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Case 5 The Decision Making Process for Buying a Bicycle 1.

Outline the decision making process for each of the Sanchezs bicycle purchases.

Step 1 Identifying/clarifying the decision to be made. If the conclusion has not yet been isolated, it should be identified as a first step. Occasionally the decision to be made will have been offered to the conclusion maker.

Step 2 recognizing possible conclusion options. The next step requires the conclusion manufacturer to magic charm out, as clearly as possible, just what the conclusion alternatives really are. To purchase a two wheeler, do the conclusion choices only comprise of the distinct types of bicycles, or is another choice to refrain from buying a bicycle entirely.

Step 3 Gathering/processing data. Next, the conclusion maker collects or methods information that can help guide the conclusion. If such data is currently at hand, then it simply needs to be processed; that is, investigated and understood by the decision manufacturer. If there is no applicable data accessible, or if there is insufficient data, then such data must be collected so it can be processed. The more important the decision the more rigorous is the information-gathering method.

Step 4 Making/implementing the decision. After the data has been advised according to its relevance and implication, a conclusion founded on that information should be made and, then, applied.

Step 5 assessing the decision In recognition of the fact that not all of one's conclusions are expected to be defensible, the last step in the five-step conclusion making method is to work out if the conclusion was befitting. Ordinarily, this will be done by ascertaining the decision's penalties.

2. Compare the different purchase process for the three bikes. What stimulated each of them? What factors were considered in making the store choice decisions and purchase decisions?
First Method: For Nadia No experience of former purchasing. desire to purchase cheapest two wheeler No preferences for emblem. Internet as source of data No salesperson break

Second Method:

Have prior know-how of buying. Demeanor of individual utilizing is advised for taking buy conclusion Salesperson impel for the buy of two wheeler Sale on diverse stores.

Third Method:

conclusion influenced by salesperson check drive No former experience and need of product

3. Go to the student site of the Online Learning Centre (OLC), and click on the multi attribute model. Construct a multi attribute model for each purchase decision. How do the attributes considered and importance weights vary for each decision?

1. Multi attribute model.

The attributes of bicycles are given below: Attribute: Sporty Styling Good Handling/Ride Expensive Sturdy Low Repair Frequency Use the numbers from the following scale to evaluate each characteristic of Bicycle. Extremely Moderately Extremely Good Good +3 +2 Slightly Good +1 Neutral Bad -1 Bad -2 Slightly Bad -3 Moderately

Evaluation of the attribute as being good or bad, which represent ei

Attribute Sporty Styling Good Handling/Ride

Rating (ei) +3 +3

Expensive Sturdy Low Repair Frequency

-1 +2 +3

Rating of three brands of interest to determine whether the each brand possesses each attribute (the bi). Use the following scale to how likely it is that bicycle brand possesses the characteristic.

Extremely Extremely Likely +3

Moderately Likely +2

Slightly Likely +1



Moderately Unlikely Unlikely -3 Jorges bike +3 +3 -1 +3 +3

Unlikely -1


Attribute Sporty Styling Good Handling/Ride Expensive Sturdy Low Repair Frequency

Nadias Bicycle +1 +2 -3 +1 +3

Miguels bike +2 +2 0 +2 +3

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