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Study Guide N3101 Exam V- Fall 12

Grief ( 5-6 questions) Review types (normal, disenfranchised, anticipatory, etc) of grief Review Ku ler Ross theory of grieving Review grief reactions (cognitive, ehavioral, physical, etc!) "hat symptoms may the dying patient e#perience$ "hat can nurses do to alleviate them$ "hat role does the nurse play in caring for family mem ers of dying patient$ "hat are some interventions that may e helpful for family mem ers$ "hat are the rights (relating to care, not legal) of a dying patient$ "hat nursing diagnoses might you see when caring for a dying patient%and or family$ &thics ('-6 questions) (e a le to use and apply the terms autonomy, maleficence, eneficence, )ustice, etc! to nursing situations "hat*s the process for solving an ethical dilemma$ Read the +,+ code of ethics pg! -./ 0ensory (5-6 questions) ! 1o your reading independently! 0ensory changes that occur in the elderly ,ursing interventions relating to sensory changes in the elderly "hat is e#pressive and receptive aphasia and how does one est communicate if these e#ist$ 0igns%symptoms of sensory deprivation and overload Know the senses categories (gustatory, olfaction, 2inesthetic, etc!) 3#ygenation 4-55 questions Review the three steps in the o#ygenation process Review o#ygen therapy Review acute care interventions for o#ygenation issues ie suctioning, positioning, incentive spirometer 6ositioning patient with lung disease s%s of hypo#ia 7eft sided vs! right sided heart failure ,ursing diagnoses utili8ed with cardiopulmonary patient ,ursing interventions to ma#imi8e o#ygenation 6eri 93p 5-. questions 1o your reading independently 7ist and descri e complications that may occur in the post op patient preventive measures for a ove complications (inc! spirometer, leg e#ercises, etc) role of nurses in surgery i!e! first assistant, scru , circulating 0piritual 9 : questions what is meant y spiritual connectedness$ ;nterventions to assist patients with spirituality <ed +dministration- 6-. questions all is fair in love and war and nursing school

3f course, 5 medication calculation questions! 0tudy smart and not so hard!

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