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KFC is the biggest fast-food chain specialized in chicken as the basic raw materials to be processes in the various ways of servings. KFC was discovered by Colonel Harland Sanders as the father of KFC who established KFC in Louisvielle, Kentucky, United States,1930. Initially, KFC was become very populous during that time because of the distinguished taste and recipes used in cooking the chicken of KFC. Colonel Harland Sanders reached his popularity as celebrities in 1952 when he he decided to make franchising marketing strategy around United States during that time. By the early of 1960s, he started to open up the franchising branches all around the world to be available for the globalized society.

Nowadays, KFC has more than 17,000 outlets around the world. The most populous thingfrom KFC is its ingredient and recipes which were created by Colonel Harland Sanders. Most of the people named it the secret eleven herbs and spices to make KFC become different and unique from other fast-food products. The other famous and well known products which are offered by KFC such as twister chickens, hamburgers, salads, juices, carbonated soft drinks, french fries, beverages and other fast-foods products leverages. Source: KFC Malaysia Official Website. ( The first KFC restaurant in Malaysia was established in 1st January in 1973. Nowadays, there are approximately more than 500 KFCs outlets have been established in Malaysia. In addition, the KFCs Malaysia is become more distinctive toward their continuous development in term of product innovations which comply with local taste, such as KFCs Malaysian nugget, KFCs Nasi Dagang and Nasi Minyak as well as other local products. Furthermore, as known that Malaysia is Islamic State based country which all of the foods and goods must comply with Islamic Shariah Law. Malaysia is strictly toward the quality management and Halal policy presence in KFCs Malaysia. Herewith, there are some strategies which the KFCs local quality managers have done in order to assure their food quality and product quality control as well as their Halal guaranteed products and services.


Quality control is a process through which a business seeks to ensure that product quality is maintained or improved and manufacturing errors are reduced or eliminated. Quality control requires the business to create an environment in which both management and employees strive for perfection. This is done by training personnel, creating benchmarks for product quality, and testing products to check for statistically significant variations.

KFC Quality control is started from the chain of supply of all the raw materials whether the raw materials can be taken from local manufactured resources and imported manufactured resources. There are several prominent and essential programs of quality control and quality assurance which are conducted by KFC to assure their quality to be the top quality of first fast-food chained in global scale especially in Malaysia. Several major prominent of quality assurance in KFC World and Malaysia are explained and elaborated as follows:

Source: Quality Assurance (Pearson,2012)and KFC Malaysia Official Site (


Nutritional Quality- Cleanliness Quality- Raw Materials Quality- Utensils used Quality- Compliance with


In house inspections and control- Raw Materials from Ayamas Quality- Compliance with JAKIMVeterniarian Health Logo- ISO 9001


Concept of Resto Quality- Cleanliness of Sanitation and Facility- Friendliness in Service ManagementPersonal Hygyene and Equipment- Maintainance and Convenience Food Safety Control KFC HACCP Program- Food Hazard


Physical, Biological and Chemical Aspect Controlling- Critical Control Point Analysis- KFC Daily operation checklist

Gold Standard Quality

At KFC, we are committed to Gold Standard Quality which guarantees our finger lickin' good food. Which is why we only use the best suppliers who follow strict codes of practice on food safety, quality and halal procedures plus they are regularly audited by independent experts.

Every day, millions of people enjoy KFC, so we think you have the right to know about our chicken. Thats why the only thing we keep secret is our recipe.


We at KFC only select the very best halal compliant suppliers and work in partnership with them through long-term contracts. We NEVER buy from unapproved sources.


Our chickens all have a unique supplier code, batch number and best before date, to ensure that we can trace every single one at every stage of its journey, from farm to restaurant

Selecting the Best

We select only the finest quality, perfectly aged chicken and only choose the prime cuts. Add on our secret recipe coating and signature marinades, and youve got the irresistible taste our customers love and our competitors just cant beat.


All our KFC Original Recipe and Hot & Spicy products are freshly breaded in-store using our unique blend of 11 herbs and spices or special blend of hot spices just one reason why it takes up to 8 weeks to train our cooks. Practicing the strictest standards of hygiene and food safety in our stores; you can be sure that every product you eat at KFC has been thoroughly cooked and is safe for consumption.


At KFC, we pride ourselves on serving great tasting food. Every single one of our products has a clearly defined holding period, after which we throw it away.

Every restaurant is checked out by trained inspectors at least every 12 weeks, and mystery diners evaluate product quality and service in each restaurant every 4 weeks.

It means we constantly make sure that every single meal we serve tastes as irresistible as it should be. So enjoy!

What is Halal Food?

Halal food is food that complies with Islamic Law or Shariah. Halal stipulates that food consumed to be: Derived from animals that are permissible and slaughtered according to Islamic Law. Free from any forbidden parts of animal origin Free from anything regarded as filth under Islamic law Hygienic Not harmful to health

Imported Products

All imported products are certified Halal by the Islamic authorities in the source country in order to meet and comply with the legislation of the Islamic countries where only Halal products are permitted for import.

Our Guarantee

Committed to serving high quality and Halal food to our consumers, at KFC we guarantee all products served at our stores in the Middle East and North Africa are 100% Halal, inspected and approved by local authorities and Islamic authorities at the countries of export.

Raw Materials

All raw materials supplier are required to submit a statutory declaration to confirm that they comply with Halal requirements in relation to the manufacturing process, storage and transportation of product supplied.

Locally Manufactured Products

To ensure that all our products conform to Halal requirements, apart from obtaining Halal Certificate for its operational premises, we operate stringent internal controls ourselves over raw materials procurement, manufacturing, packaging, storage, transportation and utensils.


Halal Food Fundamentals in KFC

Halal Food is food which is essentially and tangibly complies with the Islamic Shariah Law. Halal means that the food which will be eaten and consumed are fulfilling this main characteristics and requirement as follows: (1) Hygienic (2) Clean (3) Not Dangerous and Harmful for Health and Body (4) Free from the prohibited parts of animal body parts such as fang, and other stated in Shariah (5) Free from anything which are considered as filth (najis)under Islamic Law. As known that the main cornerstone of Halal Food in KFC is that the chickens or chick raw materials which are sent by the certified poultry or farming must comply and perform the Islamic Law. It means that the farming centres have to slaughter and managethose raw materials based on the Islamic law. They can not mix their foods with the pig and other forbidden animal as well as animal parts in managing the raw materials to be finished products which will be consumed by the consumers, especially is Islamic country such as in Malaysia, Indonesia and other Islamic countries in Arab Peninsular.

Halal Compliance Control in Local Manufactured Materials and Products

As we know that all of the food and material products which are manufactured and sold in Malaysia are Halal as well as controlled by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia(JAKIM). JAKIM Malaysia issues one council which regulates about the halal products and foods presence in Malaysia. The council is called QSR Brands Shariah Advisory council which strictly and stringently monitors the overall flow and chain of halal food and product manufacturing processes to assure and ensure the Halal compliance with JAKIMs Halal Certification Regulation. There are two divisions of manufactured products which are regulated by Malaysia as well as regulated in KFC. Even, we known that KFC is considered as multinational franchising company which is coming from United States as non Islamic based country. The two division

The Halal Certification Process - Locally-Manufactured Products by JAKIM

Halal Compliance Control in KFCs Manufactured Imported Products

Furthermore, all imported products are certified Halal by the source country local Islamic food and nutrition certification body recognised by JAKIM. To further verify the Halal status of KFC imported products, officials from QSR Brands Shariah Advisory Council, inspect the facilities of all KFCs suppliers abroad.

1) QSR Brands develop product using only halal ingredients by Syariah Advisory QSR Brand sapplies to JAKIM for halal assurance certification Jakim Inspectsthe KFC's products, facilities and layouts Jakim issues the Halal Certificate and Halal logoal lowed for KFC's

2) Received request to use products/ingredients which has been certified by Halal compliance body from the source country (ex: Australia Halal Councils) QSR Brand Shariah Council verifies product sand validates status of halal certifying body from source country with Jakim Shariah advisory council gives and grants permission to use proposed product or ingredients.


As known that quality management has played prominent role in the operation management. Dimension of quality management in KFC World as well as KFC Malaysia plays essential and prominent role to assure the quality of KFC to be ratified and endorses as qualified

as possible by the customers as well as their accreditors. There are such main dimensions of quality management in KFC which will be conveyed as follows:

1) The grading of materials and resources in KFC is complying with performance dimension as well as friendliness & courtersy of the sales personnel,officers, & waiters PERFORMANCE DIMENSION

2) The aesthetic dimension consist how the layout facility, outlets cleanliness, interior design as well as the food packaging in KFC AESTHETIC DIMENSION

3)The reliability includes the ability of KFC's machine to be reliable into certain periods (infrequency of breakdown) and the food services are well done by right people RELIABILITY DIMENSION

4) This is the most essential dimension for KFC's customer since this is tangibly measure the how well KFC's products & services conform with customer delight and expectations CONFORMANCE DIMENSION

5) KFC's Durability for their processing machine (frying machine, utensils, frozen materials) are very important to be kept, since it determines their quality of maintsining their capitals. DURABILITY DIMENSION

6) As known that KFC is ratified by ISO 9000 because their sustainable qualified quality of product and services which they provide. PERCEIVED QUALITY DIMENSION

7) KFC's is considered as fast handler of customer problem about the service as well as product complaints. (Such as a case happen edin KFC Penang2012 about customer miss understanding) SERVICEABILITY DIMENSION

8) The special features are mostly about KFC's additional product and services which are

offered by KFC in fixed or seasonal period Special FEATURES DIMENSION.


There are several related cost of quality which must be born and burdened by KFC in order to assure their quality management to well-arranged and well-organized. As known that the related cost of quality management also will be transferred and generated to be the tangible and intangible revenue stream of KFCs. Furthermore, those related costs of quality management will be known as below and elaborated through the smart art diagrams as below.

1) 2) 3) 4)

Prevention Cost. Appraisal Cost. Internal Failure Cost. External Failure Cost

Total Quality Planning of KFC Process Control and Inventory Planning Customer Assessment & Quality Improvement KFC's Quality Audit Cost Cost of Labor Inspection (Sudden or Structured) Testing and acceptance for purchased materials KFC's material procurement cost KFC's Reworking Cost KFC's Scrap Products Cost

Complaints out and in of warranty Product liability and service Cost Product recall and de


Instead of focusing in term of product quality measurement, KFC Service quality analysis also plays important role as the part of specialized quality management in KFC. There are five main factors of service quality analysis which are an alaysed in KFCs Malaysia quality management as follows:


Convenience Criteria

KFC Malaysia has become very populous and well known since 1980s. The outlets are mostly located in the strategic area where the customers can reach those outlets as well as possible. The KFCs outlets in Malaysia have reached the total number of approximately more than 500 outlets. The quality and outlets management have to collaborate contributively to achieve the global objective of KFC to be the first fast-food chain with ratified quality management and quality assurance in the world (Harland Sanders, 1968)


Responsiveness Criteria

The responsiveness of customer service is also considered as the essential and prominent point to succeed the incremental growth of service quality in KFC. As known that KFC World and KFC Malaysia customer service officers are trained to be responsive by the demand and order from the prospective customer. The KFC Malaysia applies the strategy of responsive and chained fast service to serve their customer s. Moreover, we have understood that almost KFCs outlets in Malaysia are always crowded with the people who want to satisfy their wants of eating KFC products. The KFC service quality managers have to assure that the customers are not waiting too long to get what they want in KFC.


Assurance Criteria

The assurance criteria is also considered as essential determinants which customer take into the account. Assurance criteria measures how knowledgeable the customer service to take care of the customer needs as well as their problems.

4)Courtesy Criteria

KFC Malaysia envisages so well about the courtesy, ethics and politeness of their service personnel and officers to assure that their quality service is the best.

5)Tangibility Criteria

The tangibility of quality management is also prominent point which KFC has to consider. The tangibility of quality can be measured through the cleanliness of outlets, the neatness of officers and service personnel and the time service order which they can give to their customers as well as possible

Products Quality & Food Safety Analysis

KFC took their products well above the minimum temperature recommended by WHO. KFC has developed standards procedure that would minimize risk of cross contamination between raw and products that ready to eat. KFC provide information on the nutritional values of KFC products to assist customers on planning a whole some and balanced meal.

For trying all of their products, they use non-hydrogenated palm oil that contains insignificant amount of trans fat and it is 100% cholesterol free. KFC also have a team of food technologist constantly experimenting with new flavors and creative concepts to provide more value, choices and healthy options for our customers. Apart from introducing international products into our market, KFC also have developed some popular local flavors designed to enables customers to enjoy an exciting dining experience.

Supplier Quality

Suppliers' performances are constantly monitored through regular submission of quality reports. In addition, KFC food technologists also conduct quarterly question and answer evaluations on their in-house suppliers. KFC use top quality raw materials from reputable suppliers like Ayamas Region Food. Ayamas is monitored closely by Department of Veterinary Service and has obtained the VHM (Veterinary Health Mark) Logo. It is also an ISO 9001 certificated company. All Ayamas chickens are slaughtered by personal certified by Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor to ensure Halal procedures are met.

Restaurant Quality

The main attributes for KFC restaurant excellence are CHAMPS. C - Cleanliness

H - Hospitality A - Accuracy M - Maintenance P - Product Quality S - Speed of Service We have a field service team of QA personnel (also known as CHAMPS Recognition Specialist) to conduct regular evaluations in every KFC restaurants throughout the country. The evaluation covers all aspects of CHAMPS including the cleanliness and sanitation of the premises and equipment, personal hygiene, hospitality/friendliness in service, accuracy in the serving order, good maintenance, product quality standards and speed of service. Above all, we follow strict temperature control and shelf life to ensure the food served to our customers is fresh and safe. We have a Mystery Customer Program known as CHAMPSCHECK which evaluates customers experience in our KFC restaurants. We have appointed a reputable surveillance company to check against the CHAMPS concept. Every restaurant is subjected to a visit by a Mystery Customer and the dine-in / take-away experience is evaluated and scored. KFC sets a minimum standard of 90% as passing score for this evaluation. Feedbacks taken from this evaluation is used and studied for continuous improvement in our restaurants. The main attributes for KFC restaurant excellence are CHAMPS. C for cleanliness, H for hospitality, A for accuracy, M for maintenance, P for product quality and S for speed of service. CHAMPS Recognition Specialist conduct regular evaluations in every KFC restaurants throughout the country. The evaluation covers all aspects of CHAMPS including the cleanliness and sanitation of the premises and equipment, personal hygiene, hospitality as well as the friendliness in service, accuracy in the serving order, good maintenance, product quality standards and speed of service.

Food Safety Quality in KFC HACCP Programme

KFC established a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Programme for assurance of food safety. The process includes identifying, evaluating and controlling hazards physical, biological and chemical to ensure food safety. It is applied from receiving of raw materialsuntil serving to our customers. For instance, KFC KLCC has been audited the certified by a reputable certification body since 2005. All the established Critical Control Point (CCPs) are now

includes in KFC Daily Operations Checklist which is used by all the KFC restaurants in the country. KFC is the largest fast-food chain in Malaysia and Brunei, serving world famous Original Recipe fried chicken which contains secret blend of 11 herbs and spices. Apart from serving fingerlicking good food, we continuously aim for high quality and are committed to ensure food safety by stringent control to maintain our standards. Our Products We cook our products well above the minimum temperature recommended by WHO. We have developed standard procedure that would minimize risk of cross contamination between raw and ready-to-eat products.

We provide information on the nutritional values of KFC products to assist our customers in planning a wholesome and balanced meal. For frying all of our products, we use non-hydrogenated palm oil that contains insignificant amount of trans fat and it is 100% cholesterol free. We have a team of food technologists constantly experimenting with new flavors and creative concepts to provide more value, choices and healthy options for our customers. Apart from introducing international products into our market, we have also developed some popular local flavors designed to enable our customers to enjoy an exciting dining experience. Quality control begins from the supply of all the raw materials. We conduct an annual supplier audit, namely the STAR Audit, which is a YUM proprietary programme, similar in many ways to the ISO approach. The STAR Audit comprises two versions; the Food Safety and the Quality Systems Audits. The STAR Audit is either conducted by a third party international auditing company appointed by YUM or our very own team of professional food technologists from the KFC Quality Assurance Department. Food safety Food Safety Management is an ever diverse and changing dimension of your company. More and more departments are contributing to this function in your operations, creating more data than most can reasonably analyze and process. So how can you effectively and efficiently automate your food safety program to achieve better oversight via real-time information, better results, and better safety assurance? There has been also an abundance of food safety standards in the world, and variation between standards, their implementation and auditing. With the success that the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) has with harmonization of standards, it was logical that they take on this issue with the development of an ISO Food Safety Standard. The

standard, ISO 22000 was released in 2005. Since its release it has been successfully implemented in hundreds of companies around the world. The ISO 22000 Standard can be applied to any organization in the food chain, from the farm to the food packaging producer. However, the food safety landscape is rapidly changing. Public scrutiny has increased and other organizations and regulations such as the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), International Food Standard (IFS), Safe Quality Food (SQF), BRC, and FSSC 22000 are in place. In the past, your paper-based or hybrid system may have been good enough, but today's regulatory environment demands more. It's time to dig deeper into your internal quality and compliance processes. Is your existing food safety system efficient and effective? Can it handle these new requirements? Soft Expert SE Suite ease your food safety management. It leads you through creating a comprehensive food safety plan with the knowledge and procedures needed to do the job right. The main related disciplines are completely covered by Soft Expert Suite components, including supplier management, procedures/policies, process management, CAPA management, indicator/control monitoring, audits, and more. The complete scenario for your food safety system

The main important safety of food such as ,,,, The secret with good food safety is easy access for sanitation. The design of the IQF OctoFrost is extremely open and easy to clean. Product bed and sides can easily be removed from the extreme ends for sanitation. When product beds are removed the access to the inside of the freezer for sanitation is extremely easy. In addition there is no belt, belt support or drives that hinders the cleaning process. The freezer is designed with hygiene in mind. Surfaces are sloping to facilitate the drainage of water. The rear part of the freezer is easy to open for easy access to the coil. The freezer is made of stainless steel, plastic and aluminium. Washing is fast, easy and without hurdles. It is easy to check that your freezer really becomes clean. Thus, the risk of cross contamination is eliminated.

Please read more

Innovative, easy to clean iqf freezer

Dedicated sanitation crew clean the OctoFrost

Bedplates are cleaned outside the freezer

Panel house built as mono block Two Octo Frost being prepared for another 22 hours run


KFC outlets prepare and sell chicken, snack and other approved menu items using the certain trademarks and trade secrets owned by KFC Corporation. The franchisor is KFC Corporation whose parent is YUM! Brand Incorporation.

Quality System Management.

The licensee will operate a KFC Malaysia and Global outlets, which are characterized by a unique system which includes special recipes and menu items, distinctive design, also have unique decoration and furnishing. KFC has specifications and procedures for operation procedures as well as for quality control like training and assistance, advertising and promotional program.

Training and Assistance

The franchisee, manager and the other employees indicated by KFC must attend and complete to KFC's satisfaction the initial training program offered by KFC on the operation of a KFC outlet. So, employees of KFC must attend and complete the training program to KFC's

satisfaction. In certain training, there may include written material and classroom instruction. Service Aspect: Statistics have shown that every order takes 5 minutes to register and another 15minutes before its carried on to the consumer while the competitors take 4.5 minutes to take the order to the customer. Staff faces much problem in understanding and providing a basic order within the time limit of what is considered appropriate.

Also, many guests have complained regarding the impolite and in hospitable manner of the staff and the time taken to serve the guest when the order is not as asked or gets late. The staff is known to show a helpless attitude towards the regular guest problems. With the lack of passion for serving KFC management has a lot to work upon which must be enforced on following. Manager does not take appropriate measure to win over the customer in case a customer issue a rises.

Food Quality: Poor food quality can have disastrous results. Exorbitant costs of recalls and even the loss of human life has taken food quality to a whole new level of assurance. Food companies need to comply with innumerous regulatory quality requirements and keep up with a tight budget while preventing quality issues. As the challenges of producing safe and reliable consumer products rise, food and beverage industry needs to improve quality management to its maximum. A quality system that can meet the unique requirements of food quality allows organizations to not just comply with regulations, but also gives them the right tools to succeed in any food manufacturing environment. Soft Expert Suite is an integrated management software system that addresses the specific needs of food quality management, providing a framework of modular resources that automates and streamlines food quality processes. Soft Expert's range of components are fully integrated to deliver a best-in-class Food and Quality solution, from CAPA management to statistical process control and document management. Soft Expert Suite links business strategy to food quality issues, cause analysis and CAPA. It will effectively manage quality and compliance processes through process mapping and automation,

complaint handling, audit management, performance indicators, and more while improving customer satisfaction and reducing management costs. As per the Quality assurance guide on the KFC page, KFC has been ethically aware and health conscious when it comes to setting its food menu in Malaysia. They have arranged a balanced regime offering salads and rice with snack plates and 100 plus kinds of drinks rather than high carbonated soft drinks.

However, with increased awareness regarding healthy food with least preservatives KFC often gets a demand for vegetarian or more health conscious products. There is an increasing demand for more purified oil and addition of more healthy variety to choose from. Delivery: With the tropical weather in the region and high traffic jams during peak hours KFC delivery struggles to keep up with the hindrances and deliver not just the product in time but high standards and goodwill with it. Pests: SSWith all standards satisfactorily maintained within the outlet and every measure taken to terminate pests there still have been a few cases reported regarding cockroaches. This is due to the external area around the outlet which however, affects KFCs reputation.


KFC is a profitable and a successful venture in Malaysia. It has been accepted and appreciated all over Malaysia due to which there are over 500 flourishing branches each doing commendable

business. Basic of the responsibilities of an organization is to make ensure that all their actions and business operations ad here to the ethical standards provided by the law. Other than strategies for marketing and management, businesses have considered other elements that play significant roles towards success. Any business requires social interaction and dealings, the strong recognition of what is morally right or wrong is then essential. The ultimate purpose of this analysis is to ascertain the quality aspect of the operations within KFC. Any organization that considers ethical management as a major aspect of conducting business can easily gain respect and good reputation from the customers. Contrary to the belief that social responsibility undermines businesses' profitability goal, this actually help in generating profit through customer loyalty and good company image. For Kentucky Fried Chicken, the company must be able to ensure that the products that they offer are healthy and nutritional, so as to ensure also that their gain customer trust, loyalty and respect. KFC must also give importance to the management issues to build a healthy atmosphere for their employees to work in ensuring best quality and excellent service.


Stevenson, W.J. Operations Management: An Asian Perspective, 2012. Jacobs, Chase, Aquilano.2012. Operations and Supply Management by Mc GrawHill, 2011Suri, Rajan (1998a), Quick Response Manufacturing. A Company wide Approach to Reducing Lead Times, Productivity Press. McGraw-Hill, 9th Edition 2010. Doherty, Jacqueline (12 May 2008).

Allen, S. (1986). The Experience of consumer behavior in digital marketing. Macmillan in association with British Marketing Sociological Association. Baharin, N., Y. Ishak & R. I. (2012). Factors Influencing Operation Management Applicationin Malaysia and ASEAN . Paper presented at the Prosiding Perkembangan Pengurusan danEkonomi Kebangsaan Malaysia ke VII, Kuala Lumpur.KFC Malaysia Official Site. KFC World Official Site


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