High-Hspq & 16 PF

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HSPQ & 16 P.F.


High Score Direction (A)

He is good natured, easy-going, and emotionally expressive (hence naturally compromises on viewpoints). He
is ready to cooperate, attentive to people, soft-hearted, and kindly adaptable. He likes occupations where he has to
deal with people, and he likes socially impressive situations. He readily forms active groups and is generous. In
personal relations he is less afraid of criticism, and better able to remember names of people.
High Score Direction (B)
He is quick to grasp ideas, a fast learner, and is intelligent. He has a higher scholastic mental capacity (there is
some correlation of intelligence with the level of culture, and some with alertness).
High Score Direction (C)
He is emotionally mature, stable, realistic about life, unruffled, possessing ego strength, and better able to
maintain solid group morale. Sometimes he may make a resigned adjustment to unsolved emotional problems.
High Score Direction (E)
He is assertive, self assured, and independent-minded. He tends to be austere, a law to himself, hostile or
extrapunitive, authoritarian (managing others), and disregards authority
High Score Direction (F)
He tends to be cheerful, active, talkative, frank, expressive, effervescent, and carefree. He is chosen as an
elected leader. He may be impulsive and mercurial.
High Score Direction (G)
He tends to be exacting in character, dominated by a sense of duty, persevering, responsible, and plans his
activities. He is usually conscientious, and moralistic, and he prefers hard-working people to witty companions.
High Score Direction (H)
He is sociable, bold, ready to try new things, spontaneous, and abundant in emotional response. His “thick-
skinned-ness” enables him to face wear and tear in dealing with people and grueling emotional situations without
fatigue. However, he can be careless of details, ignore danger signals, and consume much time talking. He tends to
be” pushy” and actively interested in the opposite sex.
High Score Direction (I)
He is tender-minded, day-dreams, and is artistic, fastidious, and feminine. Sometimes he demands attention
and help, is impatient, dependent, and impractical. He dislikes crude people and rough occupations. He tends to slow
up group performance, and to upset group morale by unrealistic fussiness.
High Score Direction (J = L)
He is mistrusting and doubtful. He is often involved in his own ego, is self-opinionated, and interested in an
internal, mental life. He is usually deliberate in his actions, unconcerned about other people, and is a poor team

High Score Direction (M)

He is unconcerned over everyday matters, self- motivated, imaginatively creative, concerned with “essentials,”
and oblivious of particular people and physical realities. His inner-directed interests sometimes lead to unrealistic
situations accompanied by expressive outbursts. His individuality tends to cause him to be rejected in group activities.
High Score Direction (N)
He is polished, experienced, worldly, and shrewd. He is often hardheaded and analytical. He has an
intellectual, unsentimental approach to situations, an approach akin to cynicism.
High Score Direction (O)
He tends to be depressed and moody. He is a worrier, full of foreboding, and brooding. His anxiety in
difficulties is childlike. He does not feel accepted in groups, or feel free to participate in groups.
High Score Direction (Q1)
He is interested in intellectual matters and has doubts on fundamental issues. He is skeptical and inquiring
regarding ideas. He tends to be more well informed, less inclined to moralize, more inclined to experiment in life
generally, and more tolerant of inconvenience and change.
High Score Direction (Q2)
He is temperamentally independent, accustomed to going his own way, making decisions and taking action on
his own. He discounts public opinion, but is not necessarily dominant in his relations with others. He does not dislike
people but simply does not need their agreement or support.
High Score Direction (Q3)
He has strong control over his emotions and general behavior, is inclined to be socially aware and careful, and
evidences what is commonly termed “self- respect” and regard for social reputation. At times he tends to be obstinate.
He can make an effective leader.
High Score Direction (Q4)
He tends to be tense, excitable, restless, fretful, and impatient. He is often fatigued, but unable to remain
inactive. In groups he takes a poor view of the degree of unity, orderliness and leadership. His frustration represents
an excess of stimulated, but undischarged, drive.


Accident assessor, Accountant, Accounting technician, Actuary, Acupuncturist, Administrator,
Aeronautical engineer, Aeronautical technician, Agricultural mechanic, Agriculturalist, Air traffic controller,
Ambulance crew, Anaesthetist, animal nurse, Appliance repairer, Armed forces officer, Armed forces
personnel, Arts administrator, Astronaut, Atronomer, Auctioneer, Audiology technician, Auditor,
Automobile technician, Bacteriologist,Bank clerk, Bank manager, Barrister, Biologist, Biomedical
engineer, Brewer, Broker, Builder’s merchant, Building inspector, Building society assistant, Building
society manager, Building surveyor, Bursar, Business consultant, Cashier, chemical technician,
Chemical technologist, chemist, Civil engineer, clerk, Clinical psychologist, Commercial account
manager, Company secretary, computer hardware designer, computer technician, Coroner, Cost
accountant, Court reporter, Cryptographer, Currency trader, Customs officer, Dental assistant, Dental
hygienist, Dental nurse, Dental technician, Dentist, Dermatologist, Dietician, Dispensing optician, Diver,
Doctor of medicine, Drycleaner, Economist, Electrical engineer, Electrician, Electronics engineer,
Engineering pattern maker, Engineering technician, Environmental health officer, Ergonomist,
Explosives expert, Farm manager, Financial analyst, Financial controller, Fisheries officer, Food hygiene
inspector, Forensic pathologist, Forensic psychologist, Forensic scientist, Funeral director, Genealogist,
Geneticist, Geochemist, Geologist, Guard, Health services administrator, Health visitor, Heating
engineer, Homeopath, Hospital physicist, Housing manager, Hydrographic surveyor, Hydrologist,
Immunologist, Industrial nurse, Information scientist, Instrument and control engineer, Instrument maker,
Insurance adjuster, Insurance agent, Laboratory technician, Lighting technician, Locksmith, Locomotive
engineer, Maintenance technician, Management consultant, Marine biologist, Materials scientist,
Mathematician, Mechanic, Mechanical engineer, Medical records officer, Merchant seaman, Metallurgist,
Meteorologist, Microbiologist, Midwife, Miller, Music producer, Navigating officer, Negotiator,
Neurosurgeon, Nuclear physicist, Nurse, Nutritionist, Obstetrician, Occupational psychologist, Office
manager, Oil rig worker, Operational researcher, Ophthalmic optician, Optician (dispensing)
,Organization and methods officer, Orthodontist, Orthoptist, Paramedic, Patent agent, Patent examiner,
Pathologist, Pharmacist, Pharmacologist, Photographic technician, Physical education teacher,
Physicist, Piano teacher, Pilot(airplane), pilot(coastal), Plumber, Police dog handler, Pool and spa
operator, Principal nursing officer, Prison officer, Programmer, Property negotiator, Psychiatric,
Prosthetics engineer, Publican, Purchasing manager, Purser, Quality controller, Quality inspector,
Quality surveyor, Racing car driver, Radiographer, Rating valuation officer, Recording engineer, Sailor,
Science teacher, Scientific instrument maker, Securities analyst, Security officer, Shipping and
forwarding officer, Shop fitter, Soldier, Sound engineer, Statistician, Stock controller, Stockbroker,
Surgeon, Surveyor, Systems analyst, Tax inspector, Technical representative, Telecommunications
engineer, Television engineer, Tool maker, Traffic warden, Train driver, Transport manager, Turf
accountant, Underwriter, Veterinary nurse, Veterinary surgeon, Welder, Work study officer, Zoologist.

Actor, Advertising copywriter, Air hostess, Aromatherapist, Architect, Architectural technician, Art
dealer, Art restorer, Art therapist, Artist, Author, Ballet dancer, Barperson, Beautician, Bilingual secretary,
Book critic, Book illustrator, Buyer, Cabinet maker, Camera repairer, Car body designer, Carpenter,
Cartoon animator, CD-ROM producer, Chef, Choreographer, Cinema manager, Civil servant, Clown,
Club manager, Comic illustrator, Community social worker, Compositor, Computer animator, computer
game designer, Confectioner, Copywriter, Counselor, Curator, Dance instructor, Dancer,
Decorator, Design engineer, Designer, Director(media), Disc jockey, Display artist, Drama teacher,
Dresser(stage), Dressmaker, Drug and alcohol counselor, Ecologist, Editor, Editor(newspaper), Editorial
cartoonist, Elementary school teacher, English language designer, Florist, Flight attendant, Film
projectionist, Film reviewer, Fashion designer , fashion buyer, Fly Person(theatre), Foreign
correspondent, Foreign language teacher, Freelance writer, Fund raiser, Furniture maker, Graphic
designer, Hairdresser, Illustrator, Industrial designer, Information officer, Interior designer, Interpreter,
Interviewer, Jewellery maker, Journalist, Jockey, landscape architect, Language teacher, Liberal studies
teacher, Librarian, Library assistant, Linguist, Literary agent, Literary critic, Maitre d’, Makeup artist,
Market gardener, Market researcher, Marketing manager, Masseur/Masseuse, Medical illustrator,
Medical secretary, Merchandiser, Milliner, Minister of religion, Model (fashion), Model maker, Museum
assistant, Music therapist, Musician, Nanny, Nature conservancy warden, Novelist, Nursery nurse,
Occupational therapist, Osteopath, Outplacement consultant, Pattern cutter, Philosopher, Photographer,
Physiotherapist, Piano teacher, Piano tuner, Picture framer, Plasterer , Picture framer, Play leader, Poet,
Poster designer, Potter, Press agent, Printer, Producer(films), Production manager, Psychiatric social
worker, Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst, Psychotherapist, Public relations executive, Publicity agent,
Publisher, Receptionist, Reflexologist, Renovator, Reporter, Restorer, Saddler, Sales trainer, Science
writer, Scriptwriter, Sculptor, Secretary/pa, Session musician, Set designer, Sign writer, Silversmith,
Social scientist, Social worker, Solicitor, Space salesperson, Speech therapist, Stage hand, Stage
manager, Stone mason, Studio assistant, Stunt performer, Tailor, Taxidermist, Teacher of art/craft,
Technical illustrator, Technical writer, Telephonist, Television production assistant, Thatcher, Theatre
administrator, Tiler, Toy maker, Tracer, Training officer, Translator, Travel agent, Upholsterer, Urban
planner, Vision mixer, Vocational counselor, Waiter/Waitress, Watch repairer, Window dresser, World
processor operator, Writer, Zoo keeper.

Actor, Aerobics instructor, Air hostess, Aromatherapist, Auctioneer, Baker, Ballet dancer,
Barperson, Beautician, Book critic, Broker, Car body designer, Caterer, Chef, Chimney sweep,
Choreographer, Clown, Computer game designer, Conference organizer, Counselor, Courier, Cultural
anthropologist, Currency trader, Dance instructor, Dancer, Demonstrator, Designer, Disc jockey, Display
artist, Drama teacher, Dresser(stage), Dressmaker, Editor(newspapers), Editorial cartoonist, English
language teacher, Engraver, Entertainments officer, Exhibition organizer, fashion buyer, Fashion
designer, Florist, Fly person(theater), Foreign correspondent, Foreign language teacher, Freelance
writer, Graphic designer, Hairdresser, Interior designer, Interpreter, Jewellery maker, Jockey, Journalist,
Language teacher, Leisure centre staff, Liberal studies teacher, Linguist, Literary critic, Maitre d’,
Makeup artist, Management consultant, Masseur/Masseuse, Mathematician, Medical representative,
Merchandiser, Merchant seaman, Milkman, Milliner, Model (fashion), Music producer, Music therapist,
Musician, Nanny, Negotiator, Novelist, Nurse, Nursery nurse, Oil rig worker, Optician (dispensing),
Personal trainer, Philosopher, Photographer, Physical education teacher, Physiotherapist, Piano tuner,
Picture framer, Plasterer , Play leader, Poet, Politician, Poster designer, Postman/woman, Potter, Press
agent, Production manager, Property negotiator, Psychiatric social worker, Psychoanalyst,
Psychotherapist Publican, Publicity agent, Purchasing manager, Racing car driver, Receptionist,
Recording engineer, Remedial teacher, Roofer, Renovator, Reporter, Restorer, Sailor, Sales executive,
sales trainer, Salesperson, Science teacher, Science writer, Scriptwriter, Sculptor, Session musician, Set
designer, Soldier, Space salesperson, Speech therapist, Sports coach, Sports official, Stage hand,
Stage manager, Stockbroker, Stone mason, Studio assistant, Stunt performer, Systems analyst, Tailor,
Teacher of art/craft, Technical representative, Telephonist, Television production assistant, Translator,
Transport manager, Turf accountant, Upholsterer, Waiter/Waitress, Window dresser, Writer, Zoologist.

Accident assessor, Accountant, Accounting technician, Actuary, Acupuncturist, Administrator,
Aeronautical engineer, Aeronautical technician, Agricultural mechanic, Agriculturalist, Air traffic controller,
Ambulance crew, Anaesthetist, Architect, Architectural technician, Archivist, Art restorer, Astronaut,
Atronomer, Auditor, Bank clerk, Bank manager, Biomedical engineer, Botanist, Bricklayer, Building
demolition expert, Building inspector, Building society assistant, Building society manager, Building
surveyor, Bursar, Cabinet maker, Cartographer, Cartoon animator, Cashier, CD-ROM producer, chemical
technician, Chemical technologist, chemist, Chiropodist, Cinema manager, Civil engineer, Civil servant,
clerk, Coastguard, Company secretary, Compositor, Computer animator, computer hardware designer,
Computer systems analyst, computer technician, Conservation officer, computer technician, Coroner,
Cost accountant, Court reporter, Criminologist, Cryptographer, Curator, Customer services manager,
Dental assistant, Dental hygienist, Dental nurse, Dental technician, Dentist, Dermatologist, Design
engineer, Dispensing optician, Diver, Doctor of medicine, Draughtsperson, Driver, Ecologist, Economist,
Editor, Electrical engineer, Electrician, Electronics engineer, Embalmer, Employment officer, Ecologist,
Economist, Editor, Electrical engineer, Electrician, Electronics engineer, Embalmer, Employment officer,
Engineering pattern maker, Engineering technician, Environmental health officer, Ergonomist, Estate
manager, Explosives expert, Farm manager, Financial analyst, Financial controller, Firefighter, Fisheries
officer, Flight attendant, Food hygiene inspector, Forensic pathologist, Forensic psychologist Fund
raiser, Funeral director, Furniture maker, Genealogist, Geneticist, Geochemist, Geologist, Grocer,
Ground person, Guard, Gunsmith, Health services administrator, Health visitor, Homeopath, Horologist,
Hospital physicist, Housing manager, Hydrographic surveyor, Hydrologist, Immunologist, Illustrator,
Industrial designer, Industrial nurse, Information scientist, Instrument and control engineer, Instrument
maker, Insurance adjuster, Insurance agent, Judge, Justices clerk, Laboratory technician, landscape
architect, Lawyer, Legal executive, Librarian, Library assistant, Lighting technician, Literary agent,
Locksmith, Locomotive engineer, Maintenance technician, Managing director, Marine biologist, Market
gardener, Market researcher, Marketing manager, Materials scientist, Mechanic, Mechanical engineer,
Medical records officer, Medical secretary, Mental nurse, Merchant seaman, Metallurgist, Meteorologist,
Microbiologist, Midwife, Miner, Marine biologist, Market gardener, Market researcher, Marketing
manager, Materials scientist, Mechanic, Mechanical engineer, Medical illustrator, Medical records officer,
Medical secretary, Mental nurse, Merchant seaman, Metallurgist, Meteorologist, Microbiologist, Midwife,
Miner, Model maker, Museum assistant, Nature conservancy warden, Navigating officer, Neurosurgeon,
Notary public ,Nuclear physicist, nutritionist, obstetricians, Occupational psychologist, Occupational
therapist, office cleaner, office machinery mechanic, Office manager, Operational researcher,
Ophthalmic optician, Organization and methods officer, Orthodontist, Orthoptist, Osteopath,
Outplacement consultant, Panel Beater, Paramedic, Patent agent, Patent examiner, Pathologist, Pattern
cutter, Pharmacist, Pharmacologist, Photographic technician, Physicist, Pilot(airplane), pilot(coastal),
Police officer, Post office clerk, Principal nursing officer, Printer, Prison officer, Probation officer,
Producer(films), Programmer, Prosthetics engineer, Psychiatrist, Public relations executive, Publisher,
Purser, Quality controller, Quality inspector, Quality surveyor, Radiographer, Railway guard, Quality
controller, Quality inspector, Quality surveyor, Radiographer, Rating valuation officer, Reflexologist,
Saddler, Scientific instrument maker, Secretary/pa, Securities analyst, Security officer, Shepherd, Quality
controller, Quality inspector, Quality surveyor, Radiographer, Rating valuation officer, Reflexologist,
Saddler, Scientific instrument maker, Secretary/pa, Securities analyst, Security officer, Shepherd,
Shipping and forwarding officer, Sign writer, Silversmith, Social worker, Solicitor, Sound engineer,
Statistician, Stock controller, Surgeon, Surveyor, Tax inspector, Taxidermist, Technical illustrator,
Technical writer, Television engineer, Telecommunications engineer, Thatcher, Theatre administrator,
Tiler, Tool maker, Toy maker, Tracer, Traffic warden, Train driver, Training officer, Travel agent, Truck
driver, Umpire, Underwriter, Union negotiator, Urban planner, Veterinary nurse, Veterinary surgeon,
Vision mixer, Watch repairer, Welder, Word processor officer, Work study officer.
Accountant, Advertising executive, Aerobics instructor, Antique dealer, Architect, Armed forces
officer, Art dealer, Auctioneer, Bank manager, Barrister, Book seller, Broker, Business consultant, Buyer,
Caterer, CD-ROM producer, Chef, Chief executive, Cinema manager, Club manager, Commercial
account manager, Conference organizer, Criminologist, Cruise director, Currency trader, Customs
officer, Demonstrator, Dentist, Director(media), Disc jockey, Drama teacher, , Drycleaner,
Editor(newspaper), Currency trader, Customs officer, Demonstrator, Dentist, Director(media), Disc
jockey, Drama teacher, Drycleaner, Editor(newspaper), Estate agent, Currency trader, Customs officer,
Demonstrator, Dentist, Director(media), Disc jockey, Drama teacher, , Drycleaner,
Editor(newspaper),Estate agent, Estate manager, Exhibition organizer, Farm manager, Fashion buyer,
Financial controller, Foreign correspondent, Fund raiser, Funeral director, Golf professional, Grocer,
Head teacher, Hotel manager, Human resources manager, Importer/exporter, Industrial relations officer,
Information officer, Insurance agent, Interviewer, Journalist, Jockey, Judge, Lawyer, Literary agent,
Literary critic, Maitre d’, Management consultant, Managing director, Market researcher, Marketing
manager, Medical representative, Merchandiser Midwife, Minister of religion, Music producer, Negotiator,
Occupational psychologist, Office manager, Optician (dispensing), Osteopath, Outplacement consultant,
Patent agent, Personal trainer, Pharmacist, Physical education teacher, Police officer, Political agent,
Politician, Press agent, Principal nursing officer, Producer(films), Production manager, Property
negotiator, Psychiatric social worker, Public relations executive, Publican, Publicity agent, Publisher,
Purchasing manager, Quality inspector, Racing car driver, Railway guard, Reporter, Retail manager,
Sales executive, Sales manager, Sales trainer, salesperson, Sculptor, Social worker, Space
salesperson, Sports coach, Stage manager, Stunt performer, Technical representive, Turf accountant,
Umpire, Union negotiator, Work study officer,

Accounting technician, Acupuncturist, Aeronautical technician, Agricultural mechanic,
Agricultural secretary, Air hostess, Air traffic controller, Ambulance crew, Anaesthetist, Animal keeper,
animal nurse, Appliance repairer, Arborist, Aromatherapist, Architectural technician, Archivist, Art
restorer, Art therapist, Astronaut, Atronomer, Audiology technician, Auditor, Automobile technician,
Bacteriologist, Baker, Ballet dancer, Bank clerk, Barperson, Bicycle repairer, Bilingual secretary,
Biologist, Biomedical engineer, Blacksmith/Farrier, Boat builder, Bookbinder, Book illustrator, Botanist,
Bricklayer, Building demolition expert, Building inspector, Building society assistant, Building surveyor,
Bursar, Bus driver, Cabinet maker, Camera repairer, careers adviser, Carpenter Cartographer, Cartoon
animator, Cashier, , chemical technician Chemical technologist, Child care worker, Chimney sweep,
Chiropodist, clerk Clinical psychologist Clown, Coastguard, College admissions counsellor, Community
social worker, Community warden, Company secretary, Compositor , Computer game designer,
computer technician, Confectioner, Conservation officer, Coroner, Cost accountant, Counselor,
Cryptographer, Cultural anthropologist, Curator, Customer services manager, Company secretary,
Compositor , Computer game designer, computer technician, Confectioner, Conservation officer,
Coroner, Cost accountant, Counselor, Cryptographer, Cultural anthropologist, Curator, Customer
services manager, Deaf interpreter, Dental assistant, Dental hygienist, Dental nurse, Dental technician
Dermatologist, Dietician, Display artist, Diver, Doctor of medicine, Draughtsperson, Dresser(stage),
Dressmaker, Driver, Drug and alcohol counselor Ecologist, Editor, Editorial cartoonist, Education
psychologist, Elementary school teacher , Embalmer, Engineering pattern maker English language
teacher Engraver, Equestrian, Ergonomist, Farm worker, Fashion designer, Film projectionist, Financial
analyst, Fitter, Flight attendant, Florist, Fly Person(theatre), Food hygiene inspector, Foreign language
teacher, Forensic pathologist, Forensic psychologist, Forensic scientist, Forester, Freelance writer,
Furniture maker, Gamemaker, Gardener, Genealogist, Geochemist, Geologist, Glassblower, Glazier,
Graphic designer, Ground person, Gunsmith, Health visitor, Historian, Homeopath, Horologist,
Horticulturalist, Hospital physicist, Hospital porter, House parent, Housing manager, Hydrologist,
Immunologist, Industrial nurse, ,Information scientist, Instrument and control engineer, Instrument
maker, Interpreter, Jewellery maker, Joiner, landscape architect, Language teacher, Legal executive,
Librarian, Library assistant, Lighthouse keeper, Lighting technician, Linguist, Lock keeper, Locomotive
engineer, Lorry driver, Maintenance technician, Marine biologist, Masseur/masseuse, Mechanic,
Medical illustrator, Medical secretary, Mental nurse, Merchant seaman, Meteorologist, Milkman Miller,
Milliner, Miner, Model maker, Museum assistant, Music therapist, Nanny, Navigating officer, Notary
public , Nurse, Nursery nurse, nutritionist, Occupational therapist, office cleaner, office machinery
mechanic, Oil rig worker, Ophthalmic optician, Orthodontist, Orthoptist, Patent examiner, Pattern cutter,
Pharmacologist, Photographer, Photographic technician, Physicist, Physiotherapist, Piano teacher,
Pilot(airplane), Play leader, Poet, Politician, Poster designer, Postman/woman, Post office clerk, Potter,
Printer, Prison officer, Probation officer, Programmer, Prosthetics engineer, Psychiatrist Psychoanalyst,
Psychologist, Politician, Poster designer, Postman/woman, Post office clerk, Potter, Printer, Prison
officer, Probation officer, Programmer, Prosthetics engineer, Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst,
Psychotherapist, Purser, Quality surveyor, Radiographer, Receptionist, Recording engineer,
Reflexologist, Remedial teacher, Renovator, Restorer, Retail assistant, Retail manager, Roofer, Saddler,
Sailor, Science teacher, Science writer, Scientific instrument maker, Secretary/pa, Security officer,
Session musician, Set designer, Shepherd, Sign writer, Silversmith, Social scientist, Soldier, Solicitor,
Speech therapist, Sports official, Stage hand, Statistician, Stock controller, Stone mason, Studio
assistant, Surgeon, Surveyor, Tax inspector, Taxi driver, Teacher, Teacher of art/craft, Teacher of
handicapped, Technical writer, Technical illustrator, Telecommunications engineer, Telephonist,
Television engineer, Television production assistant, Thatcher, Tiler, Tool maker, Tracer, Traffic warden
Train driver, Training officer, Translator, Truck driver, Underwriter Upholsterer, Urban planner, Veterinary
nurse, Vision mixer, Vocational counselor, Waiter/Waitress, Watch repairer , Window dresser, Word
processor officer, Youth worker, Zoologist.

Advertising executive, Aerobics instructor, Air hostess, Aromatherapist, Armed forces officer,
Armed forces personnel Arts administrator, Bank manager, Barperson, Beautician, Building society
manager, Caterer, Child care worker, Cinema manager, Club manager, Community social worker,
Community warden, Conference organizer, Counselor, Cruise director, Currency trader, Customer
services manager, Dance instructor, Director(media), Drama teacher, Editor(newspaper), Estate agent,
Exhibition organizer, Flight attendant, Fund riser, Gamekeeper, Golf professional, , Hairdresser, Head
teacher, Hostel warden, Hotel manager, , House parent, Information officer, Leisure centre staff,
Linguist, Maitre d’, Management consultant, Managing director, Mental nurse, Midwife, Miner , Nurse,
Outplacement consultant, , Personal trainer, Physical education teacher, Play leader, Political agent,
Press agent, Principal nursing officer, Producer(films), Production manager, Public relations executive,
Publican, Publicity agent, , Receptionist, , Retail assistant, Retail manager, Sales manager, Sports
coach, Teacher, Theatre administrator, Youth worker.

Air traffic controller, Anaesthetist, Animal keeper, Animal nurse, Anthropologist, Appliance
repairer, Arborist, Architect, Architectural technician, Archivist, Art restorer, Art therapist, Artist,
Atronomer, Auctioneer, Audiology technician, Auditor, Author, Automobile technician, Bacteriologist,
Baggage, Baker, , Bicycle repairer, Bacteriologist, Baker, Ballet dancer, Bank clerk, Barperson, Bilingual
secretary, Biologist, Biomedical engineer, Blacksmith/Farrier, Boat builder, Bookbinder, Book critic, Book
illustrator, Botanist, Bricklayer, Building demolition expert, Building inspector, Building surveyor, Bus
driver, Cabinet maker, Camera repairer, Carpenter Cartographer, Cartoon animator, Chef, chemical
technician Chemical technologist, chemist, Chimney sweep, Chiropodist, Comic illustrator, Company
secretary, Compositor , Computer game designer, Computer systems analyst, computer technician,
Conservation officer, Copywriter, Courier, Court reporter, Crane operator , Cryptographer, Cultural
anthropologist, Curator, Customs officer Decorator, Demonstrator Dental technician, Dermatologist,
Designer, Dietician, Dispensing optician, Diver, Draughtsperson, Dresser(stage), Dressmaker, Driver,
Education psychologist, Electrician, Electronics engineer, Embalmer, Engineering pattern maker,
Engraver, Environmental health officer, Ergonomist, Explosives expert, Farmer, Farm worker, Film
projectionist, Film reviewer, Financial analyst, Firefighter, Fisher man, Foreign correspondent, Forensic
pathologist, Forensic psychologist, Forensic scientist, Forester, Freelance writer, Furniture maker,
Gardener, Genealogist, Geneticist, Geochemist, Geologist, Glassblower, Graphic designer, Ground
person, Guard, Gunsmith, Heating engineer, Historian, Horologist, Horticulturalist, Hydrographic
surveyor, Hydrologist, Illustrator, Information scientist, Instrument and control engineer, Insurance agent,
Interpreter, Jewellery maker, Joiner, Justices clerk, landscape architect, Librarian, Library assistant,
Lighthouse keeper, Lighting technician, Lock keeper, Locksmith, Locomotive engineer, Machinist,
Mechanic, Medical illustrator, Medical representative, Meteorologist, Microbiologist, Milliner, Minister of
religion, Model maker, Nature conservancy warden, Novelist, Nutritionist, Occupational therapist, office
cleaner, office machinery mechanic, Operational researcher, Ophthalmic optician, Osteopath, Panel
Beater, Patent examiner, Pharmacologist, Philosopher, Photographer, Photographic technician,
Physicist, Physiotherapist, Piano tuner, Picture framer, Pilot(airplane), Plasterer , Plumber, Police dog
handler, Poet, Poster designer, Postman/woman, Potter, Printer, Programmer, Prosthetics engineer,
Roofer, Saddler, Science writer, Scientific instrument maker, Scriptwriter, Sculptor, Securities analyst,
Security officer, Set designer, Shepherd, Sign writer, Silversmith, Sound engineer, Space salesperson,
Speech therapist, Sports official, Stage hand, Statistician, Stock controller, Stone mason, Stunt
performer, Surgeon, Surveyor, Tailor, Tax inspector, Taxi driver, Taxidermist, Teacher of art/craft,
Technical illustrator, Technical representive, Technical writer, Telecommunications engineer, Telephonist,
Television engineer, Thatcher, Tiler, Tool maker, Traffic warden Train driver, Translator, Truck driver,
Umpire, Upholsterer, Watch repairer , Work study
officer, Writer, Zoo keeper.

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