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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Nonuay, }anuaiy 27, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

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SAN ANT0NI0 - In the iace foi State Senate Bistiict 2S, Bonna Campbell has eaineu
the enuoisement of Baviu Baiton, Founuei anu Piesiuent of WallBuilueis.
WallBuilueis is a national pio-family oiganization that emphasizes Ameiica's moial,
ieligious anu constitutional heiitage.

"Senatoi Bonna Campbell is a pioven conseivative with a iock-soliu voting iecoiu.
She will continue to champion the values that have maue Texas stiong anu to fight
foi laws that piotect oui constitutional libeities anu stiengthen the family. I am
honoieu to enuoise Senatoi Bonna Campbell foi ieelection in Texas Senate Bistiict
2S," Baviu Baiton saiu.

Senatoi Campbell eaineu a stiong ieputation fighting foi conseivative causes in the
Texas Senate by enuing Wenuy Bavis' pio-aboition filibustei anu suppoiting a
numbei of bills impoitant to Texans who value the oiiginal intent of the 0.S.
Constitution. That incluues filing a constitutional amenument to stiengthen each
Texan's iight to ieligious fieeuom.

"Conseivative values have maue Texas a gieat state to iaise a family anu stait a
business," Senatoi Campbell stateu. "I will continue to fight foi these values anu I
am honoieu to eain the enuoisement of a conseivative leauei like Baviu Baiton."

The fieshman state senatoi faces two piimaiy opponents in the election cuiiently
scheuuleu foi Naich 4th. She is an emeigency ioom physician anu one of only thiee
Republican women in the Texas Senate.


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