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Pay Per Class Training

Introduction: This program is organized for students with the aim of giving them an opportunity to learn practical computer courses in class. Content Use of Projector & Sound System Practically Inclined ! " #ssignments and Projects $%ams & &ertificates
Contact #miens ? !@!9A9!@BC!* !C!@B<!;!:B www.face(oo0.com1ictmo(iletraining reu(

Pay Per Class Training

Introduction: This program is organized for students with the aim of giving them an opportunity to learn practical computer courses in class. Content Use of Projector & Sound System Practically Inclined ! " #ssignments and Projects $%ams & &ertificate

Courses 'e( Programming )php* +yS,-. /etwor0ing )'ired1'ireless. &omputer $ngineering )2dwr1Sftwr. 3ava Programming 4isual 5asic Programming 4isual 5asic for #pplications 6$%cel7 +ore*** Duration -$ach &lass lasts 2Hours 8least Thrice )9%. per wee0 Venue Your Class Cost - #100 Per Class Per Student More on Re uest!! Personal Training 6 on 7 6 on :*9*; or <7 6=ff &lass7 =nline Training 6'ith >emote #ssistance & S0ype7

Courses 'e( Programming )php* +yS,-. /etwor0ing )'ired1'ireless. &omputer $ngineering )2dwr1Sftwr. 3ava Programming 4isual 5asic Programming 4isual 5asic for #pplications 6$%cel7 +ore*** Duration -$ach &lass lasts 2Hours 8least Thrice )9%. per wee0 Venue Your Class

Cost - #100 Per Class Per Student More on Re uest!! Personal Training 6 on 7 6 on :*9*; or <7 6=ff &lass7 =nline Training 6'ith >emote #ssistance & S0ype7

Contact #miens ? !@!9A9!@BC!* !C!@B<!;!:B www.face(oo0.com1ictmo(iletraining reu(

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