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Incorporating Place-Based Education into t e Classroo! As le" Ostendor#$ Re%ecca O&Neill$ 'eg an Reed (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit"

In partial #ul#ill!ent o# re*uire!ents #or t e 'aster o# Arts in Ele!entar" Education Dece!%er +,$ -,+. Dr/ Douglass Lo)eless


Abstract As #uture educators 0e 0ere interested in continuing to stud" o0 place-%ased education can %e integrated e##ecti)el" into t e classroo!/ 1ro! ere our researc *uestions e!erged2 34 at places and spaces do students #ind !eaning#ul5 6o0 do t e" %ring t ese spaces and places into t e classroo!57 As accredited researc ers$ 0e a)e conducted a co!parati)e case stud" t roug collecting data using a )ariet" o# participants and !et ods/ T e participants in t is stud" include t ree ele!entar" sc ool students2 one 8indergarten student$ one second grade student and one #i#t grade student/ Our data collection !et ods include se!i-#or!al inter)ie0s$ o%ser)ations$ %od" sculpting$ and 0ritten docu!ents$ speci#icall" !ap creation/ Based on our #indings$ students need learning en)iron!ents t at connect t e! to t e people t e" lo)e$ t at pro!ote #eelings o# co!#ort and appiness$ and t at cater to0ards t eir indi)idual interests/ Keywords: Place-%ased$ co!!unit"$ and en)iron!ent


Incorporating Place-Based Education into t e Classroo! As "ou 0al8 into t e a)erage classroo!$ "ou 0ill notice t at 9,-:,; o# students are unengaged at an" !o!ent <S!it = So%el$ -,+.>/ Students #iddling in t eir des8s$ 0andering e"es and loo8s o# %oredo! is 0 at "ou 0ill see/ Sc ool is a place t at is !eant to %e !oti)ating and engaging/ So o0 can 0e as #uture teac ers appl" t e curriculu! to c ildren&s li)es to !a8e learning !ore !eaning#ul5 'eaning#ul in t is conte?t enco!passes an e?perience t at is rele)ant and i!pacting/ Understanding t at people and places 0ill al0a"s %e inti!atel" connected$ 0e !ust as8$ 34 at places and spaces do teac ers and students #ind !eaning#ul and o0 do t e" %ring t ese places and spaces into t e classroo!57 Teac ers can consider t e i!portance o# certain places in c ildren&s li)es %ecause t e" a)e personall" i!pacted t eir e?periences and t eir speci#ic )ie0s o# t e 0orld/ Place-%ased education as a #ocus on incorporating local issues or 8no0ledge into t e curriculu! and o##ers students t e c ance to do )alua%le 0or8 <S!it = So%el$ -,+.>/ @alua%le in t is conte?t re#ers to 0 at is dee!ed culturall" %ene#icial #or success suc as ta8ing initiati)e/ Alternati)el"$ conte!porar" sc ooling t"picall" e!p asiAes onl" one 8ind o# ac ie)e!ent2 a *uanti#ia%le standardiAation/ C ildren cannot %e *uanti#ied t ere#ore place-%ased education is a constructi)e response to standard %ased re#or!s <Greune0ald$ -,,.>/ In ot er 0ords$ a student&s 0ort is i!!easura%le and s ould %e e)aluated t roug a )ariet" o# conte?ts/ To !a8e sc ool !ulti#aceted and engaging$ place-%ased education stresses co!!unit" li#e and !oti)ates students to %eco!e acti)e !e!%ers o# t eir co!!unit"/ E?periences 0it speci#ic places allo0 students to attac speci#ic !eanings to t eir surrounding$ t ere#ore !a8ing sc ool !ore applica%le/ Places teac us a%out o0 t e 0orld 0or8sB incorporating t ese places into t e classroo! in)ites !ultiple perspecti)es and o)erall disco)er"/ 6o0 places teac and s ape


depends on 0 at 8ind o# e!p asis 0e gi)e to t e! and o0 0e respond to t e!/ 1or t e purpose o# t is stud" 0e 0ill e?plore t e 0a"s t at place-%ased education %uilds relations ips$ encourages student engage!ent$ connects sel# to co!!unit"$ %uilds leaders$ and creates en)iron!ental a0areness/ 4e ope to acco!plis t is %" ans0ering t e #ollo0ing *uestions2 +/ 4 at spaces and places do students attac e!otional %onds to5 -/ 6o0 do students %ring t ese spatial relations ips 0it t e! into t e classroo!5 1ollo0ing t is section is a re)ie0 o# literature e?ploring place-%ased education/ T e second section enco!passes t e !et ods 0e used to gat er and anal"Ae our data/ T ese !et ods include pla" %uilding$ speci#icall" %od" sculpting/ Based on t ese !et ods$ our #indings 0ill %e e?plained in t e ne?t section/ 1inall"$ 0e 0ill conclude 0it a discussion section pro)iding t e i!plications o# t e stud" #or teac ers/ Literature Review T e concept o# place re#ers to t e su%Cecti)e 0a"s people construct !eaning t roug t eir e?periences 0it an arra" o# settings/ Places are personal$ a)e a u!an #ocus$ and are open to interpretation <Gusta#son$ -,,+>/ Places t at people !a" a)e attac !ent to !a" )ar" and does not necessaril" need to %e a concrete location/ People #ind co!#ort in spaces t at pro!pt prior !e!ories and e?periences/ T ere#ore$ a place !a" %e as si!ple as a #ar! or ouse$ %ut as a%stract as so!e0 ere t at s!ells or sounds li8e an ocean/ Creating a connection %et0een places and education allo0s students to learn a%out t eir place and o0 to care #or it 0 ile gaining 8no0ledge <Israel$ -,+->/ Place-%ased education can %e de#ined as t e pedagog" o# co!!unit" and t e restoration o# t e essential lin8 %et0een a person and t eir placeB it connects t eories o# conte?tual learning$ pro%le!-%ased learning$ constructi)is!$ and en)iron!ent education


<Eand)liet$ -,+->/ T roug our re)ie0 o# literature 0e a)e identi#ied t ree co!!on t e!es present/ Place%ased education encourages student engage!ent in t e classroo! and co!!unit"/ Secondl"$ t roug place-%ased education students are gi)en t e opportunit" to %eco!e acti)e !e!%ers o# t e societ"/ And lastl"$ it creates en)iron!ental a0areness/ Promoting Engagement in School and Community Place-%ased education e!p asiAes ands-on$ concrete e?periences and as %een pro)en to increase acade!ic ac ie)e!ent$ de)elop stronger ties %et0een t e co!!unit" and sc ool$ en ances students& appreciation #or t e natural 0orld$ and pro!otes students to %eco!e acti)e$ contri%uting citiAens <So%el$ -,,9>/ A!ong t ese positi)e e##ects$ creating a !ore engaged curriculu! is a speci#ic t e!e t at as %een #ound in researc on place-%ased education/ According to 'erril"ne Lunda l <-,++>$ using student&s local place$ 0or8ing 0it in a conte?t o# en)iron!ental issues$ and tapping #eelings associated 0it it$ allo0s #or a !ore aut entic and engaged curriculu!/ 6o0e)er$ places 0it out su##icient di)ersit" tend to %e so!e0 at dull and pro)e to %e inade*uate in !eeting c ildren&s %asic pla" and learning needs <'oore$ +FG,>/ Encouraging c ildren to create$ c ange$ and personaliAe spaces and places can counteract so!e o# t e ot er0ise generic ele!ents o# t e sc ool en)iron!ent and #oster #eelings o# attac !ent <4ilson$ +FFH>/ Engage!ent is a !ulti#aceted concept 0it e!otional$ cogniti)e$ and %e a)ioral co!ponents <1itApatric8$ -,+->/ B" 0or8ing place-%ased education into t e curriculu!$ students can #or! e!otional attac !ents to certain concepts/ Students #eel t e need to learn !ore a%out t eir place %ecause t e" e?perience t e Co" and satis#action o# learning rele)ant concepts$ s8ills and )alues <Inapp$ -,+->/ Because place-%ased education includes places t at are signi#icant and


rele)ant to student&s li)es$ it !a8es #or a !ore engaging and pertinent curriculu!/ Satis#"ing t e co!ponent o# cogniti)e engage!ent$ place-%ased education re*uires teac ing t roug direct o%ser)ation$ in)estigation$ e?peri!entation$ and application o# 8no0ledge <Inapp$ -,+->/ T ese s8ills are )ital #or cogniti)e de)elop!ent and are e?plored t roug place-%ased education/ Students in)estigate and o%ser)e places and spaces t roug di##erent perspecti)es in 0 ic t e" a)e to appl" 8no0ledge to co!pre end t e speci#ic perception/ In ter!s o# %e a)ioral engage!ent$ place-%ased education progra!s can pro!ote and !oti)ate c ildren to engage at all le)els o# t eir a%ilit" %ecause it is personall" !eaning#ul/ E)en students struggling in sc ool are !ore engaged 0 en en)iron!ental education progra!s are introduced/ T e sense o# e!po0er!ent t at t e students #eel$ results in positi)e %e a)iors and ig er acade!ic ac ie)e!ent <Eand)liet$ -,+->/ Re)ie0ed studies suggest t at classroo! engage!ent s8ills are predictors o# later ele!entar" sc ool ac ie)e!ent <1itApatric8$ -,+->/ 1itApatric8 #ound t at 8indergarten students$ 0 o s o0ed ig er le)els o# producti)e 0or8 a%its$ ac ie)ed !ore acade!ic success in grades + t roug :/ C ildren 0 o 0ere !ore engaged s o0ed steeper increases in acade!ic ac ie)e!ent in t e earl" ele!entar" sc ool "ears/ T e ac ie)e!ent gap %et0een c ildren 0it ig er and lo0er le)els o# 8indergarten engage!ent appears to re!ain rat er sta%le until t e end o# ele!entar" sc ool/ C ildren 0 o s o0 poor engage!ent le)els are li8el" to de)elop a negati)e relations ip 0it teac ers and con#licted relations ips 0it peers/ T e a%ilit" to #ollo0 directions$ 0or8 independentl"$ and re!ain #ocused in t e classroo! is indicati)e o# t eir preparedness to !eet t e de!ands o# #or!al sc ooling <1itApatric8$ -,+->/ Because place-%ased education generates engage!ent$ t ese s8ills are pro!oted/ Place-%ased education not onl" pro!otes students to %e acti)el" engaged in sc ool %ut


also engaged 0it t e co!!unit"/ T roug a learning co!!unit" proCect i!ple!ented in Spain$ students 0ere gi)en t e opportunit" to s are 0 at t e" 0anted to c ange a%out t eir sc ool/ T is ine)ita%l" caused students to %e engaged due to t e rele)ance t e proCect ad to t e students directl"/ <El%oC$ -,,9> Students$ teac ers$ and #a!ilies ca!e toget er to create a sc ool 0it a ca#eteria$ !ore green places to pla" in$ and spaces suita%le #or sc ool #esti)als <to in)ite 0ell8no0n people and t e co!!unit">/ Students e?ercised )alua%le s8ills$ suc as ta8ing initiati)e$ respect$ and tea!0or8$ to %eco!e leaders/ T e students learned a%out t eir learning en)iron!ent 0it in t e sc ool itsel# and$ also$ t e surrounding co!!unit" <El%oC$ -,,9>/ Place-%ased education engages students in in)estigations t at re*uire o%ser)ation and pro%le! sol)ing to create e?periences t at could potentiall" deepen t eir connection 0it t e u!an and natural en)iron!ents t at surround t e! <S!it $ -,,H>/ As students participate in proCects t at !a" %ene#it t e co!!unit"$ t e co!!unit" is in erentl" engaging 0it t e sc ool/ As s o0n in t e sc ool proCect !entioned a%o)e$ all t"pes o# !e!%ers o# t e co!!unit" ca!e toget er to acco!plis a speci#ic goal at t e e?pense o# place-%ased education/ Speci#icall" targeting teac ers$ a pro#essional de)elop!ent progra! ai!s to introduce t e! to pu%lic lands in t eir co!!unities as places #or e?ploration and real 0orld learning <Conser)ation Stud" Institute$ -,+.>/ T ese places in t eir respecti)e co!!unities can open doors to %ridge t e gap %et0een sc ools and t eir co!!unities/ 3E?ploration is a 8e" co!ponent o# engage!ent and can %e used to engage students and teac ers 0it t e spaces t at surround t e!B de)eloping a curriculu! around e?ploration integrates t e interdisciplinar" stud" o# place 0it ste0ards ip and ci)ics7 <Conser)ation Stud" Institute$ -,+.>/ T roug learning opportunities on pu%lic lands$ students a)e t e opportunit" to gain en)iron!ental 8no0ledge %ut also to %e ste0ards in t eir o0n co!!unit"/ T e long-ter! goal ere is to contri%ute to de)eloping i!portant ci)ic engage!ent


and citiAens ip s8ills <Conser)ation Stud" Institute$ -,+.>/ Place- %ased education %uilds a co!!unit" 0 ile de)eloping a%its o# !ind t at create strong t in8ers$ 0riters$ and citiAens <Lunda l$ -,++>/ T is approac to education enric es t e curriculu! and pro)ides a local conte?t #or student learning <S!it $ -,,H>/ Engaging students in sc ool 0it t e place t e" #ind !eaning#ul allo0s t e! to #or! %onds o# attac !ent and !a8e t e curriculu! !ore !eaning#ul/ Connections %et0een place$ person ood$ literac"$ and de!ocrac" can !a8e po0er#ul and inspiring topics #or students <(aco%s$ -,++>/ In 0riting$ t is !ig t include descripti)e 0riting o# a place$ t e use o# !etap ors #or natural e)ents$ re#lections on t e places one as li)ed and on #a)orite places$ Cournal 0riting t at ranges #ro! in#or!ationalJin)estigati)e to re#lecti)e$ or researc #ocusing on local interests <Lunda l$ -,++>/ Engaging students in 0riting a%out t eir co!!unities and special places can create a tig ter union %et0een student and language arts/ B" si!pl" in)iting students to create !aps t at include places o# signi#icance$ t e" %ring in aut orit" and can gain access to !e!ories and stories t at elp t e! construct and articulate a sense o# place <Lunda l$ -,++>/ T ese acti)ities t at allo0 students to e?plore places create an engaging and rele)ant curriculu!/ Not onl" does place-%ased education enric t e sc ool&s curriculu!$ it also allo0s t e person to engage 0it t e! internall"/ T eorists a)e suggested t at #eeling %onded to a setting is a principle need o# %eing u!an to pro)ide sta%ilit" in personal identit" and in understanding notions o# sel# <Case"$ -,,+BE"les$ +FGF>/ It creates a0areness o# t e places around t e! in conCunction 0it t eir o0n t oug t processes and responses to t ose locations <6utson$ -,++>/ Students #eeling connected to certain places !a" elp t e! to narro0 do0n 0 at is )alua%le in t eir li)es/ Anal"Aing and engaging 0it in can elp 0it e!otional and cogniti)e de)elop!ent o# a c ild&s li#e/


Promoting Active Members of Society C ildren possess t e natural !oti)ation to 3s ape and create t e 0orld7 <So%el$ +FF.>/ At an earl" age$ a po0er#ul aspect o# ealt " de)elop!ent consists o# a c ild&s need to #eel e##ecti)e as an agent o# c ange <6art$ +FHFB So%el$ +FF.>/ In response to t is in erent co!ponent o# c ild de)elop!ent$ place-%ased curriculu! pro)ides students 0it e?periences t at ena%le t e! to percei)e t e!sel)es as capa%le and success#ul agents o# c ange/ 1urt er!ore$ gi)en t e opportunit" to engage in learning t at enco!passes real-0orld pro%le! sol)ing$ students can re)eal t eir potential and capacit" in altering t eir neig %or oods and co!!unities #or t e %etter <S!it $ -,,H>/ Researc indicates t at place- %ased learning e?periences$ suc as real-0orld pro%le! sol)ing$ de)elops a critical a##iliation 0it curriculu! and t e places in 0 ic c ildren in a%itB 0it out t is connection t ere is little pro%a%ilit" t at 3t e #or!s o# care essential to en)iron!ental and social ste0ards ip 0ill e!erge7 <S!it $ -,,H>/ Place-%ased instruction in t e classroo! also %ene#its students in de)eloping s8ills and *ualities necessar" in %eco!ing critical !e!%ers o# societ"/ Researc indicates place-%ased learning o#ten leads to greater !oti)ation to learn and deeper understandings <Eand)liet$ -,+->/ 'ore speci#icall" students want to learn$ rat er t an %eing #orced to learn$ in order to appl" t eir 8no0ledge to sol)ing real pro%le!s t at are !eaning#ul to t e! <Center #or Ecoliterac"$ -,+.>/ In addition$ pro)ided 0it t e appropriate pro%le!-%ased e?periences$ students learn to2 3collect and anal"Ae data$ colla%orate 0it one anot er and co!!unit" !e!%ers$ organiAe pu%lic e)ents and 0rite and deli)er testi!onies7 <S!it $ -,,H>/ S!it <-,,H> also suggests t at t ese opportunities$ pro)ided t roug a place%ased curriculu!$ allo0 students to %eco!e citiAens co!petent o# participating in pu%lic con)ersations t at a)e t e potential to protect and i!pro)e t eir o0n li)es and t e li)es o# t ose around t e!/



Researc #urt er suggests t at associating real-li#e issues 0it in t e classroo! pro!otes a sense o# co!!it!ent 0it in students/ (aco%s <-,++> !aintains t at t is sense o# co!!it!ent is culti)ated t roug t0o !ain strea!s2 e?posure to place and !eaning#ul re#lection a%out place/ 4 ere t ere is co!!it!ent$ t ere is also t e !oti)ation to ta8e action <(aco%s$ -,++>/ T is sense o# co!!it!ent can %e inspired %" c ildren creating t eir o0n personal !ission state!ents in 0 ic students %eco!e e!po0ered %" t eir o0n itinerar"$ re#lect on 0 at !atters !ost to t e!$ and en)ision 0 o and 0 at t e" aspire to %e in t e #uture <Rei#!an$ -,,G>/ As e?e!pli#ied$ place-%ased assign!ents can elp students 0it t e *ualit" o# )oice in t eir 0riting$ #orcing t e! to 0rite e##ecti)el" #ro! e?perience and positioning t e! to ta8e action/ T ese assign!ents are outlined in re#lection$ o%ser)ation$ and personal narrations <(aco%s$ -,++>/ Place-%ased education also pro!otes students to esta%lis a sense o# purpose 0it in t e classroo! and co!!unit"/ T e process o# esta%lis ing a sense o# purpose entails a great o# a!ount o# ti!e and energ" <Rei#!an$ -,,G>/ In addition$ 3researc indicates t at colla%orating 0it e?perts in t e co!!unit" !a" %e t e !ost critical co!ponent o# place-%ased education e##ortB and !a" %e essential to t e co!pletion o# proCects grounded in local pro%le!s and issue7 <S!it $ -,,H>/ C ildren are gi)en t e opportunit" to o%ser)e and s are e?periences 0it co!!unit" !e!%ers o# )arious pro#essions$ in turn pro!oting di)ersit" as 0ell <Ni!!o = 6allet$ -,,G>/ 6o0e)er$ #e0 teac ers are not prepared to colla%orate 0it or s are t e responsi%ilities and alread" li!ited po0er to !e!%ers o# t e co!!unit" <S!it $ -,,H>/ T is lac8 o# e##ort$ in result$ restricts student interest and potential in %eco!ing acti)e !e!%ers o# societ"/ Environmental Awareness Place-%ased education encourages teac ers and students to use t e sc ool"ard$ t e surrounding co!!unit"$ pu%lic lands$ and s!aller scale en)iron!ents$ suc as si!pl"



e?periencing t e p "sical education classroo! or t e art classroo! in an ele!entar" sc ool$ as resources #or learning <Place-%ased Education E)aluation Colla%orati)e$ -,,H>/ In ot er 0ords$ t e 0ord environment re#ers to not onl" t e natural en)iron!ent$ %ut also re#ers to an" t"pe o# en)iron!ent t at c ildren gain e?perience #ro!/ 1or e?a!ple$ t e natural en)iron!ent can %e t e local ele!entar" sc ool"ard$ a near%" par8 or ri)er$ etc/ T e ot er t"pes o# en)iron!ent can %e sitting in an open area pla"ing 0it a to" <0it or 0it out ot er c ildren or adults>$ sitting at a des8 0or8ing on class 0or8$ standing outside 0aiting #or a parent$ etc/ T e 0a"s in 0 ic people #or! relations ips 0it surrounding en)iron!ents de)elop t e !eanings o# attac !ent t at are associated 0it place <Lo0 = Alt!an$ +FF->/ Ac*uaintance 0it t e local en)iron!ent t roug !onitoring acti)ities or #ield studies can en ance "oung people&s a0areness o# 0 at is %eauti#ul and 0ort preser)ing in t e place t e" call o!e/ 'ore and !ore$ t is a0areness is ardl" e)er learned since c ildren spend so !uc o# t eir ti!e indoors 0it !edia t at directs t eir attention a0a" #ro! t e local and natural en)iron!ent <Lou)$ -,,DB P"le$ -,,HB S!it $ -,,H>/ T e pro%le! is t at c ildren are %eco!ing disconnected #ro! t eir i!!ediate en)iron!ents <So%el$ +FF:>/ Place-%ased education can %e used to redesign o0 teac ers teac t e curriculu! %" creating a learning en)iron!ent t at caters to students& interests and strengt s and re#ocuses student attention on t e en)iron!ent in 0 ic t e" e?perience e)er" da"/ T e goal is to a)e students reac t eir #ull potential t roug out t eir acade!ic careers and personal li#e e?periences/ In order #or t is to occur$ t e en)iron!ent in 0 ic students learn cannot %e li!ited/ 1urt er!ore$ i# student en)iron!ent is li!ited in opportunities #or e?ploration and in)ol)e!ent$ t e student&s potential #or learning in t at en)iron!ent is also li!ited <4ilson$ +FFH>/ En)iron!ental education encourages students to appreciate t e en)iron!ent in ter!s o#



li)ing in it$ rat er t an 3en)iron!ent7 Cust %eing an a%stract concept <Lutts$ +FGDB 4ilson$ +FFH>/ Since t ere are !ultiple t"pes o# learners in an" gi)en classroo!$ a )ariet" o# teac ing strategies is necessar"/ Interactions 0it t e en)iron!ent pro)ide opportunit" #or students to use !ultiple senses to understand concepts/ T is t"pe o# education is needed #or students t at !a" #ind a classroo! setting c allenging <Ni!!o = 6allett$ -,,G>/ Place-%ased education e!p asiAes t at people and t eir en)iron!ents #use toget er to create 3place/7 Places s ape t e identities o# people$ and people s ape places <6utson$ -,++>/ T ere#ore$ place-%ased education$ in ter!s o# en)iron!ental a0areness$ is necessar" #or t e process in 0 ic c ildren appl" acade!ic concepts and 8no0ledge to t eir o0n personal li)es and real-li#e situations/ Methodology T e purpose o# t is stud" is to e?a!ine o0 and 0 at t"pes o# places students and teac ers %ring into t e classroo!/ 4e 0ill s o0 o0 place-%ase education pro!otes student engage!ent$ en)iron!ental a0areness$ and acti)e !e!%ers o# societ"/ T is stud" is intended to ans0er t e #ollo0ing *uestions2 4 at spaces and places do students and teac ers attac e!otional %onds to5 6o0 do students and teac ers %ring t ese spatial relations ips 0it t e! into t e classroo!5 T e #ollo0ing ter!s need to %e de#ined2 Classroom engagement is t e !easure o# students& 0illingness$ need$ desire$ and co!pulsion to participate in$ and %e success#ul in$ t e learning process in t e classroo! <Bre0ster = 1ager$ -,,,>/ Academic success is t e progression to0ards reac ing #ull potential in all aspects o# t e sc ool setting including acade!ic content in all su%Cects and t e li#e lessons t at go



%e"ond t ose su%Cects as 0ell <Goler$ -,+->/ Meaningful$ in t is conte?t$ !eans t e e!otional %onds attac ed to an" gi)en place/

Place-based education is a t"pe o# teac ing approac t at encourages teac ers and students to use t e sc ool"ard$ co!!unit"$ pu%lic lands$ and ot er special places as resources$ turning co!!unities into classroo!s <Place-%ased Education E)aluation Colla%orati)e$ -,,H>/

T e 0ord place, in t is conte?t$ !eans a particular location or space t at e!otional %onds a)e %een ascri%ed to in#luencing an indi)idual&s identit" <3Dictionar"/co!7$ -,+.>/

Community is a group o# an" siAe 0 ose !e!%ers reside in a speci#ic localit" and o#ten a)e a co!!on cultural and istorical eritage <3Dictionar"/co!7$ -,+.>/

T e 0ord experience$ in t is conte?t$ as t0o de#initionsB it is a noun and a )er%/ T e de#inition o# experience as a noun is a particular instance o# personall" encountering or undergoing so!et ing in 0 ic all cognitions are percei)ed$ understood and re!e!%ered/ T e de#inition o# experience as a )er% is to participate in or undergo so!et ing/

T e 0ord environment$ in t is conte?t$ as t0o de#initions/ T e #irst %eing t e natural surroundings o# t e outdoor 0orld$ including t e air$ 0ater$ !inerals and plants$ li)ing and nonli)ing organis!s$ and all e?ternal #actors surrounding and a##ecting nature/ T e second %eing an" indoor and outdoor setting in 0 ic an indi)idual e?periences t e totalit" o# t e surrounding conditions/



Sub ectivity Our e?periences a)e pro)ided speci#ic lenses in 0 ic our perspecti)es are de#ined and s aped/ Gro0ing up in su%ur%an A!erica$ t ere 0as little e!p asis on connecting !eaning#ul places to our pri!ar" sc ool classroo!s/ As recent college graduates$ in ele!entar" education$ 0e a)e %een pro)ided 0it t e opportunit" to ta8e an arra" o# classes related to place-%ased education/ T ese classes in#or!ed us o0 to incorporate places into t e classroo! and t e %ene#its t at co!e along 0it place-%ased education/ T roug out our related undergraduate courses$ 0e a)e e?plored topics t at a)e gi)en us %ac8ground 8no0ledge on pro!oting student engage!ent$ en)iron!ental a0areness and acti)e !e!%ers o# t e co!!unit"/ As 0e a)e progressed t roug t e sc ool s"ste!$ 0e a)e noticed t at t ere are !ore opportunities #or en)iron!ental education/ As an atte!pt to encourage a greener societ"$ cultural nor!s a)e s i#ted to a !ore sustaina%le li#est"leB t ere#ore !oti)ating en)iron!ental a0areness into t e classroo!/ During adolescence 0e 0ere incorporated into place-%ased education e?periences$ 0 ic 0e %elie)e 0ere %ene#icial to our o0n personal a0areness/ One e?perience speci#icall" in)ol)ed testing t e p6 le)els o# local 0ater0a"s/ During t is acti)e engage!ent 0it t e en)iron!ent$ 0e used 8no0ledge #ro! t e classroo! to classi#" organis!s and plants/ T ese organis!s and plants are 0 at 0e used to !easure t e cleanliness o# t e 0ater source/ Not onl" 0ere 0e learning scienti#ic content$ %ut also$ 0e acti)el" interacted 0it t e 0orld around us/ Place-%ased education goes %e"ond t e classroo! and creates u!an connections t at are intangi%le in t e classroo!/ As insiders$ 0e all a)e places t at are !eaning#ul to us/ E)er" person as ad speci#ic e?periences 0it di##erent places t at a)e allo0ed i! or er to attac an e!otional %ond to t at place/ T roug t is connection 0e 0ill a)e t e a%ilit" to gi)e so!e insig t on o0 students



relate to t eir special place/ In doing so$ 0e can dra0 connections #ro! our o0n e?periences to !a8e t e classroo! !ore engaging/ As #uture educators 0e a)e associated great )alue to our Uni)ersit"$ speci#icall" t e %uildings and classroo!s 0e 0ere taug t in/ T ese spaces a)e !olded us into t e teac ers and learners t at 0e are toda"/ 1uture educators surround t ese %uildings creating a caring and encouraging en)iron!ent/ T e attri%utes present in t ese places e?e!pli#" t e t"pe o# en)iron!ent 0e 0ould li8e to e)entuall" create in our classroo!s/ As a second insider perspecti)e$ 0e are in t e process o# %eco!ing -+st centur" teac ers/ 4e a)e at least #our "ears o# %ac8ground 8no0ledge on t e current teac ing p ilosop ies$ tec ni*ues and ter!inolog"/ Because o# t is e?perience our perspecti)e is current and !oti)ated %" constructi)ist t eories/ In contrast$ 0e also a)e outsider perspecti)es/ E)en t oug 0e all a)e places t at are !eaning#ul to us$ eac place is particular to eac person/ So!e places t at are !eaning#ul to certain students !a" not %e !eaning#ul to us/ T ere 0ill %e di##erent connections dra0n #ro! 0 at 0e assu!e/ 1urt er!ore$ 0e !a" a)e not e)en %een to$ eard o#$ or spent an" ti!e in t e places !eaning#ul to our students$ !a8ing it di##icult to dra0 connections or relate/ 4e plan to include !ultiple #or!s o# co!!unication #or data collection to o)erco!e t is %arrier/ Not onl" 0ill e)er"one a)e di##erent places$ %ut also t e actual location o# t e sc ools and participants are not in t e #a!iliar su%ur%an area/ T e )alues o# ur%an and su%ur%an societies s ape e?periences di##erentl"/ 1inall"$ it !ust %e noted t at 0e a)e not ad #ull reign in t e classroo! as certi#ied teac ers/ 4e a)e ad t ree se!esters o# practicu! e?perience in 0 ic 0e a)e participated in a classroo! one to t0o da"s a 0ee8/ T is lac8 o# e?perience dee!s us outsiders to t e current teac ing 0orld/ Anal"Aing %ot insider and outsider perspecti)es$ 0e a)e de)eloped a #e0 assu!ptions/



4e assu!e t at e)er" student is going to a)e is or er o0n !eaning#ul place/ 4e a)e created speci#ic criteria #or participants in t e stud" t at include a)ing t eir o0n places/ As a result o# our education courses and our literature re)ie0$ 0e assu!e t at place-%ased education is an e##ecti)e practice$ cele%rated %" !an" educators/ T is notion !a" not %e true in all classroo!s/ Our last assu!ption is t at place-%ased education 0ill %e a%le to %e i!ple!ented into t e classroo!s 0e are placed in/ 6o0e)er$ t is !a" not necessaril" %e t e case %ased on a)aila%le resources and our cooperating teac ers/ It is i!portant to re!e!%er t at t roug out t e stud" our perspecti)e is t e one t at is used to interpret t e *uestions at and/ Research !esign T is researc uses a co!parati)e case stud"/ A co!parati)e case stud" is an in*uir" t at in)estigates a current p eno!enon in its real li#e conte?t <Kin$ -,,.>/ T is researc design includes a nu!%er o# )aria%les and interests$ relies on !ultiple sources o# e)idence <resulting in triangulation>$ and uses t eoretical propositions to guide data and anal"sis <Kin$ -,,.>/ Our #ocus is t e relations ips %et0een )aria%les2 places and students/ Partici"ants and Sites Selected participants <students> 0ill %e %ased on grade$ age$ gender$ race$ and socioecono!ic status/ Based on t is criterion$ eac researc er 0ill select one student to stud"/ Age $ender Race $rade Socio-economic status Amy D 1e!ale Caucasian Iindergarten 'iddle class #ri H 1e!ale Asian-A!erican -nd grade 'iddle class Caleb +, 'ale Caucasian Dt grade 'iddle class

Researc sites #or t is stud" include2 !ultiple classroo!s <depending on t e su%Cect>$



sc ool all0a"s$ and pla"grounds/ Ethical considerations As soon as 0e 0ere placed in our designated practicu! settings$ 0e o%tained per!ission #ro! principals$ teac ers$ students and parents a##iliated 0it t e participating sc ools/ T is per!ission is docu!ented t roug consent and assent #or!s located in Appendices A-C/ All in#or!ation related to t is stud" is 8ept con#idential and is to onl" %e used #or purposes o# t is researc / Pseudon"!s 0ere used #or all participants <A!"$ Bri$ and Cale%>/ In addition$ t e #indings 0ere anal"Aed solel" %" t e t ree researc ers 0 o conducted t is stud"/ An" and all arti#acts$ suc as )ideotapes$ p otograp s and student 0or8$ are 8ept con#idential/ 4 ile conducting and anal"Aing researc $ 0e a)e consistentl" #ollo0ed IRB protocols/ Based on our #indings$ participants are pro)ided 0it )alua%le learning and teac ing opportunities in 0 ic !eaning#ul places are incorporated into t e classroo!/ 1uture educators can %ene#it #ro! our #indings %" connecting t eir curriculu! and lessons to place-%ased education/ !ata Collection Procedures As 0e cannot rel" on a single data source$ 0e included !ultiple t"pes o# data collection to )eri#" our #indings/ Our t ree #or!s o# data collection include o%ser)ations$ inter)ie0s <open ended and arti#act-elicited>$ and %od" sculpting/ 4e conducted t0o o%ser)ations$ in 0 ic 0e o%ser)ed ongoing %e a)ior$ %ot in and outside o# t e classroo! <Os0ald = Price$ -,,:>/ T ese o%ser)ations$ at ti!es$ 0ere naturalistic in t at t ere 0as no inter)ention %" t e researc er/ 4e studied %e a)iors in t eir natural conte?t <t e sc ool %uilding> in 0 ic )aria%les 0ere not !anipulated$ li8e in a controlled la%orator" setting/ So!e o# our o%ser)ations 0ere participant %ased/ Unli8e naturalistic o%ser)ation$ 0e !ediated t e en)iron!ent$ inserting oursel)es as a !e!%er o# t e group <Os0ald = Price$ -,,:>/ In-class o%ser)ations solel" included lessons



rooted in place-%ased practices/ As o%ser)ers$ 0e 0ere !ostl" passi)e participants unless 0e taug t t e lesson or elped 0it a certain acti)it" in 0 ic 0e %eca!e acti)e participants/ Outside o%ser)ations too8 place on t e pla"ground$ lunc roo!$ li%rar"$ g"!$ or #ieldtrips/ Outside o%ser)ations elicited acti)e participation in t at 0e directl" interacted 0it t e students/ Our participation role )aried depending on t e acti)it"$ location$ and general circu!stances/ Eac da" pro)ided di)erse e?periences/ T ese running records and 0ritten notes allo0ed us to re)isit and anal"Ae o0 t e students %roug t places into t e classroo!/ Outside o%ser)ations also pro)ided us 0it data on 0 at places students and teac ers are in#luenced %"/ As anot er #or! o# data collection 0e conducted t0o t"pes o# inter)ie0s/ T e #irst inter)ie0 0as structured as se!i-#or!al and open-ended/ T e ot er t"pe o# inter)ie0 0as arti#act-elicited$ !ore speci#icall" students 0ere as8ed to dra0 and la%el a !ap o# a special place or space/ T is arti#act 0as used as a tool to #acilitate t e inter)ie0/ Eac student 0as inter)ie0ed t0o ti!es using %ot t e open-ended or arti#act elicited !et ods/ Eac inter)ie0 lasted .,-9D !inutes and it&s location )aried/ 4e decided to allo0 t e participants to c oose locations 0it in sc ool %oundaries #or t e inter)ie0s %ased on t eir pre#erences and co!#ort le)el/ T ese inter)ie0s pro)ided us 0it in#or!ation a%out t e di##erent t"pes o# spaces and places t at students related to and o0 t e" 0ere %roug t into t e classroo!/ Based on t e in#or!ation t at 0e collected in our inter)ie0s and o%ser)ations$ 0e used a #inal data collection !et odB %od" sculpting/ Bod" sculpting is a t eatrical !et od 0 ere participants 0ill %e instructed to p "sicall" de!onstrate o0 t e" act and #eel in t e speci#ic places t at t e" #ind !eaning#ul/ T roug t is process 0e learned a%out t e participants opinions and attitudes deri)ed #ro! t ese places <Deacon$ -,,,>/ T is !et od allo0ed us to e?plore a%stract concepts suc as relations ips and e!otions$ as 0ell as realistic situations <1ar!er$



-,+.>/ Participants sculpted eac ot er&s %odies to e?press attitudes and e!otions in respect to o0 t e" act in t ese places/ T e participants c ose a peer to assist 0it t e %od" sculpting acti)it"/ T is !et od is o#ten used to e?plore internal or e?ternal unconscious t oug ts and #eelings <1ar!er$ -,+.>/ Based on t ese outco!es 0e properl" assessed o0 t ese places in#luence t e student&s presence in t e classroo!/ !ata %ransformation and Re"resentations Our t ree #or!s o# data collection include t0o o%ser)ations$ t0o inter)ie0s <open ended and arti#act-elicited>$ and one session o# %od" sculpting/ As data 0as collected 0e !et to discuss ongoing perceptions o# t e data/ T e #irst #or! o# data collection 0e per#or!ed 0as t e openended inter)ie0/ 1ollo0ing t is inter)ie0$ 0e indi)iduall" transcri%ed our inter)ie0s/ 4e t en !et as a researc tea! to de%rie# our #indings and interpretations/ Ne?t 0e conducted a running record o%ser)ation o# eac o# our students/ Again$ #ollo0ing t is data collection 0e !et and de%rie#ed our #indings/ 4e t en as8ed our students to dra0 descripti)e !aps o# t eir !eaning#ul places/ Based on t is arti#act-elicited inter)ie0$ 0e 0ere a%le to #urt er de%rie# and triangulate so!e o# our #indings/ 4e continued our data collection$ %" conducting a second and #inal running record o%ser)ation/ T is data 0as also anal"Aed and related %ac8 to pre)ious #indings/ T e #inal #or! o# data collection 0as per#or!ed %" t e students t e!sel)es t roug a !et od called %od" sculpting/ 4e docu!ented t is data using still pictures o# t eir p "sical sculptures/ As our #inal de%rie#ing session$ 0e indi)iduall" loo8ed at t e s!allest units o# !eaning across our data collection and put t e! into categories/ 1ro! t ese categories 0e #ound parallel t e!es and la%eled t e! %ased on descripti)e codes/ %rustworthiness and Rigor @alidit" o# t is stud" 0as ac ie)ed t roug i!ple!enting a *ualitati)e perspecti)e$



#re*uent peer de%rie#ing$ and data triangulation/ A *ualitati)e perspecti)e entails loo8ing solel" at t e data and not on t e nu!%ers/ T is can %e acco!plis ed t roug descriptions and anal"sis accu!ulated t roug our data collection !et ods/ T e data collected t roug t is *ualitati)e perspecti)e 0as t en colla%orated %et0een t e t ree researc ers/ T roug t e use o# !e!%er c ec8s$ 0e 0ere a%le to *uestion t e )alidit" o# eac researc ers& #indings$ as8ing t e *uestion$ 3Is t is reall" 0 at 0as said and done57 4e also used re#lecti)e Cournaling t roug out our stud" to ac*uire a pri!ar" account o# dail" interaction/ T roug t is process 0e 0ere a%le to re#lect on our t oug ts$ *uestions and conclusions deri)ed #ro! dail" e?periences/ Data #ro! t is stud" 0as triangulated to ensure )alidit"/ T e use o# triangulation guarantees t at our researc is 3ric $ ro%ust$ co!pre ensi)e$ and 0ell-de)eloped/7 A single !et od o# data collection is inade*uateB using 3!ultiple !et ods can elp #acilitate deeper understanding <Co en$ -,,:>/7 Alt oug 0e a)e #ound discon#ir!ing e)idence$ displa"ed in our literature re)ie0$ our #indings as eli!inated t is contradiction$ )eri#ied t roug t e use o# triangulation/ &indings In anal"Aing our #indings$ 0e identi#ied t ree t e!es t at c ildren&s !eaning#ul places e!%od"/ Teac ers 0ill %e a%le to create an e##ecti)e learning en)iron!ent %" pro!oting #eelings o# co!#ort$ pro)iding an engaging en)iron!ent$ and recreating so!e0 ere t at connects sc ool 0it t e people students lo)e/ Amy 1or t e purpose o# t is co!parati)e case stud"$ A!" 0as c osen to %e a !ain participant #or t0o reasons/ T e #irst reason %eing t at s e is a )er" social$ tal8ati)e student 0 o enCo"s %eing at sc ool and learning in general/ T e second reason 0as %ecause s e is a positi)e and



app"$ #i)e-"ear-old girl 0 o see!s to 3spea8 er !ind7 #re*uentl" and t roug out e)er" sc ool da"/ T us$ it 0as decided #or er to %e a !ain participant in t is stud" on place-%ased education/ A#ter collecting and anal"Aing t e data$ it %eca!e e)ident t at t ere 0ere #our descripti)e codes t roug out t e data collection process2 in#or!ation a%out t e !eaning#ul place$ orses$ i!portant people$ and #eelings/ During t e se!i-#or!al$ open-ended inter)ie0$ A!" %egan %" descri%ing er !ost !eaning#ul place/ S e stated t at$ 3It is 0 ere I go ride !" orse"7 <Se!i#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er$ +F$ -,+.>/ S e 0ent on to depict t is place as a orse sta%le 0 ere s e ta8es riding lessons/ It is located Cust a #e0 !inutes #ro! er ouse and s e ta8es lessons t ere a%out once a 0ee8/ T ese lessons include trotting and per#or!ing Cu!ps 0 ile on t e orse/ During t e arti#act-elicited inter)ie0$ s e dre0 a personal !ap o# t is place and listed se)eral na!es o# t e orses #ro! t e sta%le <Stor!"$ Burl"$ and Cand">/ Additionall"$ s e !entioned t at t ere is one orse trainer 0 o 0or8s inside t e %arn and one trainer 0 o 0or8s outside t e %arn/ T ere are also #our goats on t e propert" surrounding t e orse sta%le/ T e second descripti)e code 0as orses/ A!" tal8ed a great deal a%out t e actual orses and certain t ings s e does 0it t e orses/ During t e se!i-#or!al$ open-ended inter)ie0$ A!" said s e rides 3Stor!" t e !ost7 and s e li8es i! t e !ost %ecause 3 e&s a Paint orse7 <Arti#act-elicited$ Octo%er G$ -,+.>/ I t en as8ed er 0 at a Paint orse is and s e replied 0it 3Kou 8no0$ t e orses 0it spots7 <Arti#act-elicited$ Octo%er G$ -,+.>/ A!" also !entions o0 s e li8es to trot and 3can e)en gallop on a orse7 <Arti#act-elicited$ Octo%er G$ -,+.>/ T roug out t is inter)ie0$ s e con)e"ed a sense o# pride as s e spo8e a%out riding orses/ 4 en as8ed i# t e orses are nice$ A!" responded 0it $ 3Kea ///Burl"$ Cand"$ and Stor!" - t e"&re nice$ %ut reall" !ig t %e a little !ean %ecause "ou a)e to let orses sni## "ou so t e" 8no0$ and t en "ou pet t e!7 <Arti#act-elicited$ Octo%er G$ -,+.>/ Near t e !iddle o# t e inter)ie0$ A!"



!entions o0 s e 0ent to To"s LR Us and %oug t a orse #ar! to"/ T en s e proceeded to tell !e t at er class!ates 0ould lo)e to see t e orses %ecause t e" are reall" nice/ 4 en as8ed o0 s e 8eeps control 0 ile riding orses$ s e replied 0it $ 3I got good %alance and stu##/ I tell i! L0 oa& to stop and L0al8 on& to go/ And 0 en I 0ant i! to trot$ I sa" Ltrot Stor!"7 <Arti#act-elicited$ Octo%er G$ -,+.>/ During t e arti#act-elicited inter)ie0$ A!" descri%ed t e orse$ Stor!"$ as a 3%ull"7 and t e orse$ Burl"$ as %ig in siAe/ During an o%ser)ation <O%ser)ation -$ Octo%er --$ -,+.> s e told !e t at s e did not 0ant to run in P/E/ t at da" %ecause s e ad %een %uc8ed o## er orse t e da" %e#ore/ 1urt er!ore$ during t e %od" sculpting portion o# t e data collection process$ A!" c ose to %od" sculpt one o# er peers into t e position t at s e #ell into 0 en s e #ell o## t e orse/ S e also instructed er peer to 3loo8 upset and cr"7 <Bod" sculpting$ No)e!%er H$ -,+.>/ Anot er interesting part o# t e %od" sculpting 0as 0 en A!" e?plained$ and de!onstrated$ t e se*uential steps s e ta8es to get a orse read" %e#ore getting on it to %egin a lesson/ T e !an" details A!" pro)ided de!onstrating er 8no0ledge o# orses$ and !ore speci#icall" t e orses at er 3riding sc ool7$ clearl" indicates t e i!portance o# orses in er li#e/ T e t ird descripti)e code t at 0as apparent t roug out t e data collection process 0as i!portant people/ A!" !entioned se)eral pro!inent #a!il" !e!%ers$ and non-#a!il" !e!%ers$ 0 o co!e to t is place$ or are related to t e orse sta%le/ During t e arti#act-elicited inter)ie0$ A!" dre0 and descri%ed er #riend$ SuA"$ 0 o also attends er 3riding sc ool7 and rides orses 0it er/ S e dre0 SuA" riding t e orse na!ed Cand"$ and also dre0 Cand" a)ing a 3 urt

e"e7 <Arti#act-elicited$ Octo%er G$ -,+.>/ During t e se!i-#or!al$ open-ended inter)ie0$ A!" states t at er trainer is so!eone 0 o rides 0it er and t at s e reall" li8es er/ S e t en goes er ride all t e ti!e/ A#ter

on to sa" t at er !o!$ dad$ grand!a$ and popples co!e to 0atc



telling !e t at s e 0ould li8e to %ring er class!ates to er 3riding sc ool$7 s e 0as as8ed 0 " s e 0ould li8e to do t at/ A!" responded %" sa"ing$ 3LCause t e"&re !" #riends and 0ould a)e lots o# #un7 <Arti#act-elicited$ Octo%er G$ -,+.>/ Based on t e data collection$ t ere is an o%)ious indication t at t ese i!portant people are a large part o# 0 " A!" attac es !eaning to er orse sta%le/ T e #inal descripti)e code t at 0as note0ort " #or t is stud" 0as #eelings/ It 0as )er" e)ident t at A!" #elt #eelings o# appiness$ con#idence$ and e?cite!ent at er !eaning#ul place/ During t e se!i-#or!al$ open-ended inter)ie0$ 0 en as8ed o0 riding orses !a8es er #eel$ s e responded %" s!iling and sa"ing 3reall" app"7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +F$ -,+.>/ 4 en as8ed i# s e t in8s s e is good at riding orses$ s e responded %" nodding L"es& and sa"ing$ 3And I got great %alance on orses7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +F$ -,+.>/ Later on in t e inter)ie0$ A!" 0as as8ed 0 ere s e #eels sa#e and co!#orta%le$ and s e responded literall" 0it $ 36!!///I li8e t e Englis saddle and t e 4estern saddle 0 en I ride7 <Se!i#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +F$ -,+.>/ During t e %od" sculpting portion o# t e data collection$ A!" said t at s e al0a"s as a serious #ace 0 en s e rides orses/ S e also descri%ed #eelings o# pain and sadness 0 en tal8ing a%out er riding accident o# 0 en s e #ell o## o# er orse/ 6o0e)er$ s e e?plained t at s e still rides$ e)en a#ter t e accident$ %ut s e rides a di##erent orse no0/ Based on t e data collection$ o)erall$ A!" clearl" associates #eelings o# appiness and co!#ort 0it #ri 1or t is co!parati)e case stud"$ I c ose to #ocus on a se)en-"ear-old student in !" second grade class na!ed Bri/ Bri is a )er" acti)e !e!%er o# t e classroo! and ta8es a lot o# pride in er 0or8/ In addition$ Bri is 8no0n as t e 3social %utter#l"7 o# t e classroo!/ Due to er orse sta%le/



t ese #actors$ it 0as conclusi)e t at Bri 0ould %e a per#ect participant #or t is stud"/ A#ter collecting data t roug inter)ie0s and o%ser)ations 0it Bri$ it %eca!e apparent t at t ere 0ere a nu!%er o# descripti)e codes present t roug out t e data collection process/ 4it in t e #irst inter)ie0$ Bri in#or!ed !e t at er #a)orite place to go to is a local par8 near er ouse/ 4it out %eing pro!pted$ Bri continued %" telling !e2 3I li8e to go to t e par8 0it !" dad/ And I li8e to roller%lade 0it i!Mand pla" #lag #oot%all 0it !" dad7 <Se!i-#or!al

inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ Little did I 8no0 t is i!!ediate !ention o# er dad 0ould %e a co!!on t e!e t roug out all inter)ie0s 0it Bri/ 4 en I as8ed Bri 0 " s e li8es going to t is speci#ic par8 t e !ost s e stated$ 3(ust spending ti!e 0it !" dad/ Because !" dad e 0or8s t e 0 ole da" so I onl" get to see i! a couple ti!es/ 6e does co!e to !" ouse %ut I reall" don&t a)e t at !uc ti!e to spend ti!e 0it i!$ so I usuall" go to t e par8 a#ter sc ool 0it

i!7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ In addition$ 0 en as8ed to dra0 a !ap o# t e par8$ Bri !ade sure to include a dra0ing o# er dad in t e !ap/ T is consistent !ention o# Bri&s dad$ pro)ed to %e one o# !an" descripti)e codes present 0it in t e data collection/ Alt oug t e presence o# Bri&s dad pro)ed to %e pro!inent 0it in er !eaning#ul place$ t ere 0ere also !an" instances 0it in t e inter)ie0s 0 ere Bri used t e ter! 3%" !"sel#7/ 4 en descri%ing t e di##erent t ings t at s e does at t e par8$ Bri tal8ed a lot a%out t e Cungle g"!/ In doing so$ s e in#or!ed !e t at so!eti!es s e li8es to sit on t e top o# t e slides %" ersel# and Cust 0atc ot er people #ro! a%o)e/ Bri also !entioned one o# er #a)orite ti!es at t e par8 %" stating2 3I 0ent on t e !on8e" %ars and I t en I sat on t e top o# t e!/ And t en I dropped do0n and gra%%ed one o# t e %ars/ And I can Cust do it %" !"sel#/ It #eels a0eso!e7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ Bri also in#or!ed !e t at t ere are t0o di##erent parts o# t e par8 t at s e goes to/ 4 en I as8ed er 0 ic side o# t e par8 s e li8es to go to t e !ost$ s e



told !e2 3I# people are pla"ing on one side o# t e pla"ground$ t en I pla" on t e ot er one7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ T is ela%oration o# 3%" !"sel#7 0as also e)ident t roug t e arti#act- elicited !ap 0 ere Bri dre0 ersel# cli!%ing t e Cungle g"! %" ersel#$ 0it no ot er 8ids around/ T is idea o# independence 0as ta8en a step #urt er 0 en Bri told !e$ 3I don&t reall" tell !" #riends a%out t e par87 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ 4 en I as8ed Bri 0 "$ s e told !e2 3I don&t reall" 0ant people to 8no0 a%out it %ecause t en t e" 0ill all start going t ere and it 0ill %e too cro0ded and it 0ill %e ard to pla" %" !"sel#7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ T ese speci#ic co!!ents and descriptions indicate t at Bri pre#ers places 0 ere s e can do t ings %" ersel#$ a0a" #ro! cro0ded areas/ 4 ile anal"Aing data$ t e #actor o# 3#un7 also pro)ed to %e a co!!on t e!e con)e"ed t roug inter)ie0s/ 1ro! t e earliest inter)ie0$ Bri in#or!ed !e t at er and er dad 3Cust go to t e par8 #or #un7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ 1ollo0ing t is response$ I as8ed Bri 0 at !a8es t e par8 #un/ Bri re#erred to cli!%ing on top o# t e !on8e" %ars and slide$ roller%lading$ and pla"ing #lag #oot%all as all t ings t at 0ere #un a%out t e par8/ 4 en I as8ed er 0 at s e t oug t a%out %ringing er learning en)iron!ent o# t e classroo! to t e par8$ Bri responded 0it $ 3t at 0ould %e #un %ut it 0ouldn&t %e li8e real sc ool %ecause real sc ool is not #un and t e par8 is #un7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ T is response presents a clear distinction Bri as 0it sc ool and t e par8$ in ter!s o# #un/ In addition$ during an inter)ie0 re#erencing a !ap o# t e par8 t at Bri dre0 #or !e$ Bri !ade sure to e?plain to !e t at t ere are actuall" t0o parts o# t e par8$ "et s e onl" dre0 t e one part %ecause t at side o# par8 is t e !ost #un to er/ T is again e!p asiAes t e i!portance and priorit" o# 3#un7 0it in Bri&s #a)orite place/ 1inall"$ t roug inter)ie0s and a %od" sculpting acti)it"$ t e t"pes o# e!otional



connections Bri as to0ards t e par8 %eca!e apparent/ Earl" on in t e data collection process$ Bri in#or!ed !e t at s e #eels app" 0 en s e is at t e par8 %ecause it is so!e0 ere t at s e can %e 0it er dad and pla" at t e sa!e ti!e/ T is e!otion 0as e!p asiAed t roug a %od"

sculpting acti)it" in 0 ic Bri 0as to s o0 o0 s e #eels 0 en s e is at t e par8/ Bri&s response in)ol)ed 3!olding7 a %ig s!ile onto a #ello0 student&s #ace to s o0 appiness/ T is applied e!otion at t e par8 contrasts greatl" to Bri&s #eelings to0ards sc ool$ 0 ere s e !olded er peer into a s rugged stance and put a #ro0n on er #ace/ Bri e?plained to !e t at s e 0as con)e"ing t e #eeling o# %oredo! at sc ool/ In addition$ 0 en re#erencing %ac8 to t e !ap t at Bri dre0 o# t e par8$ s e e?plained to !e t at s e onl" dre0 one o# t0o parts o# t e par8 %ecause t at part 0as 0 ere s e #elt !ost co!#orta%le/ 4 en I continued to as8 er 0 " t at part o# t e par8 0as !ost co!#orta%le to er$ Bri told !e s e 0as !ost #a!iliar 0it t at part %ecause s e goes t ere !ore t an t e ot er/ T ere#ore$ !a8ing it clear t at #a!iliarit" is i!portant to Bri&s co!#ort le)el/ Based on t e data collection$ it is clear t at Bri attac es t e #eelings o# appiness and co!#ort to er special place/ Caleb Cale% 0as c osen to %e a !ain participant in t is case stud" %ecause e is a social gi#ted student 0 o lo)es to learn/ 6e is a positi)e and dri)en ten-"ear-old %o" 0 o elps out around t e classroo! and is acti)el" engaged e)er" da"/ A#ter re)ie0ing Cale%&s inter)ie0s$ 0e loo8ed at t e s!allest units o# !eaning o# 0 at 0as said and created t e!es %ased on descripti)e codes/ 6is #irst inter)ie0 started 0it a description o# is #a)orite place$ is grand parents %ase!ent/ As e descri%ed t e location o# is grandparents ouse e used certain land!ar8s suc as gas stations$ road signs$ and o0 #ar it 0as in re#erence to t e Ele!entar" sc ool e attends2 3Sa" t is is 4ater0a" Ele!entar"$ t is is ..$



and t is is t e HJ++$ "ou go ere7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ T e usage o# t ese particular land!ar8s s o0s 0 at places e connects is grand parents ouse 0it / It is e?tre!el" interesting t at one o# t ose places is is sc ool$ s o0ing t at particular %uilding as a strong presence in is li#e/ 4 en descri%ing 0 at t e %ase!ent loo8s li8e$ e !entioned t at t e" e)en ad a 3pla" corner7 0 ere t e" used to 3pla" sc ool7/ T is consisted o# a des8$ c air$ and dress-up clot es/ 4 en descri%ing t e location and 0 at acti)ities are done in is grandparent&s %ase!ent$ e re#erenced sc ool$ pro)ing t at 0it out !uc direction t e c ild i!sel# %roug t sc ool o!e 0it i! to is special place/ To create a space t at is rele)ant to

t is speci#ic c ild at sc ool$ 0e could %ring so!e c aracteristics o# is grand parents ouse %ac8 to t e sc ool creating an open relations ip %et0een sc ool and is #a)orite place/ B" opening t e sc ool up to t e co!!unit" 0e %elie)e t at students !a" %e !ore engaged in 0 at t e" are learning/ 4 en as8ing Cale% 0 at e does at is grandparent&s ouse e responds 0it 3"ou can learn at a lot o# ot er places/ Li8e at !" grandparents ouse again t ere&s t is t ing li8e u !$ our #a!il" ancestors t e" used to o0n li8e #our states o# t e Louisiana purc ase$ and t e gu" 0 o #ounded it e?plained to t e! and clai!ed it as is o0n$ and died/ And so t e Spanis on t eir Courne"$ t e people #ro! t e Spanis 0ere co!ing and clai!ed it and sold it to t e 1renc $ and t en 0e %oug t it #or li8e #our cents an acre$ instead o# - cents an acre7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ 4 ile t is !a" %e a little #ar-#etc ed or partl" untrue$ Cale% as %een e?posed to i!portant istorical in#or!ation and as !ade it rele)ant to is li#e/ 1urt er descri%ing t ings t at e as learned outside o# sc ool e adds$ 3 0e 0ent on a #ield trip "esterda" and learned a%out o0 t e 0ater clarit"$ and o0 El8 orn la8e is reall" ealt " and as a %unc o# t is 0ildli#e/ So "ou de#initel" can learn t ings ot er t an sc ool7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ Cale% as used ot er places t at 0ere



i!portant to i! to learn a%out istor" and science 0it out crac8ing a te?t%oo8 or listening to a lecture/ 4 en as8ed to %od" sculpt 0 at e could learn #ro! at is grandparents ouse e !olded is 3cla"7 or student elper into a plant/ 6e descri%ed a#ter0ards t at it 0as a sun#lo0er and t at e t in8s is peers 0ould %ene#it #ro! learning o0 to ta8e care o# a garden and gro0 plants at is grand parents ouse/ T is t"pe o# in#or!ation could %e gi)en to students in noteta8ing #or! and could %e su!!ed up in a #e0 sentences/ 6o0e)er$ i# 0e %ring t ese practices into t e classroo!$ students 0ould #ind rele)ance and e?cite!ent in t e in#or!ation/ T is t"pe o# engaging$ ands-on learning is sustained t roug place-%ased education/ A#ter anal"Aing t e !ap Cale% dre0 o# is grandparent&s %ase!ent$ it s o0ed us 0 at 0as p "sicall" i!portant to i! in t is particular space/ T e ite!s e dre0 included2 an air oc8e" ta%le$ a door to t e outside$ a garden$ t e dress up pla" corner$ an ele)ator$ a ta%le 0it old arti#acts on it$ a corner 30 ere "ou can crus stu## at7$ an area 0 ere "ou can 8ic8 a %all$ and old paintings t at is grandpa painted <Arti#act-elicited inter)ie0$ Octo%er +,$ -,+.>/ 'ost o# t ese attri%utes descri%e an area 0 ere "ou can 3do7 so!et ing/ Cale% 0eig s o0 i!portant places are to i! in relation to t e a!ount o# #un t at e is a)ing and t e acti)ities t at e is doing/ Cale% pic8ed t is special place %ecause 3usuall" t ere 0ill %e li8e #un stu##7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ 4 en as8ed 0 at part o# is %ase!ent e 0ould %ring to sc ool e responded 0it 3I 0ould %ring li8e t e do0nstairs$ t e pool ta%le$ t e air oc8e"$ so 0e could pla" 0it it/ 'a"%e a)e a ga!e roo! or so!et ing7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ T is descri%es Cale%&s need #or p "sical !o)e!ent$ pla"$ and #un at sc ool/ Bringing t ese aspects into t e classroo! 0ould !a8e #or a %etter learning en)iron!ent #or Cale%/ Cale% also #inds t at #a!il" traditions and olida"s are an i!portant #actor in pic8ing is grandparent&s ouse as is special place/ 4 en %od" sculpting$ e sculpted is su%Cect into a



person opening presents under a C rist!as tree/ 6e ad pre)iousl" tal8ed a%out t is pic8le-tree tradition in is #irst inter)ie0/ 3So li8e #or us #or e?a!ple$ 0e do t is t ing e)er" C rist!as/ 4e&ll a)e C rist!as at our ouse$ 0e&ll do li8e a C rist!as dinner/ It&s al0a"s going to %e %iscuits and gra)"/ And t en 0e all a)e to open presents one %" one and 0e a)e to 0ait #or e)er"%od" to open t eir presents under t e tree %ut "ou a)e to at least get up at H o&cloc8/ And so !" grandparents$ 0 at t e"&ll do is$ t e"&ll ide a pic8le orna!ent$ a pic8le in t e tree$ and 0 oe)er #inds it is t e Santa and t e" pic8 rando! gi#ts and 0ill and t e! out one %" one7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ Cale% also connects T an8sgi)ing and 6allo0een traditions to is grand parents ouse co!!unicating signi#icance in olida"s/ Cale% included t is in t e description o# is grand parents ouse %ecause tradition is so!et ing t e" up old in t is space/ E)er" ti!e is grandparents get %ac8 #ro! tra)el$ e 8no0s t at t e" al0a"s %ring %ac8 cand"B 3And t e" al0a"s %ring li8e cand" %ac8 and t is t ing called t e !ouse/ It&s called t e !ouse/ Li8e "ou ne)er 8no0 0 at&s gonna end up in it/ It&s #ro! all t ese ot er countries7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ T e consistenc" %e ind olida"s and traditions is an attri%ute t at Cale% #inds attracti)e in is #a)orite space/ T is attri%ute !a" %e !o)ed into t e classroo! to 8eep is attention in t e learning en)iron!ent/ 1inall"$ t e #eelings t at Cale% con)e"ed 0 ile at t is place 0ere e?tre!el" i!portant in deter!ining t e t"pe o# at!osp ere t at is co!#orta%le to i!/ Cale% sculpted t e #eeling o# app" at t is place displa"ing t e elper&s ands and #eet spread out 0ide and is !out 0ide open/ 6e descri%ed t at e 3Cust #eels app" #or %eing t ere 0it !" #a!il"7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ 6e sa"s t at %ecause e is co!#orta%le at is grandparent&s ouse t at e is 3content and care#ree7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ Cale% clai!s one o# t e reasons #or t is appiness is %ecause is grand!ot er is e?tre!el" 0iseB 3s e



sa"s li8e reall" nana li8e t ings/ Li8e i# "ou as8ed er 0 at to dra0 s e 0ould sa"$ 30 ate)er "our eart desires/ And s e sa"s stu## li8e L ate& is a reall" li8e strong 0ord$ "ou !ig t strongl" disli8e it7 <Se!i-#or!al inter)ie0$ Septe!%er +H$ -,+.>/ Cale% as connected appiness 0it learning in is special place/ T is is t e 8e" to success#ul learners and success#ul learning en)iron!ents/ 4e need to ar)est t ese t"pes o# #eelings in our classroo!s to connect 0it and engage our students/ Cross-Case Analysis T roug t e data collection$ 0e #ound a nu!%er o# si!ilarities a!ong our #indings/ Across all t ree cases$ 0e disco)ered t at students& !eaning#ul places connect to #eelings o# co!#ort/ 4ords t at 0ere used to descri%e t eir places include2 content$ secure$ app" and e?cite!ent/ Additionall"$ t ese !eaning#ul places ser)ed as an engaging en)iron!ent #or eac o# t e students/ T ese engaging en)iron!ents allo0ed #or t ese students to %e p "sicall" and !entall" acti)e and #ree to !a8e t eir o0n decisions/ 1inall"$ students consistentl" connected t eir indi)idual places 0it t e people t at t e" lo)e/ In all cases$ t e students e?plicitl" stated t e people in 0 ic t e" #ind in#luential in t eir li)es/ 4 ile t ere are !an" si!ilarities t roug out t is stud"$ 0e also #ound di##erences in eac o# our #indings/ Due to t e #act t at eac o# t ese places 0as di##erent$ %ased on location$ t e students ela%orated on co!pletel" di##erent topics/ T ese additional topics include2 an interest in orses$ an e!p asis on #a!il" traditions$ and a strong sense o# independence/ It is i!portant to re!e!%er t e eac student is uni*ue in t eir o0n 0a" and eac student as indi)idualiAed interests and personalities$ in#luencing t e 0a" t e" percei)e di##erent places/ !iscussion A#ter per#or!ing e?tensi)e researc on place-%ased education researc $ 0e a)e



disco)ered t e i!portance o# o0 !eaning#ul places a##ect students in t e classroo!/ Our researc i!plies t at it is t e teac er&s responsi%ilit" to create a learning en)iron!ent t at is #un and engaging$ pro!otes a #eeling o# co!#ort$ and in)ites <literall" and #igurati)el"> people t at students a)e a strong connection 0it / 'm"lications As educators 0e alread" 8no0 t at it is i!portant to get to 8no0 our students as indi)iduals/ Ta8ing t is idea #urt er$ teac ers need to #a!iliariAe t e!sel)es 0it t e places 0 ere t eir students #eel co!#orta%le and app"/ Place-%ased education can %e used to redesign o0 teac ers teac t e curriculu! %" creating a learning en)iron!ent t at caters to students& interests and #eelings associated 0it t e en)iron!ents in 0 ic t e" e?perience #re*uentl" <i/e/ t eir !eaning#ul places>/ In order #or students to reac t eir #ull potential t roug out t eir acade!ic careers and personal li#e e?periences$ t e en)iron!ent in 0 ic students learn cannot %e li!ited/ 1urt er!ore$ i# student en)iron!ent is li!ited in opportunities #or e?ploration and in)ol)e!ent$ t e student&s potential #or learning in t at en)iron!ent is also li!ited <4ilson$ +FFH>/ Students %ring a )ariet" o# e?periences 0it t e! into t e classroo!/ T is s ould %e loo8ed at as an opportunit" to !old t e learning en)iron!ent to cater to t eir e?periences/ In an" gi)en classroo!$ t ere 0ill %e a 0ide range o# personalities/ Di##erences in t ese personalities a##ect t e 0a"s in 0 ic one !a" #eel or act in a certain space/ Places s ape t e identities o# people$ and people s ape places <6utson$ -,++>/ An intro)erted student$ li8e Bri$ li8es to %e %" ersel# at ti!es and !a" ac ie)e a ig er le)el o# acade!ic and personal success and appiness t roug 0or8ing in a !ore isolated setting/ Students li8e Bri !a" need to co!plete proCects indi)iduall"$ %e gi)en so!e 3!e7 ti!e$ or %e put in an area o# t e classroo! t at is not constantl" surrounded %" people/ In result$ t e i!ple!entation o# place-%ased



education is needed #or students t at !a" #ind a classroo! setting c allenging <Ni!!o = 6allett$ -,,G>/ Ot er students$ li8e Cale%$ 0 o co!e #ro! %ig #a!ilies and are used to c aos !a" t ri)e in group settings/ T ese students 0ould %ene#it #ro! a classroo! set-up t at in)ol)es grouped ta%les$ constant social interaction$ and partner 0or8/ B" anal"Aing t e places t at students #eel co!#orta%le$ teac ers can in#er 0 at t"pes o# learning en)iron!ents 0ould %e !ost e##ecti)e #or all c ildren/ Students #or! strong connections 0it and are in#luenced %" nu!erous indi)iduals t roug out t eir c ild ood/ Teac ers need to create opportunities #or students to connect t eir sc ool 0it t e people t e" lo)e/ 4e #ound t at all t ree inter)ie0ees lin8ed t eir place directl" 0it t eir #a!ilies/ Cale% pic8ed a #a!il" !e!%er&s ouse as is !eaning#ul place and !entioned !ultiple #a!il" olida"s and traditions t at occur in t is space/ Bri&s par8 is solel" s ared 0it er #at er and one ot er #riend$ e?posing a strong #a!il" connection 0it t is place/

1inall"$ A!"&s parents 0ere t e reason t at s e started orse%ac8 riding and 0ould ne)er a)e ad t e opportunit" to %e in a place li8e t is 0it out t e!/ A!" does$ o0e)er$ a)e e?tensi)e dialogue a%out er orse trainer in er inter)ie0s/ T is s o0s t at #a!il" is not t e onl" #igure ead %e ind !eaning#ul places/ Teac ers can create opportunities #or t ese indi)iduals to co!e into t e classroo!/ So!e ideas include a 3%ring-"our-lo)ed-one-to-sc ool-da"7$ career da"$ or in)ite t e! to %e an audience #or a reader&s t eatre/ Teac ers can also #igurati)el" %ring t ese people into t e sc ool setting %" allo0ing t eir students to tal8 a%out t e!$ 0rite a%out t e!$ s o0 pictures$ create a 3!e7 %oo8$ or cele%rate t e! 0it so!e a eroJ eroine da"/ Encouraging c ildren to personaliAe spaces and places can counteract so!e o# t e ot er0ise generic ele!ents o# t e sc ool en)iron!ent and #oster #eelings o# attac !ent <4ilson$ +FFH>/ 1inall"$ to #urt er assi!ilate t ese !eaning#ul places into t e classroo!$ teac ers can



incorporate resources t at tap into t e p "sical and e!otional aspects t at t ese places pro)ide/ Teac ers !a" %ring in %oo8s to allo0 students to #urt er t eir learning o# t ese speci#ic places/ Boo8s and ot er resources t at portra" t ese places 0ill !a8e t e en)iron!ent rele)ant and engaging #or t e students/ 4 ile teac ing science$ teac ers can c oose to use settings t at directl" relate to students& !eaning#ul places/ T is 0ill engage t e listener and !a8e t e content signi#icant to t e!/ T ese incorporations !oti)ate students to want to learn$ rat er t an %eing #orced to learn <Center #or Ecoliterac"$ -,+.>/ Teac ers !a" create a Cournal assign!ent solel" %ased on t e students in t eir places and t eir connections to t ose places/ B" de)eloping assign!ents t at are #ocused on students& places o# signi#icance$ students %ring in aut orit" and can gain access to !e!ories and stories t at elp t e! construct and articulate a sense o# place in t e classroo! <Lunda l$ -,++>/ T roug out our researc #urt er *uestions sur#aced/ T ese *uestions !a" %e used in #uture researc on place-%ased education in t e classroo!/ All t ree o# our inter)ie0ees 0ere ele!entar" students in )arious grade le)els <8indergarten$ second and #i#t > 0 ic pro!pted us to as8 t e *uestion2 6o0 does age e##ect place-%ased education5 Due to t e #act t at 0e inter)ie0ed t0o girls and a %o"$ 0e also 0ondered2 6o0 does gender a##ect t e di##erent places t at students %ring in to t e classroo!5 1urt er!ore$ an additional *uestion t at sur#aced 0as2 6o0 does personalit" a##ect t e di##erent places t at students connect 0it 5 A#ter re#lecting upon t e rural settings o# our sc ools 0e *uestioned2 4 at places in an ur%an setting do students connect 0it $ in co!parison to a rural setting5 1inall"$ t in8ing a%out t e students t e!sel)es 0e 0ondered 0 at places do ne0co!er students %ring 0it t e! to t eir ne0 sc ools5 All o# t ese *uestions 0ould pro!pt #urt er and !ore in dept researc into t e 0orld o# place-%ased education/



Limitations T is stud" 0as li!ited in ter!s o# location and #re*uenc"/ All participants are #ro! rural areas o# @irginia$ t ere#ore li!iting t e t"pes o# !eaning#ul places and spaces t ese students connect 0it / In addition$ our researc 0as a s!all-scale stud"/ Our researc 0ould a)e presented !ore data i# our ti!e in t e ele!entar" sc ools 0as not Cust t0o da"s a 0ee8 #or si?teen 0ee8s$ %ut instead e)er"da" #or si?teen 0ee8s/ T is additional ti!e in t e classroo!$ 0ould allo0 #or #urt er de)elop!ent in understanding t e t"pes o# places students #ind !eaning#ul/ Conclusion In conclusion$ t e topic o# t is co!parati)e case stud" is to %etter understand t e relations ips %et0een students& !eaning#ul places and t eir sc ool en)iron!ent/ B" stud"ing places t at students dee! !eaning#ul$ 0e are a%le to dra0 conclusions a%out 0 at t e" essentiall" t in8 is i!portant/ A#ter posing t e *uestion 34 at places and spaces do students #ind !eaning#ul$ and o0 do students %ring t ese spaces and places into t e classroo!57 0e collected our data/ Data 0as collected t roug se!i-#or!al inter)ie0s$ o%ser)ations$ %od" sculpting$ and !ap creations/ A#ter anal"Aing our data 0e #ound t at students need learning en)iron!ents t at connect t e! to t e people t e" lo)e$ t at pro!ote #eelings o# co!#ort and appiness$ and t at cater to0ards t eir indi)idual interests/ Based on t is in#or!ation$ #uture teac ers need to recogniAe 0 at is i!portant to t eir students and c ange t eir learning en)iron!ents into a place t at is student-centered/ T e goal is to a)e students reac t eir #ull potential t roug out t eir acade!ic careers and personal li#e e?periences/





Re#erences Bre0ster$ C/$ = 1ager$ (/ <-,,,>/ Increasing student engage!ent and !oti)ation2 1ro! ti!e-on-tas8 to o!e0or8/ Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory$ 9/ Case"$ E/ <-,,+>/ Bod"$ sel#$ and landscape/ In P/S/ Ada!s$ S/ 6oelsc er$ = I/ Till <Eds/>$ Textures of place: exploring humanist geographies (pp/ 9,.9-D>/ 'inneapolis$ 'N2 Uni)ersit" o# 'innesota/ Center #or Ecoliterac"/ <-,+.>/ Teach place based learning/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJ000/ecoliterac"/orgJstrategiesJplace-%ased-learning Co en$ D/ <-,,:>/ !ualitative research guidelines pro"ect: Triangulation/ Retrie)ed #ro! 000/*uarles/orgJ6o!eTria-.:F-/ t!l Co!!unit"/ <-,+.>/ #ictionary$com/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJdictionar"/re#erence/co!J%ro0seJco!!unit"5sNt Conser)ation Stud" Institute/ <-,+.>/ National leadership council creates strategy and education council/ Retrie)ed #ro! 000/nps/go)JcsiJengage!entJeducationse!inars/ t! Deacon$ S/ A/ <-,,,>/ Creati)it" 0it in *ualitati)e researc on #a!ilies2 Ne0 ideas #or old !et ods/ The !ualitative Report$ 9<.=9>/ Retrie)ed #ro! 000/no)a/eduJssssJORJOR9.Jdeacon/ t!l El%oC$ C/ <-,,9>/ T e trans#or!ation o# rural sc ools/ Networ%s& an on line "ournal for teacher research& H<+>$ +-D/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJCournals/li%rar"/0isc/eduJinde?/p pJnet0or8sJissueJ)ie0JD E"les$ (/ <+FGF>/ T e geograp " o# e)erda" li#e/ In D/ Gregor" = R/ 4al#ord <Eds/>$ 'ori(ons in geography <pp/ +,--++H>/ Toto0a$ N(2 Barnes and No%le/ 1ar!er$ D/ <-,+.>/ #rama resource: )mage theatre/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJdra!aresource/co!JstrategiesJi!age-t eatre 1itApatric8$ C/ <-,+->/ 4 at i# 0e considered a no)el di!ension o# sc ool readiness5 t e i!portance o# classroo! engage!ent #or earl" c ild adCust!ent to sc ool/ Education as *hange& +:<->$ ...-.D./ doi2+,/+,G,J+:G-.-,:/-,+-/H9:,+H Goler$ T/ <-,+->/ Greater uni)ersit" circle2 Neig %or ood )oice/ +roadening the definition of academic success$ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJ000/neig %or ood)oice/co!Jcolu!nsJ%roadening-t e-de#inition-o#-acade!ic-successJ



Greune0ald$ D/ <-,,.>/ 1oundations o# place2 a !ultidisciplinar" #ra!e0or8 #or place-conscious education/ ,merican Educational Research -ournal& 9,<.>$ :+F-:D9/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJ000/Cstor/orgJsta%leJ.:FF99H Gusta#son$ P/ <-,,+>/ 'eanings o# place2 E)er"da" e?perience and t eoretical conceptualiAations/ -ournal of Environmental .sychology& -+<+>& D-+:/ 6allett$ B/ = Ni!!o$ (/ <-,,G>/ C ild ood in t e garden2 a place to encounter natural and social di)ersit"/ +eyond the -ournal& +-G/ Retrie)ed #ro! 000/Cournal/nae"c/orgJa%outJper!issions/asp 6art$ Roger A/ <+FHF>/ *hildren/s Experience of .lace$ Ne0 Kor82 Ir)ington Pu%lis ers Inc/ 6utson$ G/ <-,++>/ Re!e!%ering t e roots o# place !eanings #or place-%ased outdoor education/ .athways: The 0ntario -ournal of 0utdoor Education& -.<.>$ +F--D/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJsearc /e%sco ost/co!Jlogin/asp?5 directNtrue=Aut T"peNip$coo8ie$url$cpid$uid=custidNsGG:.+.H=d%Neric=ANNE(F::GF ,=siteNeds-li)e=scopeNsite Israel$ A/ L/ <-,+->/ Putting geograp " education into place2 4 at geograp " educators can learn #ro! place-%ased education$ and )ice )ersa/ -ournal of 1eography& +++<+>$ H:-G+/ doi2+,/+,G,J,,--+.9+/-,++/DG.-:9 (aco%s$ E/ <-,++>/ Re<place> "our t"pical 0riting assign!ent2 An argu!ent #or place-%ased 0riting/ English -ournal& +,,<.>$ 9F-D9/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJsearc /e%sco ost/co!Jlogin/asp?5 directNtrue=Aut T"peNip$coo8ie$url$cpid$uid=custidNsGG:.+.H=d%Neric=ANNE(F+.9F :=siteNeds-li)e=scopeNsiteB Inapp$ C/ <-,+->/ Place-%ased education2 listening to t e language o# t e land and people/ .athways: 0ntario -ournal of 0utdoor Education$ -D<+>$ 9-+-/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJconnection/e%sco ost/co!JcJarticlesJG9D9+..+Jplace-%ased-education-listeninglanguage-land-people Lou)$ R/ <-,,D>/ Last child in the woods: saving our children from nature deficit disorder/ C apel 6ill$ NC2 Algon*uin Boo8s/ Lo0$ S/ '/$ = Alt!an$ I/ <+FF->/ Place attac !ent2 A conceptual in*uir"/ In I/ Alt!an = S/'/ Lo0 <Eds/>$ .lace attachment <pp/+-+->/ Ne0 Kor82 Plenu! Press/ Lunda l$ '/ <-,++>/ Teac ing 0 ere 0e are2 place-%ased language arts/ English -ournal$ +,,<.>$ 99-9G/ Lutts$ R/ 6/ <+FGD>/ Place$ o!e$ and stor" in en)iron!ental education/ -ournal of Environmental Education& +H<+>$ .H-9+/



'oore$ R/ C/ <+FG,>/ Generating rele)ant ur%an c ild ood places2 learning #ro! t e 3Kard/7 In P/ 1/ 4il8inson <Ed/>B .lay in human settlements <pp/ 9D-HD>/ London2 Croo! 6el!/ Os0ald = Price/ <-,,:>/ 0bservational research/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJps"c /csu#resno/eduJps"+99JContentJDesignJNone?peri!entalJo%ser)ation/ t!l Place-%ased Education E)aluation Colla%orati)e/ <-,,H>/ The benefits of place based education$ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJ000/pro!iseo#place/orgJassestsJ#ilesJresearc JBene#itsPo#PPBEPEECP-,,HP0e%/pd# Place/ <-,+.>/ #ictionary$com/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJdictionar"/re#erence/co!J%ro0seJplace5sNt P"le$ R/ '/ <-,,H>/ No c ild le#t inside$ in2 D/ Gruene0ald = G/ S!it <Eds/> .lace based education in an era of globali(ation: local diversity$ 'a 0a $ N(2 Erl%au!/ Rei#!an$ S/ <-,,G>/ 2 essentials for empower teaching 3 learning % 2$ Cali#ornia2 Cor0in Press/ S!it $ G/ = So%le$ D/ <-,+.>/ Bring it on o!e2 t e necessit" o# place-%ased learning toda"/ )ndependent 4chool -ournal$ F9-+,-/ S!it $ G/ A/ <-,,H>/ Place-%ased education2 Brea8ing t roug t e constraining regularities o# pu%lic sc ool/ Environmental Education Research& +.<->$ +GF--,H/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJsearc /e%sco ost/co!Jlogin/asp?5 directNtrue=Aut T"peNip$coo8ie$url$cpid$uid=custidNsGG:.+.H=d%Neric=ANNE(H:9-H=siteNeds-li)e=scopeNsiteB ttp2JJ000/in#or!a0orld/co!Jopenurl5 genreNarticle=idNdoi2+,/+,G,J+.D,9:-,H,+-GD+G, So%el$ D/ <+FF.>/ *hildren5s special places: Exploring the role of forts& dens& and bush houses in middle childhood/ Tucson$ AE/2 Eep "r Press/ So%el$ D/ <+FF:>/ +eyond ecophobia: Reclaiming the heart of nature education$ Great Barrington$ 'A2 Orion Societ"/ So%el$ D/ <-,,9>/ .lace based education: *onnecting classrooms and communities/ Great Barrington$ 'A2 Orion Societ"/ 4ilson$ R/ <+FFH>/ A sense o# place/ Early *hildhood Education -ournal& -9<.>$ +F+-+F9/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJsearc /e%sco ost/co!Jlogin/asp?5 directNtrue=Aut T"peNip$coo8ie$url$cpid$uid=custidNsGG:.+.H=d%Nedselc=ANNedselc/ --D-/,-D.-9F,FH:.H=siteNeds-li)e=scopeNsite Kin$ R/ <-,,.>/ *ase study research: design and methods/ T ousand Oa8s$ CA2 Sage Pu%lications/ Eand)liet$ D/ B/ <-,+->/ De)elop!ent and )alidation o# t e place-%ased learning and constructi)ist en)iron!ent sur)e" <PLACES>/ Learning Environments Research& +D<->$



+-D-+9,/ Retrie)ed #ro! ttp2JJsearc /e%sco ost/co!Jlogin/asp?5 directNtrue=Aut T"peNip$coo8ie$url$cpid$uid=c ustidNsGG:.+.H=d%Neric=ANNE(FHHGD:=siteNeds-li)e=scopeNsiteB ttp2JJd?/doi/orgJ+,/+,,HJs+,FG9-,+--F++,-?



A""endi( A Parent)$uardian 'nformed Consent 'dentification of 'nvestigators * Pur"ose of Study Kour c ild is %eing as8ed to participate in a researc stud" conducted %" Re%ecca O&Neill$ As le" Ostendor#$ and 'eg an Reed #ro! (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit"/ T e purpose o# t is stud" is to disco)er 0 at spaces and places students and teac ers attac e!otional %onds to and o0 t ese students and teac ers %ring t ese spatial relations ips 0it t e! into t e classroo!/ T is stud" 0ill contri%ute to t e researc ers& co!pletion o# t eir ele!entar" education 'aster&s in*uir" proCect/ Research Procedures S ould "ou decide to allo0 "our c ild to participate in t is researc stud"$ "ou 0ill %e as8ed to sign t is consent #or! once all "our *uestions a)e %een ans0ered to "our satis#action/ T is stud" consists o# t0o inter)ie0s and --. o%ser)ations t at 0ill %e ad!inistered to indi)idual participants in < location6 i$e$ each of our designated practicum settings>/ Kou 0ill %e as8ed to pro)ide ans0ers to a series o# *uestions related to t e disco)er" o# 0 at spaces and places students and teac ers attac e!otional %onds to and o0 t ese students and teac ers %ring t ese spatial relations ips 0it t e! into t e classroo!/ T e indi)idual participants 0ill %e audio recorded t roug out t e inter)ie0s and )ideotaped during one o# t e o%ser)ations/ %ime Re+uired Participation in t is stud" 0ill re*uire - ours o# "our c ild&s ti!e/ Eac o# t e t0o inter)ie0s 0ill ta8e a%out ., !inutes eac and t e participant 0ill onl" %e acti)el" participating in one o# t e o%ser)ations$ 0 ic 0ill ta8e a%out .,-:, !inutes/ Ris,s T e in)estigator does not percei)e !ore t an !ini!al ris8s #ro! "our c ild&s in)ol)e!ent in t is stud" <t at is$ no ris8s %e"ond t e ris8s associated 0it e)er"da" li#e>/ T e in)estigator percei)es t e #ollo0ing are possi%le ris8s arising #ro! "our in)ol)e!ent 0it t is stud"2 t e researc ers 0ill ensure t at "our c ild #eels co!#orta%le t roug out t e inter)ie0s and o%ser)ations/ T e" also 0ill ensure t at i# at an" point "our c ild does not #eel co!#orta%le$ t e" 0ill allo0 t e c ild to stop t e inter)ie0 or o%ser)ation i!!ediatel"/ #enefits Potential %ene#its #ro! participation in t is stud" include t e learning opportunities as a result o# our researc on place-%ased education/ 1uture educators can %ene#it #ro! our #indings %" connecting t eir curriculu! and lessons to place-%ased education/ Confidentiality T e results o# t is researc 0ill %e presented at an educational se!inar/ T e results o# t is



proCect 0ill %e coded in suc a 0a" t at t e respondent&s identit" 0ill not %e attac ed to t e #inal #or! o# t is stud"/ T e researc er retains t e rig t to use and pu%lis non-identi#ia%le data/ 4 ile indi)idual responses are con#idential$ aggregate data 0ill %e presented representing a)erages or generaliAations a%out t e responses as a 0 ole/ All data 0ill %e stored in a secure location accessi%le onl" to t e researc er/ Upon co!pletion o# t e stud"$ all in#or!ation t at !atc es up indi)idual respondents 0it t eir ans0ers 0ill %e destro"ed/ Partici"ation * -ithdrawal Kour c ild&s participation is entirel" )oluntar"/ 6eJs e is #ree to c oose not to participate/ S ould "ou and "our c ild c oose to participate$ eJs e can 0it dra0 at an" ti!e 0it out conse*uences o# an" 8ind/ .uestions about the Study I# "ou a)e *uestions or concerns during t e ti!e o# "our c ild&s participation in t is stud"$ or a#ter its co!pletion or "ou 0ould li8e to recei)e a cop" o# t e #inal aggregate results o# t is stud"$ please contact2 Researc ers2 'eg an Reed College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" Reed-!cQdu8es/C!u/edu As le" Ostendor# College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" OstendalQdu8es/C!u/edu Re%ecca O&Neill College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" OneillraQdu8es/C!u/edu $iving of Consent I a)e read t is consent #or! and I understand 0 at is %eing re*uested o# !" c ild as a participant in t is stud"/ I #reel" consent #or !" c ild to participate/ I a)e %een gi)en satis#actor" ans0ers to !" *uestions/ T e in)estigator pro)ided !e 0it a cop" o# t is #or!/ I certi#" t at I a! at least +G "ears o# age/ I gi)e consent to %e <video7audio> taped during !" inter)ie0/ <parent&s initial> Ad)isor2 Dr/ Douglas Lo)eless College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" Lo)eledCQC!u/edu




Na!e o# C ild <Printed> A""endi( # C/'L! ASSE0% &1RM <Ages D-+-> IRB R 2%#!3 ASSESS'ENT O1 T6E DI11ERENT PLACES AND SPACES C6ILDREN 6OLD E'OTIONAL BONDS TO AND 6O4 T6EK BRING T6ESE PLACES AND SPACES INTO T6E CLASSROO' 4e 0ould li8e to in)ite "ou to ta8e part in t is stud"/ 4e are as8ing "ou %ecause "ou are one o# !an" c ildren 0 o !a" a)e places in "our li#e t at "ou attac e!otional %onds to/ In t is stud" 0e 0ill tr" to learn !ore a%out 0 ic places and spaces in "our li#e t at "ou old !eaning to and o0 "ou %ring t ese places and spaces into "our classroo! en)iron!ent/ To do t e stud" 0e 0ill inter)ie0 "ou --. ti!es t roug out t e ne?t #e0 !ont s/ During t ese inter)ie0s$ 0e 0ill as8 "ou a series o# *uestions to %eco!e !ore #a!iliar 0it t ese places and spaces/ T ese inter)ie0s 0ill %e audio recorded "ou&re "our appro)al/ 4e 0ill also collect data t roug a t eatrical !et od called %od" sculpting$ 0 ic is si!ilar to c arades/ T is acti)it" in)ol)es "ou c oosing a #ello0 class!ate to assist "ou in de!onstrating o0 "ou #eel and 0 at "ou do in t ese designated places and spaces/ T is acti)it" 0ill %e )ideotaped upon "our appro)al as 0ell/ T e #inal acti)it" in)ol)es "ou !apping "our !eaning#ul place or space using )arious art supplies/ T is acti)it" 0ill guide us t roug one o# t e --. inter)ie0s 0e a)e planned/ Participating in t is stud" 0ill not urt "ou in an" 0a"/ Kou s ould not participate in t is stud" i# "ou do not #eel co!#orta%le tal8ing one-on-one 0it t e researc er/ T e reason 0e are doing t is stud" is so t at 0e can understand t e di##erent places and spaces students %ring into t e classroo! in order to i!pro)e t e classroo! en)iron!ent and to !a8e learning !ore !eaning#ul #or "ou/ Kour parents 0ill also %e as8ed to gi)e t eir per!ission #or "ou to ta8e part in t is stud"/ Please tal8 t is o)er 0it "our parents %e#ore "ou decide 0 et er or not to participate/ Kou do not a)e to %e in t is stud" i# "ou do not 0ant to/ I# "ou decide to participate in t e stud"$ "ou can stop participating at an" ti!e/ I# "ou a)e an" *uestions at an" ti!e$ please as8 one o# t e researc ers/ I1 KOU PRINT KOUR NA'E ON T6IS 1OR' IT 'EANS T6AT KOU 6A@E DECIDED TO PARTICIPATE AND 6A@E READ E@ERKT6ING T6AT IS ON T6IS 1OR'/ KOU AND KOUR PARENTS 4ILL BE GI@EN A COPK O1 T6IS 1OR' TO IEEP/



PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Na!e o# C ild <printed> PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Signature o# In)estigator Researc ers2 'eg an Reed College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" Reed-!cQdu8es/C!u/edu As le" Ostendor# College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" OstendalQdu8es/C!u/edu Re%ecca O&Neill College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" OneillraQdu8es/C!u/edu Ad)isor2


Dr/ Douglas Lo)eless College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" Lo)eledCQC!u/edu



A""endi( C Consent to Partici"ate in Research 'dentification of 'nvestigators * Pur"ose of Study Kou are %eing as8ed to participate in a researc stud" conducted %" Re%ecca O&Neill$ As le" Ostendor#$ and 'eg an Reed #ro! (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit"/ T e purpose o# t is stud" is to disco)er 0 at spaces and places students and teac ers attac e!otional %onds to and o0 t ese students and teac ers %ring t ese spatial relations ips 0it t e! into t e classroo!/ T is stud" 0ill contri%ute to t e researc ers& co!pletion o# t eir ele!entar" education 'aster&s in*uir" proCect/ Research Procedures S ould "ou decide to participate in t is researc stud"$ "ou 0ill %e as8ed to sign t is consent #or! once all "our *uestions a)e %een ans0ered to "our satis#action/ T is stud" consists o# t0o inter)ie0s and --. o%ser)ations t at 0ill %e ad!inistered to indi)idual participants in < location6 i$e$ each of our designated practicum settings>/ Kou 0ill %e as8ed to pro)ide ans0ers to a series o# *uestions related to t e disco)er" o# 0 at spaces and places "ou attac e!otional %onds to and o0 "ou %ring t ese spatial relations ips 0it "ou into t e classroo!/ T e indi)idual participants 0ill %e audio recorded t roug out t e inter)ie0s and )ideotaped during one o# t e o%ser)ations/ %ime Re+uired Participation in t is stud" 0ill re*uire a total o# a%out + our and ., !inutes/ Eac o# t e t0o inter)ie0s 0ill ta8e a%out ., !inutes eac and t e participant 0ill onl" %e acti)el" participating in one o# t e o%ser)ations$ 0 ic 0ill ta8e a%out ., !inutes/ Ris,s The investigator does not perceive more than minimal risks from your involvement in this study (that is, no risks beyond the risks associated with everyday life). T e in)estigator percei)es t e #ollo0ing are possi%le ris8s arising #ro! "our in)ol)e!ent 0it t is stud"2 t e researc ers 0ill ensure t at "ou #eel co!#orta%le t roug out t e inter)ie0s and o%ser)ations/ T e" also 0ill ensure t at i# at an" point "ou do not #eel co!#orta%le$ t e" 0ill allo0 "ou to stop t e inter)ie0 or o%ser)ation i!!ediatel" #enefits Potential %ene#its #ro! participation in t is stud" include t e learning opportunities as a result o# our researc on place-%ased education/ 1uture educators can %ene#it #ro! our #indings %" connecting t eir curriculu! and lessons to place-%ased education/ Confidentiality T e results o# t is researc 0ill %e presented at an educational se!inar/ T e results o# t is proCect 0ill %e coded in suc a 0a" t at t e respondent&s identit" 0ill not %e attac ed to t e #inal



#or! o# t is stud"/ T e researc er retains t e rig t to use and pu%lis non-identi#ia%le data/ 4 ile indi)idual responses are con#idential$ aggregate data 0ill %e presented representing a)erages or generaliAations a%out t e responses as a 0 ole/ All data 0ill %e stored in a secure location accessi%le onl" to t e researc er/ Upon co!pletion o# t e stud"$ all in#or!ation t at !atc es up indi)idual respondents 0it t eir ans0ers 0ill %e destro"ed/ Partici"ation * -ithdrawal Kour participation is entirel" )oluntar"/ Kou are #ree to c oose not to participate/ S ould "ou c oose to participate$ "ou can 0it dra0 at an" ti!e 0it out conse*uences o# an" 8ind/ .uestions about the Study I# "ou a)e *uestions or concerns during t e ti!e o# "our participation in t is stud"$ or a#ter its co!pletion or "ou 0ould li8e to recei)e a cop" o# t e #inal aggregate results o# t is stud"$ please contact2 Researc ers2 'eg an Reed College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" Reed-!cQdu8es/C!u/edu As le" Ostendor# College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" OstendalQdu8es/C!u/edu Re%ecca O&Neill College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" OneillraQdu8es/C!u/edu .uestions about 4our Rights as a Research Sub ect Dr/ Da)id Coc8le" C air$ Institutional Re)ie0 Board (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" <D9,> D:G--G.9 coc8ledeQC!u/edu $iving of Consent I a)e read t is consent #or! and I understand 0 at is %eing re*uested o# !e as a participant in t is stud"/ I #reel" consent to participate/ I a)e %een gi)en satis#actor" ans0ers to !" *uestions/ T e in)estigator pro)ided !e 0it a cop" o# t is #or!/ I certi#" t at I a! at least +G "ears o# age/ I gi)e consent to %e <video7audio> taped during !" inter)ie0/ PPPPPPPP <initials> PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Ad)isor2 Dr/ Douglas Lo)eless College o# Ele!entar" Education (a!es 'adison Uni)ersit" Lo)eledCQC!u/edu




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