a"ue ena+"es *ou to easi"* identi1* in:oi&es in Pa*a+"es that -ere expense reports &reated in Internet Expenses. Lea:e this option +"an; i1 *ou do not -ant to spe&i1* a pre1ix :a"ue 1or expense report nu2+ers. 7or exa2p"e9 i1 *ou set the OIE: !eport Nu2+er Pre1ix pro1i"e option to use the pre1ix 5e+9 *our expense report nu2+erin( appears as 5e+#H>9 5e+#E 9 5e+#E19 and so on. OIE: 3ra&e Period The OIE: 3ra&e Period pro1i"e option spe&i1ies the nu2+er o1 (ra&e period da*s +e*ond an end date that &ertain OIE setup ite2s re2ain a:ai"a+"e 1or use. The OIE setup ite2s are:

!ate s&hedu"es !ate s&hedu"e ru"e :a"ues that ha:e end dates Lo&ation re&ords Expense report te2p"ate Ina&ti:e On 1ie"d Expense t*pes

These ite2s re2ain a:ai"a+"e 1or se"e&tion and use as "on( as the s*ste2 date is +e1ore the end date p"us the nu2+er o1 (ra&e period da*s. The de1au"t :a"ue is D . OIE: Ena+"e Po"i&* The OIE: Ena+"e Po"i&* pro1i"e option &ontro"s the +eha:ior o1 Internet Expenses in re"ation to reports that &ontain po"i&* :io"ations. I1 an expense report is su+2itted -ith :io"ations9 Internet Expenses &aptures po"i&* :io"ations 1or reportin( purposes. The :a"ues are:

Preven t +ubmission , The end user &annot su+2it the expense report. A"" 2onetar* :io"ations that ex&eed to"eran&es resu"t in pre:entin( report su+2ission9 in&"udin( the ex&han(e rate po"i&* <the ex&han(e rate to"eran&e is the ex&han(e rate "i2it=. An error 2essa(e in1or2s the user o1 the po"i&* :io"ation. 7or 2ore in1or2ation9 see To"eran&e Li2its. 7or a"" non, 2onetar* po"i&* :io"ations9 and 1or 2onetar* :io"ations
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that do not ex&eed to"eran&es9 the +eha:ior is the sa2e as the 5arn Users option <users re&ei:e a -arnin( +ut &an su+2it the expense report=.


5arn 3sers , The end user &an su+2it the expense report. A -arnin( 2essa(e in1or2s the user that the report &ontains po"i&* :io"ations. This in&"udes non, 2onetar* po"i&* :io"ations and 2onetar* po"i&* :io"ations -here the :io"ation is +e"o- the "i2it J thresho"d. %nform Approvers , The end user &an su+2it the expense report. I1 there are po"i&* :io"ations9 the* are transparent to the end user9 +ut Internet Expenses do&u2ents the :io"ations 1or appro:ers. The de1au"t :a"ue is In1or2 Appro:ers.

OIE: Ena+"e Expense A""o&ations The OIE: Ena+"e Expense A""o&ations pro1i"e option deter2ines -hether an end user &an update the &ost &enter se(2ent :a"ue on an expense "ine. I1 set to 0es9 an e2p"o*ee &an sp"it expense reports a&ross &ost &enters9 1or +oth &redit &ard expenses and &ash and other expenses. The de1au"t :a"ue is No. PA: A""o- Pro%e&t Ti2e and Expense Entr* The PA: A""o- Pro%e&t Ti2e and Expense Entr* pro1i"e option ena+"es users to enter pro%e&t, re"ated in1or2ation on expense reports. I1 *ou set this option to 0es9 then *ou 2ust set the OIE: Ena+"e Pro%e&ts pro1i"e option to 0es as -e"". 0ou 2ust set up Internet Expenses to inte(rate -ith Ora&"e Pro%e&ts +e1ore *ou &an ena+"e this option. PA: AutoAppro:e Expense !eports The PA: AutoAppro:e Expense !eports pro1i"e option per2its auto2ati& appro:a" o1 pro%e&t, re"ated expense reports. Kourna"s: Disp"a* In:erse !ate The Kourna"s: Disp"a* In:erse !ate pro1i"e option deter2ines ho- the rei2+ursa+"e a2ount is &a"&u"ated -hen users enter 1orei(n &urren&* re&eipts. 5hen this pro1i"e option is set to No9 the re&eipt a2ount is 2u"tip"ied +* the ex&han(e rate to deter2ine the rei2+ursa+"e a2ount. 5hen it is set to 0es9 the re&eipt a2ount is di:ided +* the ex&han(e rate. The de1au"t :a"ue is No. AME: Insta""ed The AME: Insta""ed pro1i"e option ena+"es the inte(ration +et-een Internet Expenses and Ora&"e Appro:a"s Mana(e2ent. 57: Noti1i&ation !eassi(n Mode The 57: Noti1i&ation !eassi(n Mode pro1i"e option deter2ines the 1or-ardin( 1un&tiona"it* that is a:ai"a+"e to e2p"o*ees. I1 *ou set the 57 : Noti1i&ation !eassi(n Mode pro1i"e option to .!eassi(n/9 e2p"o*ees see the !eassi(n +utton on the noti1i&ation. C"i&;in( the !eassi(n +utton "ets e2p"o*ees &hoose +et-een trans1errin( or de"e(atin( that noti1i&ation. I1 *ou set the 7ND: Noti1i&ation !eassi(n Mode pro1i"e option to De"e(ate9 e2p"o*ees -i"" see the De"e(ate +utton. 5hen e2p"o*ees &"i&; the De"e(ate +utton and enter an e2p"o*ee na2e9 the noti1i&ation is de"e(ated to that e2p"o*ee that is entered. 5hen a noti1i&ation is de"e(ated to e2p"o*ees the noti1i&ation is 1or-arded to the de"e(ated e2p"o*ee9 +ut the ori(ina" re&ipient o1 the noti1i&ation re2ains the o-ner. I1 *ou set this option to Trans1er9 e2p"o*ees -i"" see the Trans1er +utton. 5hen e2p"o*ees &"i&; the Trans1er +utton and enter an e2p"o*ee na2e the noti1i&ation is trans1erred to that e2p"o*ee that is entered. 5hen a noti1i&ation is trans1erred9 the noti1i&ation is 1or-arded and the ne- re&ipient +e&o2es the o-ner o1 the noti1i&ation. 57: Mai"er Can&e""ation E2ai" The 57: Mai"er Can&e""ation E2ai" pro1i"e option ena+"es the 1un&tiona"it* that sends the &an&e""ation noti1i&ations -hen ti2e outs are rea&hed 1or a noti1i&ation and a ne- noti1i&ation is sent +e&ause o1 resend setup. I1 *ou set this pro1i"e option to Ena+"ed9 &an&e""ation noti1i&ations are sent. I1 *ou set this pro1i"e option to Disa+"ed9 &an&e""ation noti1i&ations are not sent. Persona"iBe Se"1, Ser:i&e De1n
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The Persona"iBe Se"1, Ser:i&e De1n pro1i"e option ena+"es the Ora&"e App"i&ations Persona"iBation 7ra2e-or; in Internet Expenses. I1 *ou set this pro1i"e option to 0es9 then the OA Persona"iBation 7ra2e-or; is a:ai"a+"e to expenses ad2inistrators to &on1i(ure the Internet Expenses user inter1a&e. A&&ount 3enerator: !un in De+u( Mode

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Profile OIE: A""o- Credit Lines OIE:A""o- Non, 'ase Pa* OIE:Appro:er !eAuired OIE:CC Appro:er !eA OIE:CC Pa*2ent Noti1* OIE:Ena+"e Appro:er OIE:Ena+"e Credit Card OIE:Ena+"e Des&7"ex OIE:Ena+"e Expense A""o&ations OIE:Ena+"e Po"i&* OIE:Ena+"e Pro%e&ts OIE:Ena+"e Tax OIE:3ra&e Period OIE:Purpose !eAuired OIE:!eport Nu2+er Pre1ix PA: A""o- Pro%e&t Ti2e and Expense Entr* PA: AutoAppro:e Expense !eports AME:Insta""ed

+ite 0es 0es


iExpenses Responsibilit!



User, ena+"ed9 -ith On"ine Va"idation 0es No D 0es E4P, 0es

Enabling this option disables Workflow approvals! Unassi(ned De"e(ate Ena+"ed Enable temporarily to customize iExpense instructions and prompts Do&u2ent O-ner

Auto2ated Es&a"ation Noti1i&ation Tas; Assi(nee !o"e 57: Noti1i&ation !eassi(n Mode 57: Mai"er Can&e""ation E2ai" Persona"iBe Se"1,Ser:i&e De1n

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+!stem Administra tion %ntegra tion

1. (. All peopl e to rec ei6 e 5or)flo5 notification must "e 6alid Oracl e users 5ith an em ail addr e s s &un the S%nchr o ni3 e ,ocal 4F $a"les proce s s e6er% tim e %ou ma) e chan * e s to user set u p.

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Customi6e the %nterne t Expenses 5or-flow

Define a new #%EAD*%N Role
As S%st e m Administr a t or' com pl et e thes e step s' !reat e a ne5 Oracle user

$ield Name Na2e Des&ription E2ai" Assi*n e d &espo n si "ilities

Value OIEADMIN Oracl e iExpen s e s Administr a t o r OIEAD+I1=9ourDom ai m 5or;1"o- User 5e+ App"i&ations Internet Expenses Setup and Ad2inistration Internet Expenses Auditor

&un the S%nchr o ni3 e ,ocal 4F ta"l e s proce s s e6er% tim e %ou ma) e chan * e s to user set u p.

NOTE: At thi s poin t , you ca n sa v e a cu s t o m i z e d w orkfl o w XY iE!p e n s e s "orkflo w s to th e dat a # a s e $ %f you n e e d to recr e a t e or up d a t e th e w orkfl o w s , follo w th e st e p s # el o w $

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Define 5or-flow Notification Perfor m e rs

Per1or2 these steps in Ora&"e 5or;1"o- 'ui"der to set up expense report per1or2ers. These steps in&"ude re&o22endations 1or -hi&h ite2 attri+ute to use 1or ea&h noti1i&ation. 1. C. D. $. #. E. F. Load OIEADMIN !o"e. 7ro2 the 7i"es 2enu9 se"e&t Load !o"es 1ro2 Data+ase. In the !o"e Se"e&tion -indo-9 Auer* the OIEADMIN ro"e9 7ro2 the Luer* !esu"ts re(ion9 se"e&t the reAuired ro"es and &"i&; the Add +utton to add the ro"e to the Loaded !o"es re(ion. C"i&; OM to sa:e the "oaded ro"e to the data+ase. Sa:e *our -or;. Assi(n !o"e to the attri+ute: 7ro2 the Na:i(ator -indo-9 open the attri+ute. In the Na:i(ator Contro" Properties9 under the Attri+ute ta+ the T*pe in the 2ain re(ion shou"d +e set to !o"e. In the De1au"t re(ion9 se"e&t the proper Va"ue <ro"e= and &"i&; App"*. Sa:e *our -or;. Assi(n a ro"e 1or ea&h o1 the attri+utes "isted in the Per1or2er De1initions ta+"e +e"o-. De1ine Noti1i&ation Per1or2ers. 7or ea&h noti1i&ation out"ined in the Per1or2er De1initions ta+"e +e"o-: a. +. &. d. e. 1. Open the appropriate -or;1"o- pro&ess. In the -or;1"o- pro&ess9 open the noti1i&ation. In the Na:i(ator Contro" Properties -indo-9 &"i&; the Node ta+. Set Per1or2er T*pe as Constant instead o1 Attri+ute. Choose OIEADMIN as Va"ue. C"i&; App"* and sa:e *our -or;.


Note" To dire&t"* "in; a ro"e to a noti1i&ation9 Set Per1or2er T*pe as Constant instead o1 Attri+ute. Then9 se"e&t the ro"e OIEADMIN. '* usin( the Constant t*pe9 *ou ha:e 2ore 1"exi+i"it*. The table below lists the notifications, the seeded performer for each wor flow process, and new


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Proce ss Server Side ,alidation -rocess Manager /Spending0 %pproval -rocess Manager /Spending0 %pproval -rocess %- %pproval -rocess *e)ection -rocess -olicy ,iolation Shortpay -rocess

Notificatio n Inform Sys %dmin of -ayables ,alidation #ailure Inform System %dministrator ( +o %pprover Inform %- Mgr %pproved Short-ay With Missing *eceipts *e&uest %- To *eview #or Spending -olicy 1ompliance Inform %- Exp *eport They *eviewed Is Mgr *e)ected -rovide %- With Missing Info To *ectify -olicy Shortpay

Seed e d Perfo r m e r %- Expense *eport Wor flow %dministrator %- Expense *eport Wor flow %dministrator %%%%-

New Perfo r m e r $IE%.MI+ $IE%.MI+ $IE%.MI+ $IE%.MI+ $IE%.MI+ $IE%.MI+

Change the $ind Approve r *ethod

Per1or2 these steps in Ora&"e 5or;1"o- 'ui"der to &han(e the 7ind Appro:er 2ethod. 1= C= D= $= #= E= F= H= Open the .Expenses/ ite2 t*pe 1ro2 the data+ase In the Na:i(ator -indo-9 expend Expenses and Pro&esses 1o"ders. Open <dou+"e, &"i&;= the 2ana(er <Spendin(= Appro:a" Pro&ess Open the 7ind Appro:er 1un&tion In the Na:i(ator Contro" Properties -indo-9 &"i&; the Node Attri+utes ta+. In the Va"ue 1ie"d9 se"e&t .One Stop Then 3o Dire&t"*/ C"i&; App"* and sa:e *our -or;. C"i&; OM to sa:e the -or;1"o- 1i"e to the data+ase.

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Personali6e Expense Report +ubmission %nstructions

As S*ste2 Ad2inistrator: Set . Persona"iBe Se"1, Ser:i&e De1n/ to 0es. Lo( out o1 the s*ste2. Na:i(ate to Expenses 6o2e pa(e <e.(. 40N Ti2e and Expense Entr* responsi+i"it*= Create and su+2it an expense report In the Con1ir2ation pa(e9 &"i&; the Persona"iBe Su+2ission Instru&tions 6eader "in; in the Su+2ission Instru&tions re(ion. In the Choose Persona"iBation Context pa(e9 enter 0our Co2pan* 'usiness 3roup in the Or(aniBation 1ie"d and &"i&; App"*. In the Persona"iBe !e(ion pa(e9 &"i&; Persona"iBe 1or the !a- Text ite2. In the Persona"iBe !a- Text pa(e9 se"e&t 7a"se 1or the !endered ro- at the Site "e:e"9 and then &"i&; App"*. In the Persona"iBe !e(ion pa(e9 &"i&; Create Ite2 1or the 6eader: Su+2ission Instru&tions ite2. In the Create Ite2 pa(e9 se"e&t the .!a- Text . :a"ue 1ro2 the Ite2 St*"e "ist. Co2p"ete the pa(e a&&ordin( to *our +usiness reAuire2ents :

o o o

ID G 40N?SU'MISSION?INST!UCTIONS Text: Include following text message: Add C"i&; App"* ou !ompany"s #ubmission $nstructions %ere&

In the Persona"iBe !e(ion pa(e9 &"i&; Persona"iBe 1or the 2essa(e *ou &reated. In the Persona"iBe !a- Text pa(e9 enter a 2essa(e in the Text 1ie"d 1or the appropriate "e:e"9 then &"i&; App"*. In the Persona"iBe !e(ion pa(e9 &"i&; !eturn to App"i&ation.

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%ntegra t ing with #racle Projects +ummar!

1. Ena+"e e2p"o*ees to enter pro%e&t, re"ated expense reports usin( Internet Expenses. To ena+"e an e2p"o*ee to enter pro%e&t, re"ated expense reports usin( Internet Expenses9 set these pro1i"e options in Ora&"e S*ste2 Ad2inistration: a. Set PA: A""o- Pro%e&t Ti2e and Expense Entr* to .0es/ +. Set OIE: Ena+"e Pro%e&ts to .0es/. C. De1ine the Pro%e&t Expense !eport A&&ount 3enerator. The Pro%e&t Expense !eport A&&ount 3enerator is an Ora&"e Pro%e&ts -or;1"o- pro&ess that deter2ines the a&&ount 1or ea&h pro%e&t, re"ated expense "ine &reated in Internet Expenses. The de1au"t "o(i& o1 this pro&ess returns the CCID <Code Co2+ination ID= o1 the e2p"o*ee -ho in&urred the pro%e&t, re"ated expenses. 0ou &an de1ine the Pro%e&t Expense !eport A&&ount 3enerator to 2eet *our reAuire2ents D. To appro:e pro%e&t, re"ated expense reports auto2ati&a""* < optional = a. Set the PA: AutoAppro:e Expense !eports pro1i"e option in Ora&"e Pro%e&ts. $. Set up Transa&tion Contro"s in Ora&"e Pro%e&ts < optional =.

#. In the Pa*a+"es Expense !eport Te2p"ates -indo-9 de1ine a pro%e&t, re"ated expense report te2p"ate and asso&iate a "ist o1 Pro%e&ts expenditure t*pes -ith expense ite2s. '!ompleted during A(: )efine Expense *eport +emplate step below, 7. Compile the Expense !pes Descriptive flexfield8

a. Lo(in to the App"i&ation De:e"oper responsi+i"it*. +. Na:i(ate: App"i&ation ) Va"idation ) Set &. Luer* :a"ue set na2e OOIE?E4PENSE?T0PESO

d. C"i&; Edit In1or2ation e. In the Ta+"e Co"u2ns se&tion9 1or the ID &o"u2n9 &han(e the SiBe to D 1. Na:i(ate: 7"ex1ie"d ) Des&ripti:e ) Se(2ents and Sa:e.

(. Luer* the Tit"e: OExpense !eport LineO h. 7reeBe and &o2pi"e the Expense !eport Line 7"ex1ie"d. Veri1* su&&ess1u" &o2pi"ation. Na:i(ate: App"i&ation ,) Va"idation ,) Set
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i. %.

Luer* :a"ue set na2e OOIE?E4PENSE?T0PESO. C"i&; Edit In1or2ation. In the Ta+"e Co"u2ns se&tion9 1or the ID &o"u2n9 &han(e the SiBe +a&; to H and Sa:e.

F. Ena+"e the Disp"a* o1 Pro%e&t and Tas;. Use the !e(ion Ite2s -indo- to ena+"e the disp"a* o1 pro%e&t and tas; in1or2ation. 0ou need to per1or2 this step in order to :ie- pro%e&ts and tas;s in Vie- Expense !eport 6istor*. a. Choose the AM De:e"oper responsi+i"it*. +. Na:i(ate to the De1ine !e(ions -indo-. &. Luer* the re(ion IC4?AP?E4P?LINES?D.

d. Choose !e(ion Ite2s to na:i(ate to the !e(ion Ite2s -indo-. e. Luer* the re(ion ite2s IC4?P!OKECT?NUM'E! ite2 <ATT!I'UTE?NAME=. 1. Che&; the Node Disp"a* +ox 1or these re(ion ite2s.

(. Luer* the re(ion ite2s IC4?TASM?NUM'E! ite2 <ATT!I'UTE?NAME=. h. Che&; the Node Disp"a* +ox 1or these re(ion ite2s. i. Sa:e *our -or;.

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+et 3p #ffline Expense +preadshee t

emplat e

The Mi&roso1t Ex&e" te2p"ate is a spreadsheet that e2p"o*ees use to &reate dis&onne&ted expense reports. 0ou 2ust &on1i(ure the Mi&roso1t Ex&e" te2p"ate so that it 2at&hes *our &urrent Internet Expenses i2p"e2entation. 7or exa2p"e9 a"" 1ie"ds in Internet Expenses 2ust exist in *our te2p"ate9 and 1ie"ds that are set . *e-uired / in Internet Expenses 2ust a"so +e reAuired in the te2p"ate. I1 the te2p"ate does not 2at&h *our i2p"e2entation9 e2p"o*ees &annot &reate and i2port expense reports usin( the dis&onne&ted pro&ess. To &on1i(ure the Mi&roso1t Ex&e" te2p"ate9 *ou 2ust enter spe&i1i& :a"ues 1ro2 :arious Ora&"e Pa*a+"es -indo-s into the te2p"ate. On&e *ou ha:e &on1i(ured the Mi&roso1t Ex&e" Te2p"ate9 re2o:e the seeded 1un&tion 1ro2 the 2enu 1or exportin( the spreadsheet. The seeded OIE I2port Pa(e 1un&tion is assi(ned to the Expenses Short&uts 2enu.

Configure the Expense Report +heet

This se&tion des&ri+es ho- to &on1i(ure the Expense !eport sheet. Export the seeded O11"ine Spreadsheet 1ro2 Expenses 6o2e. Open the Ex&e" 1i"e.
Displa!in g the +preadsh e e t abs

A1ter o+tainin( the expense spreadsheet te2p"ate 1ro2 the operatin( s*ste2 dire&tor*9 disp"a* the &usto2 sheet ta+s to 2a;e an* 2odi1i&ations to expense t*pes9 headin(s9 &e"" "in;s9 et&. 0ou &an 2odi1* these sheets in the Mi&roso1t Ex&e" te2p"ate: Expense !eport Curren&* Codes and Des&riptions Expense T*pes Ce"" Lin;s Pro2pts <to &han(e &o"u2n and &e"" headin(s=

To disp"a* the &usto2 sheet ta+s in the expense spreadsheet te2p"ate: 1. C. D. $. Open the spreadsheet 1i"e ap-exp2&.x"s. Choose Too"s ) Prote&tion ) Unprote&t Sheet. Choose Options 1ro2 the Too"s 2enu. Open the Vie- ta+.
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Che&; the Sheet Ta+s +ox9 then &"i&; OM.

Defin e the Date $orma t Users enter a re&eipt date in the spreadsheet Date 7ro2 &o"u2n. 7or 2u"tip"eIda* re&eipts9 users &an de1ine a ran(e o1 da*s +* enterin( dates in +oth the Date 7ro2 and the Date To &o"u2ns. 5hen an e2p"o*ee i2ports a &o2p"eted expense report9 Internet Expenses &o2pares the date 1or2at o1 the Date 7ro2 and Date To &o"u2ns to the date 1or2at set usin( the se"1, ser:i&e app"i&ations 3enera" Pre1eren&es 1un&tion. I1 the date 1or2ats in these &o"u2ns do not 2at&h the date 1or2at spe&i1ied +* the 3enera" Pre1eren&es 1un&tion9 users 2ust reIenter re&eipt dates in Internet Expenses. An exa2p"e o1 a :a"id date 1or2at is DDIMONI0000. 5hen a user 2a;es &han(es to the 3enera" Pre1eren&es9 the &han(es on"* a11e&t that user/s "o(in session. PrereAuisites Deter2ine a date 1or2at to use in the Expense Spreadsheet. To de1ine the date 1or2at: 1. C. D. $. Open the Expense !eport sheet ta+ at the +otto2 o1 the spreadsheet. Se"e&t the Date 7ro2 and the Date To &o"u2n9 then &hoose 7or2at ) Ce""s. Open the Nu2+er ta+9 and then &hoose Date as the Cate(or*. Choose a date 1or2at 1ro2 the "ist in the T*pe re(ion9 and then &"i&; OM.

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Enter an Expense

empl a t e Name

0ou 2ust assi(n a te2p"ate na2e to the Mi&roso1t Ex&e" te2p"ate to de1ine the "ist o1 expense t*pes that are a:ai"a+"e in Internet Expenses <1or exa2p"e9 air1are9 2ea"s9 "od(in(9 and so on=. This te2p"ate a"so deter2ines the expense t*pes *ou &an in&"ude in the Expense T*pes sheet in the Mi&roso1t Ex&e" te2p"ate. 0ou &reate expense report te2p"ates in the Pa*a+"es Expense !eport Te2p"ates -indo-. The te2p"ate *ou &hoose 2ust ha:e the Ena+"e 1or Internet Expenses option &he&;ed <set to 0es=. 5hen an e2p"o*ee i2ports a Mi&roso1t Ex&e" expense report9 Internet Expenses &o2pares the te2p"ate na2e to the na2es o1 a"" a&ti:e9 Internet Expenses, ena+"ed te2p"ates. I1 the te2p"ate na2e o1 a Mi&roso1t Ex&e" expense report does not 2at&h the na2e o1 an Internet Expenses, ena+"ed te2p"ate9 Internet Expenses re%e&ts the report. To enter a te2p"ate na2e: 1. C. Open the Expense !eport sheet ta+ at the +otto2 o1 the spreadsheet. Enter the na2e o1 an expense report te2p"ate that is ena+"ed 1or Internet Expenses into the Expense Te2p"ate &e"". The na2e 2ust exa&t"* 2at&h the na2e o1 an Internet Expenses, ena+"ed te2p"ate that appears in the Pa*a+"es Expense !eport Te2p"ates -indo-. Sa:e *our -or;.


Defin e /our Compan ! Expense


To enter expense t*pes in the Expense !eport sheet9 users se"e&t :a"ues 1ro2 a &hoi&e "ist. The Expense T*pes sheet &ontains the :a"ues that appear in this &hoi&e "ist. 0ou 2ust &on1i(ure the Expense T*pes sheet so it &ontains on"* :a"id expense t*pes. Va"id expense t*pes in&"ude: Expense t*pes de1ined in the Pa*a+"es te2p"ate that *ou identi1ied in the Expense !eport sheet. Expense t*pes -ith the Vie-a+"e 7ro2 A"" Te2p"ates option &he&;ed in the Pa*a+"es Expense !eport Te2p"ates -indo-.

The (eneri& Expense T*pes sheet -ithin the Mi&roso1t Ex&e" te2p"ate in&"udes se:era" sa2p"e expense t*pes. 0ou 2ust &han(e the sa2p"e expense t*pes to :a"id expense t*pes and de"ete an* ro-s that *ou do not &han(e. o add expense t!pes0 insert new rows into the Expense !pes sheet. 0ou 2ust insert a ne- ro- a+o:e an existin( ro- 1or the expense t*pe to appear in the &hoi&e "ist. A1ter *ou update the Expense T*pes sheet9 *ou 2a* need to update the expense t*pes that appear in the expense report te2p"ate. <'* de1au"t9 the te2p"ate does not disp"a* expense t*pes.= See: Modi1*in( Ce"" Lin;s9 pa(e E,11 1or 2ore in1or2ation. 5hen *ou 2a;e &han(es to the Expense T*pes sheet9 *ou &an use the Expense !eport sheet to &on1ir2 *our &han(es.

Application Setup Docume n t Oracle Intern e t Expens e s

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To set up expense t*pes: 1. C. Open the Expense T*pes sheet ta+ at the +otto2 o1 the spreadsheet. Chan(e the sa2p"e expense t*pes to :a"id expense t*pes <those de1ined in the te2p"ate *ou entered in the Expense !eport sheet=. 0ou 2ust spe"" ea&h expense t*pe exa&t"* as it appears in the Pa*a+"es Expense !eport Te2p"ates -indo-. To add an expense t*pe9 insert a ne- ro- and enter the na2e o1 the expense t*pe exa&t"* as it appears in the Pa*a+"es Expense !eport Te2p"ates -indo-. To insert a ne- ro-9 se"e&t a &e"" that &ontains a :a"ue9 then &hoose Insert ) !o-s. I1 *ou se"e&t a &e"" that does not &ontain a :a"ue and use Insert ) !o-s to add an expense t*pe to this ne- ro-9 the expense t*pe does not appear in the &hoi&e "ist. Note : Do not edit the header re(ion <&e""s A1 and AC= o1 the Expense T*pes sheet. Note : Sort the "ist o1 expense t*pes a"pha+eti&a""*. To do this9 se"e&t the ro-s to sort9 then &"i&; on the Sort As&endin( +utton <or &hoose Data ) Sort9 &"i&; on As&endin(9 then &"i&; OM=. $. #. Open the Expense !eport sheet ta+ at the +otto2 o1 the spreadsheet to re:ie- the expense report and :eri1* *our &han(es. Sa:e *our -or;.


esting a New Custom *icrosoft Excel

empla t e

'e1ore re"easin( *our &usto2 te2p"ate 1or (enera" use9 i2port and :a"idate the spreadsheet in Internet Expenses. Per1or2 these steps to dis&o:er and reso":e an* re2ainin( setup pro+"e2s that 2a* exist in *our te2p"ate. To test the Custo2 Mi&roso1t Ex&e" Te2p"ate: 1. Co2pare the &usto2 Mi&roso1t Ex&e" te2p"ate and expense t*pes to the Corporate Credit Card and Cash and Other Expenses pa(es. Ensure a"" 1ie"ds in the te2p"ate appear in these pa(es9 and a"" the 1ie"ds on these pa(es appear in the te2p"ate. <'e sure that *ou a"so "oo; at the Expense Detai"s pa(e.= Create an expense report -ith the &usto2 Mi&roso1t Ex&e" te2p"ate. Assi(n ea&h expense t*pe to at "east one re&eipt. Up"oad the expense report. Ma;e sure the 2essa(e *ou entered at the +otto2 o1 the spreadsheet te2p"ate appear in the Spreadsheet Up"oad Area. C"i&; Next to :a"idate the spreadsheet. 0ou 2ust 1ix errors that exist in the spreadsheet te2p"ate itse"1 +e1ore re"easin( it to e2p"o*ees 1or (enera" use. Errors that o&&ur +e&ause the spreadsheet -as in&orre&t"* de1ined &an +e 1ixed on"* +* the s*ste2 ad2inistrator. Errors that o&&ur due to 2issin( or in:a"id data in the spreadsheet do not indi&ate a serious pro+"e2 and the report &an sti"" +e i2ported into Internet Expenses. 5hen expense report in1or2ation is 2issin( or in:a"id9 *ou &an per1or2 either o1 these a&tions:
Define iExpens e Policies 10 of 3

C. D.


Application Setup Docume n t Oracle Intern e t Expens e s

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C"i&; C"ear or Can&e" to 1ix the errors in Mi&roso1t Ex&e"9 then i2port it a(ain "ater.

Application Setup Docume n t Oracle Intern e t Expens e s

Define iExpens e Policies

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+ave the spreadshe e t to the database

To sa:e the &usto2iBed spreadsheet to the data+ase: 1. Con1i(ure the spreadsheet a&&ordin( the instru&tions a+o:e. Sa:e the spreadsheet 40N?AP5E4PMC.x"s to the POA?6TML@US dire&tor*. Lo( into the S*ste2 Ad2inistration responsi+i"it*. Na:i(ate to the 7or2 7un&tions -indo-. Luer* up 1un&tion AP?5E'?DO5NLOAD. C"i&; on 5e+ 6TML ta+. !ep"a&e :a"ue in the 6TML Ca"" to .US@ 40N?AP5E4PMC.x"s/ Sa:e.

D. $. #. E. 8. H. To :eri1* i1 the &usto2iBed spreadsheet is sa:ed:

Na:i(ate to iExpenses9 Expenses 6o2e C"i&; on Export Spreadsheet The 7i"e Do-n"oad -indo- shou"d pop, up9 and na2e shou"d +e 40N?AP5E4PMC.x"s

Application Setup Docume n t Oracle Intern e t Expens e s

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#ther Configura tion Considera tions

Ma;e sure a"" expense appro:in( 2ana(ers are set up as Ora&"e users. Ma;e sure e:er* e2p"o*ee is assi(ned to one Ora&"e user on"*. Su+2it the .S*n&hroniBe 57 LOCAL ta+"es/ pro&ess to run dai"* to update the 5or;1"o- resour&e in1or2ation

Application Setup Docume n t Oracle Intern e t Expens e s

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#pen and Closed %ssues

Application Setup Docume n t Oracle Intern e t Expens e s

Define iExpens e Policies

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