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Post Liberalization Strategies of State Bank of India

The State Bank of India is a government owned bank which is one of the Big Four names in Indian banking besides ICICI, PNB and Bank of Baroda. It is a behemoth in the Indian banking sector with 20 % market share in deposits and loans. Post liberalization SBI faced major challenges from the upcoming private sector entrants with their customer-centric focus and aggressive expansion strategies. SBI had to re-think and revamp all its strategies in order to pose a credible threat and save its eroding market share. The aim of the study will be to examine the strategy followed by SBI to make revamp its image as a customer friendly bank and to introduce innovation in its workforce and offerings in order to match upto its more nimble competitors. It will explore why SBI lost its market leadership and explore the overall context in which a market leader can see erosion in its market share. It will examine what effects the change in market structure had on SBI and key elements of the restructuring initiatives taken by SBI in response to it. It will also examine the role technology played as a differentiator in the banking industry era and how players used it as a competitive advantage.

Sources : State Bank of India: Competitive Strategies of a Market Leader : ICMR Journal

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