DNS Isilon

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Configure the CIFS connection criteria

Step 2: Configure the Windows DNS Server for the CIFS Setup
Have your customer navigate to their Windows Server DNS configuration.

Configure the CIFS A Record criteria

Select New Host (A or AAAA) to create an A record.

Enter in a host name. Here I used student1 and entered in the SmartConnect Service I . lease use SSI instead of !I when discussing this with customers and "artners as this is the correct terminology.

Clic# the Add Host $utton to save this new record.

A confirmation dialog a""ears. Clic# the OK $utton to clear the confirmation dialog. Clic# the Done $utton to clear the create a record dialog.

As you can see a$ove% the new A record has $een registered into DNS. Ne&t we need to create the Delegation 'ecord.

Configure the CIFS NS record criteria

'ight clic# in the shite s"ace and select New Delegation and the New Delegation Wi(ard a""ears. Clic# the Next> $utton and enter CI)S in the Delegated Domain* te&t $o& as shown $elow.

Clic# the Next> $utton to continue the "rocess. In the Name Server dialog ty"e in the CI)S delegation. +ou see the fully ,ualified domain name -).DN/ a""ear.

Clic# the Add $utton to Add the fully ,ualified A record $y it0s ).DN.

Clic# the Resolve to resolve the SmartConnect Service I address $ac# to the cluster.

+ou may see an un#nown error a""ear. +ou may continue. 1nce the I resolves clic# the Next> $utton. Clic# the Finish $utton to com"lete the NS Delegation 'ecord. When you clic# the CI)S record you should see something li#e the ne&t screen.

And $y dou$le clic#ing the record the following screen a""ears.

Now you are ready to "erform the $ig test% to see if the delegation configuration wor#ed. When

you "erform the nsloo#u" for cifs.la$1.training.isilon.com you see the following*

1ne can also "erform the reverse nsloo#u" on the I address to loo# at name resolution.

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