Orsaru: Mortal Withdraw

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Average Diameter: 6-10 inches across, Circumference: 18.84in. - 31.4in. Average weight: 3-5 pounds Ability Scores: +4 to any stat, -2 to any stat Size: Normal Speed: 6 squares Vision: Bright Light, But radiates light fifty-feet around it Language: Common, Supernal, and Primordial Skill Bonuses: +2 Perception, +2 Insight

Orsaruian Chance: When bloodied roll 1d100 when attacked, if roll is less than 20 attacker must roll 3 times. (2 out of 3 hits must hit to hit) Aura of Faith: Party members adjacent to, or holding you, get +1 to all skills Mortal Withdraw: You may use Mortal Withdraw as an encounter power

Mortal Withdraw

Orsaru Racial power

The Orsarus orb becomes cold to the touch and vibrant colors fades in to a dull gray and becomes impenetrable to all attacks


Standard Action

Target: Self

Effect: User becomes unaffected by all actions, including attacks and heals, but can be picked up and moved by other players for two rounds (User cannot communicate with other players while in effect)

The Orsaru are an ancient race, wiser then Eladrin, and swifter then Halflings. Eons ago, before any other race was civilized, the Orsaru built great ethereal cities and watched over as guardians as the other races slowly adapted to the then still young planet. Their numbers have dwindled; now just a handful remain Play as an Orsaru if Youre name is Brent Matheny

Physical Qualities
To most beings, Orsaru appear as a spherical orb made of glass-like material with a band of metal, (usually polished bronze or gold) inscripted with runes of a language forgotten, even by the Orsaru themselves. On the front of the orb is an opening with and iris-like door, when opened it allows the swirling mist contained within the sphere, (The actual body of the Orsaru) to spill out and form into an humanoid shape. As the mist contorts, the orb itself rises into the place where the heart should be, making the orb the only viable place for attack.

Characteristics of an Orsaru
Orsaru are very secretive but become enraged when information is kept from especially if it has to do with their races past. Orsaru are in best company with Eladrin, for they both are proficient in the magic arts, and they despise dwarfs because they think their lust for gold and other precious metals drove their race to the brink of extinction.

Orsaru names:
Bob, Dude, John, Chuck, Norris, Zenr, Brent, Mr.T


Believe in the heart of chaos

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