The Desert Fox

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The Desert foxes are very interesting animals.

Desert foxes have a thick coat to stay warm on the cold desert nights. There fur also reflects heat during the day. They are found in North Africa from Morocco to Egypt, south to north Niger and udan, east to inai !eninsula and "uwait. They are a#out $%&$' inches tall.(t ways up to ) pounds. Desert foxes have thick fur on the #ottom of their feet to protect them from the hot sand. Their tail is used to help them change direction when they are running.They also use their tail to keep their feet warm at night. Their fur is pale #rown to help them camouflage with the sand. Desert foxes have sharp claws to make #urrows. They are nocturnal. Desert foxes are omnivorous. *They eat #oth plants and meat like humans.+ The animals that they eat are insects, li,ards, and other reptiles, rodents, #irds and #ird eggs, and other small mammals. They do not need to drink much water #ecause they eat plants that have moisture such as grasses, roots, fruits and #erries. There kidneys are also adapted so they do not need much water to survive. The Desert fox is different from most foxes they live in small communities that usually go up to $- foxes. They have large ears to hear their predators from far away. Male foxes are called .eynard and female foxes are called /ixen. The desert fox has many predators such as caracals, eagles, owls, 0ackals, saluki, and striped hyenas.

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